I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 104 Uncle Master breaks the formation

Chapter 104 Uncle Master breaks the formation
What he sells is basically some Taoist and Buddhist supplies, as well as some seals, flags and the like.

There is also a niche in the house, but it is dedicated to Sanqing.

"Little girl, have you lost something recently?" Wu Bufan's uncle chatted with me.

What was lost?I thought carefully about it in my mind and didn't find anything missing.

"No, uncle, I've been doing well recently. I haven't lost anything." I really didn't find anything missing.

"Hahaha, I lost a very precious thing." Wu Bufan's uncle looked clear.

I thought about it, and felt a little sad in my heart, "It's not like I lost anything. I lost a ghost, so that doesn't count." I said with a joking smile.

"Haha." Wu Bufan's uncle smiled, "If you lose it and find it again, you will soon find it again."

When I heard this, my heart skipped a beat.

I was a little restless and felt inexplicably excited.

I quickly stood up, walked over, and asked carefully with an expectant look on my face, "When?"

"Hey, Bu Fan is back!" Wu Bufan's uncle changed the subject, walked up to him in two steps, and took the roast chicken and two bottles of liquor from Wu Bufan's hand, "Buy so many delicious things." Yeah! Not bad, not bad.”

Wu Bufan walked up to me and said, "Sister, you're here. Come here, I'll introduce you to my uncle."

I followed him over and saw that Wu Bufan's uncle had just pulled off a chicken drumstick and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Lao Li, this is my sister, Li Dongdong."

"Sister, this is my uncle, Li Wenbin, you can just call him Lao Li."

Uncle Li wiped the oil on his hands and shook hands with me, "We are from my family. We were the same family 500 years ago. It's fate."

"Yes, I am honored to be Uncle Li's junior." I bowed respectfully.

"Bu Fan told me about that thing and showed me the photo." Uncle Li carefully told me and Wu Bufan what it was. It was the same as what Bai Yuzhen said. It was indeed the same thing from Southeast Asia. It is related to some magic techniques and also contains Taoist magic techniques.

This technique is also very sinister. It uses the skulls of dead women. It is full of resentment and Yin energy.At the same time, he practiced Qiqi for 49 days, feeding him with various poisonous insects, tortured the skull and soul, and made a contract.This technique is very sinister, but very effective.Among them, the most effective one is seeking money.

"Can it be broken?" I asked after listening.

Uncle Li touched his beard and said, "Yes. It's just a little hurtful."

He looked at me sideways and said, "But there is nothing we can do about it. This kind of thing has already damaged the face of our Taoist family. I will naturally take action to rectify it. That is, if the money is small, I won't be able to buy anything."

I touched my pocket, which was cleaner than my face, and said awkwardly, "This matter... I really can't get my hands on it."

Wu Bufan couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Uncle Master, don't scare this little girl. In this case, you have to take action, even if you want to exchange money, you have to take action. Isn't it just for..."

"Stop." Uncle Li stopped Wu Bufan, "I can see that you are really deceived by the lard. I was just thinking about growing rice, and I didn't say that I really wouldn't do it if I didn't pay."

I cast a grateful look at Wu Bufan. I didn't expect that he, a person who loves money so much, would have such a sense of justice at this time.

So that night Wu Bufan and I went to the villa, while Master Li was setting up a practice in the shop.

He asked us to cooperate with him. Once we heard the rattling of the skull chain, we would use an ax to break the chain into pieces.

Once the iron chain is broken, the soul of this skull is free.

But at the same time, because of the strong resentment, they may instantly turn into unconscious ghosts, risking harm to innocent people around them.

So we both had to be there.Because we had found the path before, entering the villa area was smooth.

But we never expected that there would be someone in the villa that night.

Looking at the brightly lit villa on the second floor, we quickly made the call.

As a result, I called five or six times, but Uncle Li didn't answer the call.

Wu Bufan secretly said, "It's over. Uncle Master probably has started."

"What about it?" I was also anxious. If the chain rang while doing this and alerted this person, this time it would be a failure.

While we were anxiously thinking of a solution, the people in the villa came out.

I took a closer look and saw that the person who came out was a young man in his 20s, not the old man named Zhai.

Seeing him leave, we ran in quickly.

Go directly to the room on the third floor.

Opening the door, a cold feeling swept over me.

Everything around me was the same as the night before, but for some reason, I had a feeling that the house seemed a little different today.

But I can't tell what's different.

I felt a little panicked and whispered to Wu Bufan, "Brother Bufan, why do I feel panicked? It feels like something is going to happen. This house seems different."

Wu Bufan also replied in a low voice, "It's okay, don't worry. You just haven't done this much and are nervous. Nothing will happen to you. My uncle is very powerful."

Although Wu Bufan said this, I still felt a little uneasy.

"Brother, I'm really panicked. Is something going to happen?" I asked again.

Perhaps sensing my uneasiness, I saw Wu Bufan frown. He stretched out his fingers, clicked a few times, and muttered, probably calculating something.

"Brother, what are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"It's good or bad." Wu Bufan replied. Then I saw his expression change and he opened his mouth, "It's bad."

Before I could continue to ask, the originally quiet room suddenly heard the sound of chains shaking.

Wu Bufan and I immediately became alert and looked at each other, "Brother. It's a big murderer. Should we chop him down?"

Wu Bufan seemed to be confused.

The chain locking the skull in front was shaking more and more violently, and the clattering sound was particularly loud and harsh in the quiet villa. It was like an ordinary reminder, making people feel frightened.

"Cut, there is no shop like this in this village. If you think something is wrong in a moment, hide behind me." Wu Bufan looked solemn, then walked over with an ax in his hand.I saw his hand pause for a moment, then raise it high, and then drop it hard.

Almost at the same time as the iron chain broke, our protectors appeared, protecting us.

Because the moment the iron chain broke, the spell on the skull seemed to be wiped away quickly, and bursts of black energy appeared, heading straight for us.

In this black air, I seemed to see a woman's painful face and her desperate look.

I feel like something is wrong. If it is like Uncle Li said, this female ghost should not be in despair and pain, but free from killing and cruel and cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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