
Chapter 49 Strengthening Relationships

Chapter 49 Strengthening Relationships
Jun Moyin leaned forward and pressed against Yin Xiaoxiao, raising his voice and shouting deliberately to Concubine Dou outside.
"What do you mean? To enhance our relationship with you!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then understood.Jun Moyin was going to put on a show for Concubine Dou!
He stretched out his hand, pushed Jun Moyin hard, and shouted angrily in a low voice: "Go down, you don't have to be so serious when it comes to acting!"
Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief, "Are you so easy to get rid of as a mother? She has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. How can she leave without something real?"
Yin Xiaoxiao snorted in displeasure: "What should we do?"
Jun Moyin didn't say anything, but suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed Yin Xiaoxiao's armpits unceremoniously.
"Ah! Haha, let me go, ahhahaha, bastard, hahaha!" Yin Xiaoxiao laughed and struggled. She didn't expect that Jun Moyin was such a despicable person, that he would have surgery on himself just to do business for his mother.
Damn, she's the most ticklish!
The laughter like silver bells penetrated the whole room and spread in the peaceful palace.That laughter came from the bottom of my heart, because it tickled me!
Concubine Dou thought to herself, no matter whether her son was putting on a show for her, after all, he and Yin Xiaoxiao got together.Hearing Yin Xiaoxiao's laughter, she knew that it must be that bastard who was tickling her flesh.In this way, the two people must be rolling into a ball now, which can be regarded as strengthening their relationship, right?
He left with satisfaction and went to the temple of the palace to burn incense and pray to the ancestors to bless the two children to get along well during this time, enhance their relationship, and bloom for the palace during the best period of conception.
As everyone knows, as soon as Concubine Dou left, the north wing became a completely different scene.
"Asshole, you dare to tickle me, see how I deal with you!" Yin Xiaoxiao kicked Jun Moyin away and sat on the bed angrily, looking like a queen.
Jun Moyin was kicked to the ground, and a carp jumped up.He lit the candle in front of the table, sat arrogantly at the table and coldly snorted: "This king is scratching you as a temporary measure, and you know it very well. Could it be that you hope that this king will fulfill your mother's wishes and strip you naked?" Are you happy with me?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his chin, "What? Have you never done this kind of thing?"
The two of them started arguing like they were fighting with each other.
The next morning, Jun Mo went to court with two black eye sockets, while Yin Xiaoxiao greeted Dou Taifei with two black eye sockets.
Concubine Dou saw that Yin Xiaoxiao's steps were frivolous and her face was tired. She knew that nothing had happened to the two children, but she deliberately said something misleading in front of Zhen Yuyan——
"Oh, what's wrong with you, Xiaoxiao? You're really seducing me. Why are you so ignorant of restraint? I told you last night was not the best day to conceive, and yet I'm still tossing you all night long, tsk tsk!"
Yin Xiaoxiao knew that Concubine Dou said that on purpose and was powerless to argue.Whoever wants to say what they want to say, whoever wants to think what they want to think!
Near noon, Jun Mo led him back from the early morning session.Accompanying him was the iron-clad golden triangle—Jun Moshao, Ouyang Mingxuan, and Lei Jingting!
At the dinner table, Mrs. Dou was still the only one listening to her enthusiastic greetings for everyone to eat this and that, chatting a little about household matters with this one, and chatting with others about casual matters.
Yin Xiaoxiao took a few bites of rice and left first. When Lei Jingting saw him, he quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks to show that he was full, and then followed him.When Ouyang Mingxuan saw this, he also followed Lei Jingting and left in a hurry.
After Mrs. Dou and Zhen Yuyan finished eating and left, Jun Moshao bit his chopsticks and said to another man on the table: "Third brother, why do I have an illusion that the young marquis and General Lei came to your house?" You’re not really interested, but you’ve fallen in love with Xiaoxiao?”
Jun Moyin put down his chopsticks heavily and replied in a cold voice: "So you are not stupid! Speaking of this matter, I haven't settled the score with you yet. You damn brat, it was you who turned Ou Yangming into a It was attracted by those two smelly flies Xuan and Lei Jingting!"
After getting up, Jun Moyin walked out of the main hall gracefully. Now when he took a look at his stupid fifth brother, smoke was coming out of his forehead. He was so angry!
He now wants to find Yin Xiaoxiao, that dead woman who attracts bees and butterflies, to prevent her from being harassed by that filthy man Ouyang Mingxuan, and to prevent her from being entangled by that infatuated and stupid man Lei Jingting.No, no, it should have been to prevent his good brother Lei Jingting from being harmed by Yin Xiaoxiao.
In the hall, only Jun Moshao was left sitting at the table in a daze.Thinking of what Jun Moyin said before leaving, Jun Moshao became more sure of his guess.
He raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself: "Xiao Xiaodu married the third brother as his concubine. She is the third brother's woman. How could the young marquis and General Lei be attracted to a married woman?"
Jun Moshao didn't know the answer to this question until a long time later.Unfortunately, he knew it too late!
At that time, flowers were in full bloom in the garden of Prince Lian's Mansion.
But Yin Xiaoxiao had no intention of admiring the flowers, and only looked forward to returning to the north wing to sleep.God knows that last night she and Jun Mo were so angry that their faces were red and their mouths were dry. It wasn't until both of them were speechless that they stopped the war and fell asleep.Now I am really sleepy to death!
