Chapter 107 Death Desert
I felt like I was at the shore in just a blink of an eye.

Arong said expressionlessly, "Go and walk into the desert. The rest depends on your own destiny."

I got off the boat and wanted to say a few words to her, but I found that in just a moment, she disappeared.

I walked towards the desert. The desert here is different from the desert in the human world, because the sun here has no temperature, so although the desert here has no water source, it is not hot.

After walking in, I felt the horror of this desert.There is no sound of wind here, not even the friction of walking on the sand. It is too quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel panicked.

This feeling is like throwing a person into an isolated room, which is a complete torture to the human spirit.

I walked inside and kept humming songs to relieve my anxiety, such as Jiangnan, 1000 years later, the second heaven, and later I hummed a nocturne, Chapter 7 of the night...

As I sang, I became more and more afraid.

Because looking at the endless desert, I have a feeling in my heart that I may never be able to leave here.

As we go deeper and deeper, we can no longer see the coastline, only yellow sand desert.From time to time I would see half-buried bones in the sand.

There are animals, humans, and some huge skeletons that I have never seen before.

I went over and took a closer look. There were signs of gnawing on these bones.Could it be that there are some ferocious beasts here?

I became alert and found a hard bone on the ground for self-defense.

I just walked step by step. There is no sense of time here, so I don't remember how long I walked, and I found that the originally bright desert gradually darkened.

I looked up and saw that the sun had been hidden in the black air in the sky.

The moment the sun completely disappeared, lightning flashed and thundered in the sky. Thick green lightning struck from the clouds. Strong winds sprang up all around, rolling up the yellow sand on the ground, creating a scene of doomsday.

I clenched my fists and instinctively covered my face. The blowing sand hurt my body and face.

I'm also very surprised why it hurts since the spirit body is not the physical body.

But then I think about it and it makes sense. Every world has its own laws. The laws must contain and control the creatures in the world, so everything in this world may exist for the souls.

I understood that accidents could easily happen in this extreme weather, so I quickly took a few steps and looked around for a place to hide.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and a village appeared in the desert ahead.

It is said to be a village, but in fact it only has three or five houses.This house is not made of wood. I touched it and found that it was made of desert sand.

If you can persevere in such a desert, you must be able to withstand the wind and sand.

I thought briefly and quickly got in.

As soon as I stepped into the room, everything went quiet.

This place seems to be isolated from the rest of the world. Through the windows, you can see the thick lightning flashing outside, but you can't hear any thunder.

Everything was calm again.

And there is no one else in this village except me.

I was so confused in this quiet environment that I didn't know when I fell asleep.

"A tornado is coming, help me." A weak voice came, calling me up as if there was nothing.

I opened my eyes and looked outside through the window.

It was still dark outside, and I seemed to see a black figure crawling on the ground not far ahead.

And further away, although it is very dark, you can vaguely see a black line connecting the sky and the earth.

As the black line moved, it became more and more clear that it was a tornado.The overwhelming yellow sand was rolled up and moved rapidly in this direction.

"Save me..." The weak voice sounded again.

I hesitated for a moment, and when I saw that the tornado behind me was still far away from here, I felt compassion in my heart.

The Asura world is naturally a higher level than the human world, but the experience here is more cruel and indifferent.

If you are eliminated here, you are destined to start over.

So I thought for a while, then left the house and walked towards the black figure.

But it was too dark outside. As soon as I came out, I felt like I couldn't see anything around me. The black shadows I could see inside the house now blended into the desert and were completely invisible. "Where are you?" I shouted softly. .

"I, I'm here..." A weak voice sounded from about five meters away from me.

I quickly ran over and saw a person lying on the ground.

For now I’ll just call them humans.

I knelt down and prepared to touch him.

Because the distance was very close, I could roughly see what he looked like.

He looked extremely ugly, with big eyes like gongs, and a big round bump on his nose, which looked like it had been stung by a bee. It was red and swollen, but his mouth was very small, somewhat like a bird's beak.From the looks of it, I guessed that he was a creature from the Asura world, that is, a man from the Asura world.

"The house is not far away, let me help you up." I said, then raised his hand and hung it on my shoulder.

He was so heavy, as if he weighed a thousand pounds. I got up several times but couldn't get up. "Brother, try your best, but I can't get up." I said with great effort.

Suddenly, there was a burst of giggles in my ears. I turned my head and saw a triumphant smile on his ugly face, and there was a sinister look in his eyes.

My heart sank and I screamed secretly.

Before I could react, I felt a dull pain in the back of my neck. Before I lost consciousness, I saw the tornado behind me rolling towards this side very quickly, and the man’s words lingered in my ears, “There is no sacrifice of living beings. It won’t stop.”

I don’t know how long it took, but I was suddenly awakened by severe pain in my body.

I opened my eyes weakly and saw an endless tornado appearing in front of me. The huge wind was like a meat grinder, tearing every inch of my skin.

In just a moment, the surroundings fell into darkness.

The body also rotated upward uncontrollably.

I instinctively wanted to grab something, but there was nothing around except yellow sand.

I struggled and was desperate.

I closed my eyes and gave up the struggle. Maybe this was the end.

This is fate.

I'm waiting, waiting for my consciousness to finally dissipate, erasing my last bit of memory in this world.

But after an unknown amount of time, the pain in my body gradually disappeared.

I didn't know where the suction force came from, pulling me out of the rotation.

I opened my eyes curiously and found that the yellow sand all over the sky had disappeared, and there were countless large rocks that were as clear as water droplets and I was lying in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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