I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 102 Skull in the Villa

Chapter 102 Skull in the Villa
Bai Yuzhen and I looked at each other, struggled for a long time, and finally put on gloves and followed in.

This villa is very big and has many valuable things, but why doesn't the owner lock the door?Aren't you afraid of losing things?Although it is a villa area, if we can sneak in, those thieves will definitely come in as well.

While he was thinking, a figure appeared in front of him.

I was so frightened that I instinctively took a step back and almost screamed. I covered my mouth and took a closer look. Isn't this the female ghost pretending to be a pen fairy?

At this moment, her hair was hanging in front of her face and her eyes were staring at us motionlessly. I was so scared that I hid behind Wu Bufan again.

"Are you here?" I asked, leaning my head.

The female ghost didn't seem to hear me and didn't answer me.

It just flashed by and then disappeared.

I tugged on Wu Bufan's clothes, and Wu Bufan frowned, "It seems like she has found her lair."

Bai Yuzhen also nodded, "Now the three of us will work separately. If we find something strange, we will call each other to inform each other. Dongdong, are you okay?" Bai Yuzhen asked with concern.

I quickly ran out from behind Wu Bufan and nodded vigorously, "It's okay, Master. I just wasn't mentally prepared, so I was shocked."

Bai Yuzhen hummed, "Okay, you have to be careful. If you find anything wrong, leave quickly and come find us. Don't show off."

I agreed and separated from them.

I checked the third floor because it has the fewest rooms.

I probably visited three or four rooms. Except for beds and desks, they were the same furnishings found in ordinary wealthy people's homes.

Seeing that there were still two rooms left, I had finished reading the third floor. At this moment, I felt like my calf was pulled by something. It was very strong. If the guardians Mang Tianhua and Hu Tianhong hadn't pulled me, I would have definitely fallen. Dog chews shit.

"I'm C." I was so angry that I lowered my head and saw a pair of ghost hands stretched out from the ground. They also made a victory sign in front of me, as if to show off, "What's going on?"

I muttered something in a low voice, raised my foot and stepped forward hard. This guy is bullying me to the point of being bullied. If I don't show off my power, you think I'm a sick cat!Your aunt and I are a tigress from the Northeast.

As a result, I forgot that ghosts are incorporeal.

My foot passed through the ghost's hand and stepped on the ground. The pain made my blood surge.

Mang Tianhua and Hu Tianhong were watching my joke and didn't stop me much.

"Dongdong, impulsiveness is the devil." Hu Tianhong said with a smile.

I closed my eyes angrily, muttering silently in my heart, I can't waste my time with ghost hands, business is important, business is important.

When my feet feel better, I stand up and prepare to continue searching.

As a result, just as I was about to leave, that ghost hand grabbed me again and hooked my fingers.

Just when I was about to curse, Hu Tianhong stopped me.

Looking at her eyes, I seemed to understand what she meant. She should be telling me to calm down.

I realized that the ghost hand might be trying to tell me something, so I followed it and walked to a very remote room on the third floor.

This room is really hidden. If the ghost hand didn't bring me here, I really wouldn't have discovered it.

This room uses people's visual illusion. If you don't know there is a room here, visually this should be a side wall.

At this moment, I had a feeling.

That's where I might have found what we were looking for.When I saw Hu Tianhong and Mang Xiaopo were there, I took a deep breath and opened the door carefully.

In an instant, a cold breath hit my face, and I couldn't see it with my eyes, as if I had walked into a dark room where I couldn't see my fingers.

I was shocked and didn't dare to go any further.

At this time, I felt a force in my hands, one hand was warm and the other was cold.

"Don't worry, we are here." The reassuring words rang in your ears.

I followed their guidance and walked in. After about two or three minutes, my eyes slowly recovered.

Through the light of the candles on the table in front of me, I saw an altar in the middle of the room. At the front of the altar was a skull, which was tied by a black chain, and there were several tributes placed on both sides.There were many strange runes painted on the locked skull, which looked extremely strange against the burning red candle.

When I looked at the skull, I had a strong feeling that it was the female ghost pretending to be the pen fairy.

I quickly took out my cell phone and called Bai Yuzhen and Wu Bufan. They were also quick and rushed over within a few minutes of hanging up the phone.

"Found it?" Wu Bufan asked.

I pointed to the skulls in the room.

They both turned their heads at the same time.

"No wonder she can't tell who she is." Bai Yuzhen said, "She is really locked up."

"Can we untie it for her?" I asked. "If we don't untie it, will she not be able to express her grievances?"

Bai Yuzhen nodded and said seriously, "That's true, but it can't be solved with this solution! This technique has some influence on the head-lowering technique from Southeast Asia, but the spell on the skull seems to be of the Taoist lineage. It seems that The person who made this ghost-raising technique is not simple."

"Then what should we do? We found her, but there is still no way to rescue her. When the time comes, she will have to torture the second sister and the others to death." I was a little discouraged and a little anxious. I didn't know what I was going to do next.

Bai Yuzhen pursed her lips, "I can break the Taoist technique, but I don't know much about the head-lowering technique. I need to go back and ask Xiang for help."

Wu Bufan, who had been silent for the whole time, interjected, "Let's take a photo of this. Later, I'll ask my uncle. He traveled in Southeast Asia in the early years, and maybe he can know some of these evil ways!"

Isn't Wu Bufan's senior uncle Bai Yuzhen's senior brother?
I looked at them both with burning eyes.

Bai Yuzhen seemed to know that I had misunderstood, and said with a smile, "His uncle is his Taoist uncle. He is also in H City and has nothing to do with me."

I suddenly realized it, quickly took a photo, and then continued to walk through the rooms I had not walked through one by one.After making sure there was nothing strange, he packed up and left.

After leaving the villa, we just couldn't walk far.I felt a gaze staring at me from behind.

I turned around and saw a dark figure buried in the huge shadow of the villa. Although I couldn't see her eyes, I knew she was looking at me.

After just looking at each other for two seconds, her figure gradually became transparent and disappeared!

There was a voice in my heart telling me that the owner of the room was inseparable from the people who bullied Wang Huan and the others.

In fact, this is also a knot in my mind. I take commitments very seriously, so this matter has been weighing on my heart this year.I decided to go back and check to see who owned this house?
After leaving the villa area, the three of us returned to the rental house.

Wu Bufan helped rent a room with two bedrooms and one living room, which was quite spacious.

Bai Yuzhen and I lived in the same room, and Wu Bufan lived in the small bedroom.

I tossed and turned that night and didn't sleep much. My mind was filled with what I saw at night...

(End of this chapter)

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