
Chapter 38

Chapter 38
Just when he was angrily secretly greeting Jun Moyin's eighteenth generation ancestors, Jun Moyin left and came back again!
"Here you go!" He threw a brand new set of men's clothes to Yin Xiaoxiao.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Jun Moyin who had turned back in astonishment, then looked at the clothes in his hands, and became convinced.It turns out that Jun Moyin went to beg for clothes for her!
With an inexplicable warmth in her heart, Yin Xiaoxiao stopped greeting her eighteen generations of ancestors, untied the clothes she was wearing, and handed them to Jun Moyin, "Hey, I'll give you back your clothes!"
Jun Mo introduced Yin Xiaoxiao and took off his coat like this, revealing the messy and broken clothes underneath and the snow-white jade skin. His eyes flickered, and he cursed in his heart that this woman was shameless.
In contrast, Yin Xiaoxiao didn't feel anything was wrong.After all, it doesn't change her nature as a modern person. As long as she has a bra and panties in front of men, she doesn't feel shy!
Jun Mo Yin watched Yin Xiaoxiao take off her broken coat in front of him, leaving only a close-fitting undergarment, revealing a large area of ​​delicate skin like gelatin, and her Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably.
"Gudong! Gudong!" He swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva and looked away.
After all, he is also a real man with strong blood. Facing a woman with scanty clothes, he doesn't show any evil thoughts. That's a lie!
"Hiss!" Yin Xiaoxiao was about to put on new clothes when he suddenly let out a low cry.
Jun Moyin had to turn his gaze to Yin Xiaoxiao again, "What's wrong?"
Yin Xiaoxiao bit her lip and complained: "It's not that damn Ouyang Mingxuan, he scratched my shoulder, it hurts like hell!"
She complained, tilting her head and looking at her injured shoulder.There were several fingernail scratches there that were bleeding. It seemed that they were scratched when she struggled with Ouyang Mingxuan.
Jun Moyin followed Yin Xiaoxiao's gaze and saw the wound on her shoulder.Although it was not very deep, it was still scratched and the flesh was slightly turned over.
"Don't move, I will apply some medicine on you!" Jun Mo pushed away Yin Xiaoxiao's hand that wanted to touch the wound, and moved over forcefully, half-kneeling on the bed to face Yin Xiaoxiao, and took out the golden sore in his arms. medicine.
He carefully sprinkled the powder on the injured area little by little until the powder covered all the blood marks.The medicinal powder was very stinging, and Yin Xiaoxiao clutched the skirt of Jun Moyin's chest tightly in pain.
"Okay!" Jun Moyin closed the medicine bottle and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao.
Yin Xiaoxiao also looked at him, their eyes met, and Yin Xiaoxiao blurted out thanks, "Thank you!"
Very sincere and polite!
Jun Moyin didn't respond, just looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, and Yin Xiaoxiao also looked at him.
Time flew by, and the two people remained face to face with their eyes facing each other. The atmosphere was a bit ambiguous and strange!Something quietly flowed between the two people.
Jun Moyin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, and for some reason, his mind recalled the conversation between Yin Xiaoxiao and Lei Jingting when they were in the Royal Garden.
At that time, Lei Jingting confessed to Yin Xiaoxiao affectionately.He thought that Yin Xiaoxiao would be moved and agreed, but he didn't expect that Yin Xiaoxiao not only refused, but also said——
"I am now Jun Moyin's concubine. Whether I love him or not, it cannot change the fact that I am his woman."
She refused so firmly just because she was his Jun Mo Yin's woman. This was an unchangeable fact!
She said that she was his woman, his woman!
His breathing gradually began to become inexplicably rapid, because there was only this sentence echoing in his mind, his woman!His woman!Yin Xiaoxiao is his woman!
Lips unconsciously moved closer to Yin Xiaoxiao, getting closer little by little!Getting closer!
Finally, under Yin Xiaoxiao's stunned eyes, Jun Moyin kissed her lips...
Outside the side door of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a man walked quickly with a petite man in his arms.
"Well, please let me go. Others will think that your dignified Prince Lian has a broken sleeve if they see him!" Yin Xiaoxiao muttered in a low voice.
Jun Moyin paused, "Your leg is injured, can you walk by yourself?"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded, "Okay, it won't hurt so much."
Jun Moyin immediately said boldly: "That's because I knead it so hard!"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, what a shameless man!
"Okay, hurry up and let me go down! You go in first and I'll go in later." Yin Xiaoxiao struggled for a while and motioned to Jun Mo to lead her down.
Jun Moyin didn't insist, he put Yin Xiaoxiao firmly on the ground and stood up, then pointed to the side door of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, "I, the king, will go in first!"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded, waved and said, "Go quickly!"
Jun Moyin turned around and strode inside.Just before he stepped in, he turned back and left Yin Xiaoxiao with a meaningful smile.
Yin Xiaoxiao immediately looked up at the night sky, pretending not to see it.
Recalling that she was so dizzy just now in the inner room of Taiyuan Hospital, she hugged and kissed Jun Moyin. The kiss was so dark that her face felt like it was on fire.Damn it, did she have water in her head or was she kicked by a donkey? How could she do such a stupid thing?
If a nobleman in the palace had not suffered from abdominal pain and sent his maids to come to the imperial hospital to ask the imperial doctor to take a look, I wonder what else would have happened between her and Jun Moyin.Maybe...maybe she was fooled into being eaten up and wiped clean and still enjoying it, which was embarrassing!
