
Chapter 48 She Was Full Of Gas

Chapter 48 She Was Full Of Gas
No one answered from behind the screen, but a piece of clothing flew out.
Jun Mo took a closer look and saw that it was the one he was covering on Yin Xiaoxiao.
The corner of his lips curled up, and Jun Moyin pretended to be angry and said, "How dare you throw away my clothes?"
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't say a word, but quickly took off her wet clothes.
"Are you talking?" Jun Mo raised his voice and asked again.
Yin Xiaoxiao still didn't speak. She swore that if she talked to Jun Moyin again, she would not be a human being!
Jun Mo drew his gaze and could clearly see the graceful figure behind the screen taking off her wet clothes quickly. It was obvious that she still had a pair of obscene clothes and a pair of obscene pants that were about to be taken off.
However, he could vaguely see Yin Xiaoxiao taking off his obscene clothes, but he still didn't reach out to take off his obscene pants.Moreover, at this extremely critical moment, the man behind the screen stopped moving, and then stood still as if struck by lightning.
Yes, Yin Xiaoxiao felt that she had really been struck by lightning, that's why she was so stupid that she forgot to get dry clothes and rushed to the screen to take off her clothes.She slapped her forehead, not knowing how to describe her stupidity!
Jun Moyin, who was sitting by the bed, was such a smart person. Seeing the person behind the screen standing stupidly without doing anything, he began to think about the reason, and quickly grasped the key point - haha, this stupid woman didn't bring dry clothes. Get behind the screen!
For a moment, the atmosphere in the room was strangely quiet.
Yin Xiaoxiao stood behind the screen, crying without tears, trembling all over.Although it was summer, her upper body was stripped naked, and her wet hair clung to her back in the cold.The trousers on her lower body were clinging to her thighs and were quietly dripping onto the ground.The most terrible thing is that the warm sunshine cannot shine on her at all outside the room.
With this look, who dares to say it’s not cold? Try it yourself?
Compared with Yin Xiaoxiao who was about to cry but had no tears at the moment, Jun Moyin was sitting on the edge of the bed holding back his laughter and almost holding back his internal injuries.
Hahaha, just now this woman said so arrogantly that she would never talk to her again!I don’t know, if I keep sitting here, will the stupid woman stand behind the screen and shake all the time?
In fact, at this moment, Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to just hit him to death.Is there anyone more stupid than her?Have it?
I thought about simply recruiting a female ghost to help me get clothes, but thinking about how embarrassed I was at the moment, if a ghost saw her, where would her majesty as a soul summoner go?But if you don't recruit ghosts for help, will you just stand there and tremble like this?
Just when he was secretly distressed, he heard Jun Moyin's shaky voice, "Yin Xiaoxiao! Yin Xiaoxiao?"
Yin Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, not even making a sound even if he was beaten to death.
Jun Mo introduced Yin Xiaoxiao and continued to ask, "Why don't you speak? Are you mute?"
Yin Xiaoxiao secretly grinded his teeth and cursed in his heart: "You are just mute, your whole family is mute!"
Jun Moyin continued to ask: "Could it be that you are dead?"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "Damn it, you're just dead. Can you speak?"
Jun Mo introduced Yin Xiaoxiao and still didn't respond, and finally used his trump card.He stood up and strode towards the screen. He seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be asking doubtfully: "Is he really dead? No, I have to take a look."
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help but screamed: Stop!Don't come here, I'm not dead, I'm very good! "
However, it was too late, Jun Moyin had already stepped majestically behind the screen, and glanced up and down, taking in all the exposed scenery of Yin Xiaoxiao.
"Ah!" Ever since, on this supposedly peaceful afternoon, a howling sound similar to that of a slaughtering pig came from the north wing of Prince Lian's Mansion.
At dusk, Yin Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed with his back stretched out, muttering something over and over again.
If you listen carefully, you will hear words that curse Jun Moyin!
Thinking of what happened in the afternoon, Yin Xiaoxiao was so angry that blood spurted out.
Damn Jun Moyin, he ran behind the screen and looked at her naked upper body, and dared to say that she had small breasts.hateful!How abominable!
In fact, what made Yin Xiaoxiao most angry was not this, but her own indiscriminate remarks.At that time, Yin Xiaoxiao was so excited by Jun Mo's words that she snorted coldly without even thinking: "No matter how small a sparrow is, it's still meat. Didn't you, a mad dog, still chew it deliciously last night?"
Ever since, after the words fell, Jun Moyin's eyes twitched, and Yin Xiaoxiao's own mouth twitched.Damn, she's talking about the magic horse?
Until this moment, Yin Xiaoxiao was still depressed when thinking about this incident.She still remembered the suppressed smile on Jun Moyin's lips before he left. It was so embarrassing!
With a creak, the door was pushed open, and Pearl and Jade walked in.
The two of them said in unison: "Madam, it's time to go to the main hall for dinner!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao didn't even raise her eyelids, "I'm not going, I won't eat tonight!"
I'm so angry, why don't I eat a shit?
Pearl and Jade hurriedly stepped forward, "This can't be done. The concubine said that she has prepared a lot of delicious food for Madam tonight, so you must come over!"
Yin Xiaoxiao sighed heavily. The grandma is the biggest in the world. She can't offend the mistress of the house, otherwise it will be difficult for her to live in the future!
He stood up, reluctantly, and walked out of the room to the main hall.
Walking into the main hall, I saw Concubine Dou, Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan sitting at the table.Later, I suddenly remembered that Jun Mo had forbidden Jin Lian'er's feet in the afternoon, and then bowed to the three of them to say hello.
