I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 106 The Asura Realm

Chapter 106 The Asura Realm
Arong looked at me puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"What is our world called?" I explained.

"This is the Asura world." Arong said.

The moment I heard Asura, I was stunned.

Asura, isn't this the three virtuous paths among the six paths of Buddhism?I heard it before when I was listening to sutras in the temple.

Buddhism teaches the six paths of reincarnation, which are heaven, humanity, asuras, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell.

The realm of asuras, heaven, and humans are the three good realms; the realm of animals, hungry ghosts, and hell are the three evil realms.

The Asura Realm is the place between the human realm and the heavenly realm.

In fact, it is the point above the human world, where the heavenly world is not yet complete.

The people here are more spiritual, or in other words, they should not be called people, but spirits.

In other words, one kind of sentient beings who can enter the asura realm have fallen from the heaven above, and the other kind have ascended through their own cultivation.

But the creatures that can enter here will have to undergo greater tests.

In the human world, there is nothing more than the natural physical pain of birth, old age, illness, and death. We will also suffer the mental pain of resentment, separation from love, the raging of the five yin, and the lack of what we want.

But this level of pain is controllable.

The Asura world is their dream and their hell.In order to allow the creatures recognized by the Asura world through practice to truly understand the mysteries of the universe and gain greater energy.

Here, the seven Buddhist sufferings, greed, anger, and delusion will be infinitely magnified.

Therefore, there are rumors that the creatures in the Asura world are very warlike, jealous and violent.At the same time, because of their greed, hatred and obsession, they fight cruelly in this world. Different forces compete for energy, and wars continue. This kind of battle is a bit like the fairy tale movies we watch, with fighting skills and the like. of.

In fact, as long as Asura people overcome greed, anger, ignorance, and inner demons, they can achieve enlightenment and become true gods, Buddhas, or immortals.

Thinking of this, I looked at Ah Rong in front of me. It was really rare for her to have such a high level of cultivation at such a young age.

But why am I here?Did I just become detached?Promoted a level?
"How old are you?" I asked, breaking the silence.

At this time, the boat was already floating in the boundless ocean.

"There is no age here, and there is no concept of time." Arong explained, "So, you just arrived!"

"Yeah." I nodded and admitted that in a place like this, other creatures besides myself should be very capable.Lying to them will do you no good at all. "As soon as I woke up, I was here."

Arong is very good-looking, which is in line with the characteristics of the Asura world. Women are all very good-looking.Because I had read some Buddhist scriptures when I lived in a temple before, I had heard about the rumors about the Asura world.

"You are a human being." Arong affirmed, "You can be considered blessed. However, you just lied to me, and I will not let it go."

After saying that, the boat under my feet shook violently a few times. I couldn't stand still, my body tilted, and I fell into the sea.

I struggled, thinking that the seawater would soak into my lungs and cut me off from the air and die. But in fact, as soon as I fell in, my whole body floated.

The waves of the sea were powerless, just like light gas, lifting me up.

Arong stared at me alertly. "Let me go up, please, let me go up." I begged, although I was floating at the moment, who knows what will happen next second.

Ah Rong did not refuse and pulled me up, "That moment was even. Who told you to lie to me just now..."

Good guys, it is said that the Asura world has to temper these capable beings who come up, which amplifies their perception, causing them to be jealous, ill-tempered, and retributive. It seems to be true at all.

"Shura Ocean, if you can't sink, it proves that you can't return to the human world. Below the Shura Ocean is the human world. If you inadvertently broke in, you would go back. But, you failed." Ah Rong said this, and my heart A little thump.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Explanation, you are destined to come here. This world does not belong to you anymore. You are dead..." Ah Rong explained to me.

When I heard the news that I was dead, my brain was shocked.

I was so sad just thinking about my own death.

But what happened later made me think I was still alive.That feeling of coming back from the dead fills me with strength.

Now Arong sentenced me to death again and told me that I was dead.How do I accept this?I am only 19 years old, and there are still 22 years left before the deadline of 3 years old.

Could it be that I died early because I established a court in advance?

I looked at Ah Rong blankly, and many pictures flashed through my mind. I still had many things to do, and I couldn't die.

"Is there any way to go back?" I grabbed Arong and asked.

Arong looked at me puzzled, "Coming here means that you have been sublimated. You are only one step away from becoming an immortal and a Buddha. Here, you can live a long life. You can do more The thing is, you won’t die, and you will age very slowly, so what’s wrong with that?”

I understand the meaning of not being able to return to the human world. It means that the body dies and the soul remains here.

"I can't die yet, I still have a lot of things to do." I said firmly. "Is there any way you can let me go back?"

Ah Rong was silent for a long time, and the look in his eyes changed from doubtful to indifferent, "There is only one way to go back."

"What is it?" I asked excitedly when I heard that there was a way to go back.

Arong hesitated to speak, and finally said, "Go to the desert. There is a passage in the desert that you can leave, but the starting point and end point of that passage are random, and no one knows what the passage is!"

"That is, I need to rely on luck?" I asked.

"Not only that," Arong said seriously, "The random end point means that you may go back or be transported to another world."

"20 percent probability?"

"There is a 25% probability that that passage cannot go to the heaven. There is only one way to the heaven from the Asura world, and that is practice. When you reach the level of a god, you will open the passage yourself. However, the desert heralds death, so go in People who have obsessions will end up with a narrow escape from death. If you die here, it means that all your practice will be wiped out and you have to start all over again." Ah Rong said.

I can feel her kindness at the moment, but I have unfinished business and I want to go back.

I told her very firmly, "I want to go back."

Ah Rong did not persuade me anymore, but waved his hand, and the boat under him quickly turned around and drove quickly towards the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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