I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 103: Working as a part-time worker

Chapter 103: Working as a part-time worker

The next morning, I looked at the rising sun, illuminated by the warm orange-red sun, and fell asleep.

I don't even know when Bai Yuzhen and Wu Bufan left.

When I woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and I saw a text message from Wu Bufan on my phone. He said that if his uncle could handle this matter, he would tell me his address and let me go directly.If it can't be done, let's find a solution together.

I replied thank you, got it.He never got back to me.

I picked up the class schedule on the bedside. There were professional classes in the afternoon, so I packed up and dragged my tired body back to school.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, he heard Feng Hua's concerned voice, "Dongdong, what's wrong with you? Didn't you sleep last night?"

I nodded, then quickly shook my head, "Sleep! I went to bed at 3 o'clock and got up after 11 o'clock."

"Then why are you still so tired? That's enough for 8 hours of sleep!" Feng Hua counted the time and said.

I took a big breath and said, "According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, starting from 10 o'clock in the evening is the time when various organs of the body begin to rest and detoxify. Only by sleeping can the organs get a better rest, and people can be energetic. From metaphysics From a perspective, the night is when Yin Qi gathers, and people's breathing is the weakest when sleeping. Therefore, if you don't sleep, you will definitely be contaminated with more Yin Qi, resulting in weak Yang Fire. In addition, sleeping during the day When the sun rises three poles, the Yang Qi is not replenished enough, and you will naturally feel tired. If things continue like this, you will have endocrine disorders and become contaminated with unclean things."

"That's it." Feng Hua nodded.

"Look at those who stay up in the middle of the night. They are more or less grumpy. From a metaphysical point of view, it means that there is excess Yin energy and is contaminated with violent energy. The chaotic aura will lead to changes in his thoughts and behaviors. "

"Then you want to catch up on some sleep?"

"Yeah." I nodded and lay on the bed and slept for a while.But before going to bed, I called Hu Tianhong out.

She lay on top of me, and a warm breath came to me, which made me feel very comfortable, so I slowly fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt better.

I know that Hu Tianhong helped me reconcile the bad energy I was contaminated with.

The afternoon passed quickly. I took out the daily newspaper I bought at noon and started looking for recruitment information in the recruitment column. Generally, homeowners in such villa areas have several houses, so they often find hourly workers to help. Clean the house.My goal is to be a part-time worker, or a part-time worker in the villa area.

The hard work paid off, and after more than half an hour, I saw a recruitment information for this villa area.So I contacted the landlord and made an appointment to help clean the house tomorrow morning.

I made preparations before going. At 8 o'clock the next morning, I arrived at the gate of the villa area on time.

The security guard at the door was the same one he saw the night before. He was surprised to see me and asked me what I was doing. When he heard that I was working part-time, he relaxed and started chatting with me, "You Did you come here with your friends to explore the road the day before yesterday?"

"Yes, brother, I came over the night before yesterday to find out where the house to be cleaned today is." I answered obediently, "Isn't this a way to go to school to earn living expenses and supplement the family income? It can also be regarded as a work-study study."

"You are ambitious. There are too few college students who think like you now, and there are too few who can endure hardship." The security guard praised me.

I lowered my head and replied pretending to be embarrassed, "Where is it? Brother, there are many people who can endure hardships. I am just one of them. I just don't know if there are many landlords here looking for part-time workers. If there are, brother, please introduce them to me." Damn, you are so kind and kind that I will never forget you."

"No, little sister, don't be polite to me. I can really help you with this matter. Let me see how many houses have been sold now." As he said this, he went to flip through the registration book on the table.

I leaned over and looked at each article in the book.Suddenly, I saw a very familiar last name.Zhai Shengjun.

I silently checked the area code and room number where he was located, and planned to see which building he was in when I went in later.

After chatting with the security guard for a few more times and getting to know the number of residents in the community, I went in and started my part-time job.

I didn't know if I didn't clean it up, but I was shocked when I cleaned it up. Only then did I understand why I asked for 300 yuan for cleaning fees, and they agreed so easily. Not to mention [-] yuan, [-] yuan was not much.

There are so many rooms upstairs and downstairs, and they are so crowded, I worked all afternoon.

By the end of the tidying up, I was so tired that I was paralyzed.I was half-lying on the sofa, panting heavily, looking at the light in the room, and I felt like crying to death.

I decided to be smarter next time and never want to do this to myself again. It was definitely self-abuse.

After resting for a while, I left the villa that I had cleaned. Since I was walking through the main entrance this time and had a reasonable excuse, I had no taboos. I wandered back and forth in the villa area, hoping to take advantage of this time to find the owner named Zhai Shengjun. of people.

Unexpectedly, the villa where Zhai Shengjun lived was the one we entered the night before.

It's all such a coincidence. What a coincidence, I'm 80% sure that this man named Zhai Shengjun is related to the dead Wang Huan and the others.

While I was thinking, my phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it belonged to Wu Bufan.

"Sister, come to my uncle's shop this weekend. His shop is..." Wu Bufan told me the specific address of the shop. I took a look and found that it wasn't far from my master Bai Yuzhen's shop. When I went there on the weekend, , you can pay a visit to Master by the way.

The remaining few days can be regarded as a rest.The female ghost really kept her promise and didn't bother these people anymore. Even Xin Xuan got better and was no longer so crazy.

Finally, it’s time for the weekend.I went to the address Wu Bufan said as agreed. As soon as I entered the house, I saw a man in his 40s. He was very thin and slovenly. He wore rimless glasses. His hair was slightly long but not combed, so he looked It looks a little messy.

He was holding a small radio in his hand, listening to Peking Opera, occasionally shaking his head and humming along.

"Master, uncle." I thought for a long time and decided to call after Wu Bufan.

As soon as the man opened his eyes, he looked me up and down, and smiled, "Bu Fan said, there will be a little beauty here today, is it you?"

"You can't really call her a beauty, she's just a woman at most." I answered modestly.

The man stood up and looked me around again, "Yes, Bu Fan will be back soon. Please sit aside for a while. Do you want some tea?"

I glanced at the teapot with no teacup next to it, and knew that Wu Bufan, the uncle, was most likely the one drinking tea from the teapot spout, so I politely refused.But my tone was very respectful, "No, uncle, I'm not used to drinking. Thank you, uncle."

After saying that, I sat aside and started looking around his shop.

(End of this chapter)

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