"Xiaoxiao, please say hello to your mother-in-law, please say hello to the prince, and say hello to the concubine!" He pretended to bring out the set he had made at noon intact, and his tone was obviously louder to Jun Moyin, which sounded like he was gritting his teeth.
Concubine Dou greeted with a kind smile: "Oh, these red tapes will be avoided in the future! Come sit down and eat quickly, my mother-in-law asked the kitchen to stew silky chicken and ginseng soup for you, drink more!"
Yin Xiaoxiao responded and sat next to Concubine Dou.
She would eat whatever Mrs. Dou gave her.She drank whatever Mrs. Dou scooped up for her.Obviously unwilling to look up at Jun Moyin, he decided to turn his grief and anger into food!
Concubine Dou looked at the delicious smell of Yin Xiao's snacks with satisfaction, then turned to Jun Moyin, "Yin'er, let Mei'er and Lan'er go to your room to bring some changes of clothes to the north wing tonight. Get up, you move to a small room!"
Everyone spoke in unison, Jun Moyin raised his voice and asked, but Yin Xiaoxiao denied it.
Zhen Yuyan secretly squeezed the chopsticks in her hand. Just now Jun Moyin asked why instead of refusing directly.Jun Moyin...has really changed!
In contrast, Mrs. Dou smiled cheerfully and said, "Hahaha, look at you two, you really are a happy couple. I, the old woman, have the final say in this matter, and you two have no room to refuse." . Everything is for the sake of the royal family's expansion, I believe Yuyan won't object, right?"
Finally, the conversation turned to Zhen Yuyan.
Concubine Dou is such a shrewd person, thinking that the best day for Yin Xiaoxiao's pregnancy is approaching, and she must not let anyone disturb her plan to have a grandson.I heard that Jin Lian'er got into trouble in the afternoon and was grounded by Jun Mo for half a month, so she would not be able to cause any trouble.So, Zhen Yuyan, the woman that her son cares about most, she must try hard to prevent her from forgetting who is the biggest in Prince Lian's house!
Zhen Yuyan could hear the implication of Concubine Dou's words. She narrowed her eyes, lowered her eyebrows and answered the words: "Mother-in-law, I'm sorry for you! The prince has no children. If my sister can spread the branches and leaves of the prince's palace, I will say Yan is also happy for her mother-in-law and prince, so how can she object?"
Concubine Dou smiled insincerely, "That's right, I know you, Yuyan, are the most considerate people."
Yin Xiaoxiao, who had not spoken at all, had the time to shout: "Mother-in-law, Xiaoxiao understands that you are anxious to support the palace, really! But now is not the day for Xiaoxiao to conceive. Please let the prince come to me." It’s all nonsense in the room!”
Concubine Dou shook her head and smiled treacherously, "No, no! Although it is not the best day for you to conceive, you can cultivate a relationship with Yin'er in advance. When the date of conception comes, you are in love and concubine, and your body and mind are compatible. The affection is endless, and when the time comes, you can hit it with one strike!"
Yin Xiaoxiao's jaw dropped heavily on the table.I want to say that her mother-in-law is so good at talking about things that she can even make someone die alive!This was the first time she had heard that a loving relationship between a man and a woman could lead to pregnancy in one fell swoop!
Opening her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao made a final struggle, "Mother-in-law, Xiaoxiao heard that a woman's body is fully mature when she is in her twenties, and that is the best time to get pregnant at that time. As young as I am now, I am like a dry child. Yes, it’s not easy to get pregnant at all…”
Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Mrs. Dou, "Scare, you kid is talking nonsense! You are 16 years old this year, how are you young? When I was your age, the children were all over the floor. !”
Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes popped out of his sockets.I want to say that her mother-in-law is so mysterious, do you think she is stupid?
Concubine Dou is 16 in 33 this year, and Jun Mo Yin is [-] in [-] this year.The mother and son are very different. I dare to ask, when Mrs. Dou was [-] years old, she gave birth to Jun Moyin, who was running around. So, was she born at the age of [-] or [-]?Or is Jun Moyin actually [-] this year?
"Mother-in-law, actually, the sun rises in the west, did you know?" Yin Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva and asked seriously.
Concubine Dou frowned slightly, and then realized the meaning of Yin Xiaoxiao's words. She nodded repeatedly and responded with a more serious look than Yin Xiaoxiao: "That's right! The sun originally comes out from the west, how can I Don’t you know?”
Yin Xiaoxiao completely fell under Mrs. Dou's pomegranate skirt and worshiped, worshiped the great god, worshiped the great god who lied without blinking an eye!Faced with such a strong opponent, what else could she say?
At night, Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Moyin were personally escorted back to the north wing by Mrs. Dou.Is it easy for the old man to go out in person to deal with this seemingly incompatible man and woman?
"Grandma, let's go slowly!" Yin Xiaoxiao stood in front of the door and bowed obediently.
Jun Moyin straightened his body and said in a cold voice: "Mom, walk slowly!"
Mrs. Dou smiled and nodded, "Yes, be good! Go back to the house."
She had no intention of leaving, she just stood there and stared at Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Moyin with a smile.
Jun Mo understood, opened the door, and carried Yin Xiaoxiao inside.Then he closed the door, blew out the light, picked up Yin Xiaoxiao and threw her on the bed.
Yin Xiaoxiao was surprised and shouted loudly: "Jun Moyin, what are you doing?"
(End of this chapter)

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