Chapter 105 Ambush
But at this moment, the reaction of the Xian family was extremely fast. In order to protect the two of them, Hu Tianhong, Mang Tianhua, and Wu Bufan's guardians all turned into their own bodies. Their tall figures stood in front of the two of us, forming a barrier that could protect me. The two blocked the black energy attack.

"Brother, this black energy doesn't seem right..." I quickly expressed my feelings.

Wu Bufan seemed to have noticed it, and before I could finish speaking, he shouted, "Oops, we've been ambushed." He looked worriedly at his guardian immortal family, "You guys get out of the way, it's dangerous, this is It’s directed at you.”

I heard him shout, confirming my idea. It seemed that something was really wrong.

The uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense. Looking at the immortal family protecting me in front of me, I felt a little more unbearable and determined. It was not easy for them to practice cultivation in the first place. If they were injured and damaged their Taoism, how would I deal with it?
At that moment, I had a strong impulse that made me unable to restrain myself. I rushed out and stood in front of the immortals.

At that moment, I seemed to see tears in the female ghost's eyes, and her face disappeared as she rushed past me.

In an instant, every bone in the body seemed to have been crushed, and every piece of flesh and blood hurt as if it had been torn and crushed.

A lot of memories that don't belong to me also rushed into my mind.

It hurt so much that I could only moan and couldn't even scream.

"Dongdong!" The worried voices came one after another. I couldn't tell who was calling me. I just felt that my eyes went dark and I lost consciousness.

I don't know how long I slept. When I opened my eyes, there was only darkness in front of me.

"Am I blind?" I thought.My body was extremely cold. I kept rubbing my body, but there was no heat at all. Instead, it became colder as time went by.

I realized, I could be dead!

Because this season in the world is not so cold, let alone so dark.Because there are stars at night on earth, and it is a world full of light.

Thinking of this, I felt empty in my heart and suddenly wanted to cry. After hiding for 19 years, did I not escape after all?I am still dead after all, but now I have too many unfinished things and too many concerns. I don’t want to leave at all. Even though there are too many injustices and helplessness in the world, there are people I care about.

At this time, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

Illuminating the scene before my eyes.

I finally saw clearly where I was at this moment.

I was standing on the edge of a high cliff, and in the distance was the endless ocean. The black water repeatedly hit the rocks and created huge waves.

There were dark clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, and a cyclone formed by a tornado was heading towards the land.

"This is not the underworld." I murmured.

Because I have been to Ye Zeyi's world before, which is the underworld and is different from here.

So where is this place?Why am I here?When I thought that this was not the underworld, I had a little fantasy. Maybe I hadn't died yet, but just wandered somewhere.

At this moment, the sun penetrated the clouds like a pair of giant hands, forcing the dark clouds away. The tornado was no longer as ferocious as before, and dissipated on the sea as if it was deflated.

The sea is calm and the sky is bright.

My mood was also at ease at this moment, and everything seemed to indicate that I was not dead yet.

I began to observe my surroundings carefully, and saw that the land behind me was covered with dried rocks. In the distance was the endless desert, without any breath of life. On one side was the ocean, on the other side was the desert. I seemed to be standing on the edge of life and death. Dead junction.

I raised my hand and looked at the sun. The sun was not as warm as I imagined, it just gave off light.

I only hesitated for a short while and then walked forward aimlessly. I always wanted to meet someone and ask, at least to know where I was.

I don’t remember how long I walked, but a voice came, “Miss, where are you going?” I looked for the voice and saw that it was a little girl.

The child's eyes flickered, and even though she was smiling, my hair stood up a little.

It wasn't that she wasn't beautiful, but I felt something strange in her eyes that I couldn't explain.

"I...where is this?" I kept a cautious eye, even if I was a child, I couldn't trust him easily in a strange environment.

"This is the Desert of Death, and that is the Ocean of Shura." The little girl looked at me doubtfully, "Sister, you... aren't from here?"

"I, I just forgot." I said carelessly.

"Sister, you lied to me." The girl looked at me with cold eyes, "Do you know? I hate it when people lie to me. Do you think I am a child and can be easily deceived? You really hate it."

My hair stood up at what she said. I didn't dare to look directly into her eyes because her eyes were so paranoid and scary.

"I don't." I shook my head, denying, "I really don't remember, and I don't remember why I am here."

The girl stared at me for a while, then smiled and said, "My name is Arong. If you don't remember where your home is, I can take you home."

Looking at her active invitation, I wanted to refuse, but looking at the boundless sea and the endless desert, I decided to go with her.After all, he is still a child, so he should not be in danger.

But I still underestimated this child named Arong.

Because there is no reference here, I have no sense of time, and I have no idea how long I have been walking with this girl named Ah Rong.

I kept watching her. She always walked along the coast and had no intention of taking me to the desert.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A safe place." Arong replied calmly.

"The desert next to me..." I pointed to the endless desert, "Is it dangerous?"

Arong nodded, "It seems that you are really new here. You can't go to the desert. You will escape death."

Hearing what she said, it was really dangerous to come to the desert.

"How far do we have to go?" I asked.

"It's just ahead." She pointed not far ahead, and I saw it was a shore with a small boat floating next to it.

Although the boat is not big, it is more than enough for the two of us.

"Get on the boat, sister. Our people here all live in the sea. Because 90% of this place is ocean, and the remaining [-]% is desert."

This is indeed not the world I live in, because in the real world we live in, the ocean only accounts for 71%, the land accounts for 29%, and the desert only accounts for one-third of the land area, which is less than [-]%. tenths the size.

"What is this place?" I asked.

 Thank you for your silent support. Thank you for the recommendation votes and monthly votes you give me every day. Let me know that you are all here. Shenmu is a person who is not good at talking, but Shenmu is always there.Crazy coding...

(End of this chapter)

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