"Xiao Xiao!" A familiar call came from behind.
Yin Xiaoxiao stopped and looked back, it was Lei Jingting!
"General Lei, are you okay?" Every time Yin Xiaoxiao faced Lei Jingting, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.
Lei Jingting didn't answer, but strode forward, and while there was no one around, he quickly tapped Yin Xiaoxiao's acupuncture points, then hugged her and dived deep into the dense flowers.
"Holy shit!" Yin Xiaoxiao exclaimed, what is this Lei Jingting going to do?In broad daylight, he tapped her acupuncture points and took her deep into the flowers. Could it be that he wanted to do something wrong to her?
At this moment, Yin Xiaoxiao's imagination expanded infinitely.Almost at the same moment, her small mind began to race with all kinds of unsightly possibilities.
For example, Lei Jingting was so stimulated by her that he couldn't bear it and decided to break the pot and rape her first and then kill her.This move is euphemistically called - no one else can get the woman that he, Lei Jingting, can't get.
Or maybe Lei Jingting wanted to put a seed in her belly.In this way, she, Yin Xiaoxiao, was like a red apricot going out of the wall and giving Jun Moyin a huge cuckold.When the time came, Prince Lian's palace sent her a letter of divorce and kicked her out, and Lei Jingting took advantage of the situation and took her and the 'bastard' in.
Thinking of all the unforeseen possibilities, Yin Xiaoxiao swallowed frequently.Your sister, no matter what the possibility is, it makes her hair stand on end, right?
If she could speak at this moment, she would definitely enlighten Lei Jingting and never let him embark on the path of crime.I want to say, child, you have a bright future, it’s not worth it to die for my sister!
But unexpectedly, she couldn't move or speak at this moment.There is nothing you can do except blink your eyes!
Deep in the flowers, the atmosphere fell into a strange atmosphere!
Yin Xiaoxiao stared at Lei Jingting with wide eyes, while Lei Jingting stared at her affectionately.
After a long time, Lei Jingting lowered his voice and spoke.
He said: "Xiaoxiao, I know you love me, and I also know you still have me in your heart. I understand those ruthless words you said to me in the palace last night, I understand your difficulties, and I understand your Humble.”
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, when did she become humble?Does she seem like a humble person?She said that she is very queen-like, she can eat randomly but not talk randomly!
Lei Jingting continued to talk to himself: "You were forced by your father to marry into Prince Lian's palace as a concubine, and you must have consummated your marriage with the prince. If I am not wrong, you must have seen that your innocence has been destroyed, so You said such cruel words to me because you felt you were not worthy of me. You are a kind-hearted woman, but you are also a coward. In fact, Xiaoxiao, you don’t have to blame yourself too much, and you don’t have to feel sorry for me because you have become a prince’s woman. I, Lei Jingting, am not a flashy man. I have you in my heart and I will not look down on you because of this matter. Believe me, as long as we work together and stick to each other's tacit understanding, I guarantee that one day the prince will be defeated by us. I am moved by my true feelings, and then let you go. Then, we can be together!"
After hearing the long words, Yin Xiaoxiao almost lost his breath.
She looked frustrated and blinked at Lei Jingting without tears.I want to say, kid, don’t be stupid, who told your sister loves you?The person you love who loves you is long dead.My sister has never blamed herself for ruining her innocence, let alone felt that she was unworthy of anyone without her innocence.To put it bluntly, the thing about innocence is nothing, right?
It was just a piece of paper, and then it was pierced like window paper.That’s all, it’s almost like being bitten by a mad dog, don’t you understand?Also, sister is not cowardly at all, let alone work together with you, let alone stand up for you!
However, Yin Xiaoxiao kept wailing in her heart, but Lei Jingting couldn't hear a word.
He saw that Yin Xiaoxiao was blinking at him and refused to open the other person's acupuncture points.
He looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, who was winking, and said in a serious voice: "Xiaoxiao, if you have the heart to be with me, we will work together for our tomorrow. I firmly believe that where sincerity comes, there will be gold and stone. The prince is a man of courage, not a man of courage. A stubborn person. Given time, he will definitely make it possible for us to be together. Now, tell me, are you willing to work hard with me for our happy life tomorrow? "
Yin Xiaoxiao blinked and couldn't answer.She doesn't want to, a hundred or a thousand times she doesn't want to, so why bother asking?
When Lei Jingting saw that Yin Xiaoxiao was speechless and could only blink his eyes, he said seriously: "Xiaoxiao, if you want, just blink. If not, just keep your eyes open!"
Upon hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao immediately opened his eyes wider than a copper bell.She shouted wildly in her heart: "I open, I open, I open with all my might! Who is that, Lei Jingting, did you see that, I don't want to, I don't want to!"
However, Lei Jingting seemed not to notice and only looked at Yin Xiaoxiao quietly.
Finally, Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes were sore and about to burst into tears.
She blinked her eyelids helplessly and quickly, then continued to keep her eyes wide open.
However, just as her eyes were closing and opening, Lei Jingting suddenly hugged her and whispered happily: "Xiaoxiao, do you agree? I knew, I knew you would agree. Yes. Bo!"
He whispered ecstatically, and finally kissed Yin Xiaoxiao hard on the cheek.
(End of this chapter)

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