"Your sister!" Yin Xiaoxiao secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, that kind of thing may not exist.
Standing alone outside the side door of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Yin Xiaoxiao sighed with confused thoughts, and brushed his red and swollen lips with a small hand from time to time.
Jun Moyin told her not to provoke Ouyang Mingxuan in the future.There is no need to pursue the matter this time.And over there, he will deal with Ouyang Mingxuan and prevent him from taking revenge on her again!
But, just let the man who dared to insult her go?He almost broke her leg bones and left scars on her shoulders. How could she be willing to just let him go?She is a girl who must repay her flaws!
While I was thinking wildly, a call suddenly came from beside me, "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing standing here?"
Following the sound, I saw it was Jun Moshao!
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and was about to answer when Jun Moshao said again: "Why did you go to a hut for so long? I thought you were abducted by bad guys, and I was looking for you everywhere!"
Jun Moshao was young, but he was simple. When he saw that Yin Xiaoxiao had not returned for a long time, he was really anxious. His eyes were full of worry and joy of finding someone.
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled in relief, "I just ate too much, so after going to the hut, I took a walk around to digest my food."
Not sure whether it was because she experienced Ouyang Mingxuan insulting her or because Jun Moshao was really nice to her, Yin Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that she had gone too far before.Jun Moshao regarded her as a friend, but she was always thinking about how to bully Jun Moshao and take revenge on him for helping Jun Moyin deal with her.
It seems that this simple-minded big boy is really a good friend worth talking to.She should re-examine their relationship!
"Mo Shao, I'm sorry for making you worry! Let's go in!" Yin Xiaoxiao showed a heartfelt smile to Jun Mo Shao.
Jun Moshao stretched out his hand and poked Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead and said, "What are you talking about? You're being polite to me. We are friends! Come on, come in quickly. There is a performance by the handsome man you want to see inside!"
"Really? Then let's go!" As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao heard the word "beautiful man", his eyes immediately glowed with green wolf light, and the pain in his legs and shoulders was forgotten.
Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Moshao returned to the main hall together. Although they were still dressed as followers, their clothes had obviously been changed.People who pay attention to Yin Xiaoxiao can’t help but start thinking wildly!
For example, Jun Moyin's main concubine Jin Lian'er and side concubine Zhen Yuyan.Another example is Ouyang Mingxuan and Lei Jingting!
When Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan saw Jun Moyin leaving for a long time, they couldn't sit still and thought wildly.Later, the two people left one after another to look for it, but they couldn't find it either.But Jun Moyin came back first, sitting at the table and drinking as if nothing happened.
Now I saw that Yin Xiaoxiao had returned with Jun Moshao who had just gone out not long ago. When he sat down, Jun Moyin obviously glanced over, and Yin Xiaoxiao immediately lowered his head and blushed.The two of them were even more suspicious!Yin Xiaoxiao had changed his clothes and was flirting with Jun Mo. The two happened to have been away for a long time. Could it be that something happened between them?
With this thought in their mind, the two women instantly shot Yin Xiaoxiao with sharp, dagger-like gazes.
And Ouyang Mingxuan remembered that it was Lei Jingting who took Yin Xiaoxiao away. Why did Lei Jingting return to the hall before him with a gloomy look on his face? In the end, it was Jun Moshao who took Yin Xiaoxiao back. What's up?
As for Lei Jingting, he had no idea.She knew that Jun Moyin must have taken Yin Xiaoxiao to change clothes and come back, but the two of them had been gone for so long, and Yin Xiaoxiao's lips were red and swollen when they came back. You can imagine what happened.
At that moment, he was so angry that he wanted to throw the cup, and then tell everyone that Jun Moyin despicably and shamelessly stole the love of others and took away his beloved woman.But can he say it?he can not!
He hated Jun Moyin's banditry, but after all, he couldn't bear to put him in an unkind and unjust situation.
Several people are either full of resentment, full of doubts, or entangled in their hearts, each in a mess!
However, the person involved, Yin Xiaoxiao, didn't know it. He stared at the handsome man in the center of the hall who was reciting poems and reciting poems with bright eyes, secretly scoring in his heart.Not bad, not bad, five stars on the charm index, hehe!
The handsome man's performance was over, and for a while no children from the minister's family volunteered to perform.It turned out that without even realizing it, everyone showed off their unique skills one by one!
At this time, Queen Jin Miao'er suggested to Emperor Jun Moyan: "Your Majesty, all the young masters and daughters have finished their performances. But it's still early, why don't we just let all the ladies show off their talents and enjoy the celebration banquet?" "
Among the princes and generals present, those who have families have wives who are talented and beautiful.Jin Miao'er's suggestion was obviously to have fun at the celebration banquet, but in fact it was to let her sister, Jun Moyin's concubine Jin Lian'er, shine in the limelight.
She knew that Jin Lian'er was not favored in Prince Lian's palace, so she thought of using this trick to make her sister shine. While receiving praise, it would also bring glory to Jun Moyin's face.By then, maybe Jun Moyin can be nicer to Jin Lian'er!
Jin Miaoer's idea is very good, and Jun Moyan also understands her intention.
As sisters from the same mother, Jin Miao'er and Jin Lian'er married into the royal family at the same time, which can be said to be a close relationship.But seeing that his son with Jin Miao'er was already seven years old, Jin Lian'er and his younger brother Jun Moyin didn't even see a shadow. How could Jin Miao'er not be anxious?
(End of this chapter)

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