Chapter 108


I raised my head, and I couldn't see a hole in the transparent air. There seemed to be a trickle of water flowing out of the hole.

Suddenly, there was a roar like a monster to my left. I looked sideways and saw that a black cave came out of nowhere. The sound came from the cave.

At this moment, the opening in the sky became larger and larger, and the water inside changed from a stream to a waterfall. The opening was pitch black, and it felt like if anyone entered, they would definitely be submerged in it.

I suddenly thought of what Ah Rong said before. This seemed to be the passage.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt excited.

I can go back. Although the success rate is only 25%, the probability is much higher than the probability of winning the lottery.

The hole in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and the avenue is about to swallow everything in sight.

I gritted my teeth and ran into the cave in a panic. The cave became narrower and colder as I walked.

Just when the entrance of the cave became only large enough for one person, I found a light in front of me, which should be the exit. I turned sideways and struggled forward from the cave.

As I walked, it seemed that the road ahead was getting wider and wider. I was secretly happy and speeded up my pace unconsciously. When I was about to reach the other end of the cave entrance, my feet suddenly became empty. A sudden feeling of weightlessness made me scream,

The surrounding scene suddenly changed. The surrounding area was as dark as a curtain, and pictures flashed above it. However, because I was too frightened and the speed was too fast, I couldn't see clearly what was flashing above.

Suddenly, I felt a force rush into my body instantly, and the next second, I lost consciousness again.

"This is food...hehehehehe..."

"Food, I haven't had such delicious food in a long time."

"Jiejiejie...the arm is mine."

"We discovered this together and we want to share it equally."


The noisy sound reached my ears and woke me up.

I opened my eyes and saw the sky stained as red as blood, surrounded by the stench of blood, which made me nauseous.

The place where I was lying was also very hot, it seemed to be burning my skin, and the pain was severe.

I wanted to get up, but because of my weakness, I couldn't get up after several attempts.

"She's awake." came a voice.

"Eat it when you're awake, it tastes better," said another voice.

I looked for the sound and saw two strange things standing beside me, their heads lowered, observing me carefully.

"I C." I was so frightened that I cursed.

The thing in front of me was naked, dark and thin, and looked very weak, but it had a big belly and twisted limbs.His body was covered with pustules, and the fishy pus inside flowed out at the slightest movement.Their facial features were also very scary, with red mixed with yellow hair, short and divided on both sides, clown-like noses, angry triangular eyes, one part black and nine parts white, looking straight at me.

They excitedly stretched out their hands to grab me. Their rough hands seemed to have barbs, and they felt a sharp pain when they touched me.

I screamed inwardly, and panic seemed to make me exert my body's instinct. Originally weak, I quickly took a few steps back, but I bumped into something.I turned to look.

Another such scary ghost.

"The world of hungry ghosts." I had the answer in my mind.

But he didn't know how he got here. He was running in the cave just now, but he suddenly fell down. It seemed that he was really not that lucky.

I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, but now is not the time to think about this. Because the creatures in the hungry ghost realm have no food, hunger will devour all foreign creatures.

Watching them drool as they lay down, I knew my first priority now was to run.I quickly observed the terrain, stored up my physical strength, prepared myself mentally, and was ready to find an opportunity to run away immediately.

Just when they were staring at me, salivating and wanting to pounce on me, I ducked to the right, and several hungry ghosts bumped into each other.

At this moment, while they were cursing each other, I quickly got up and ran to the side.

But in the next second, I fell into despair again.

"It's not that easy to run." My leg was pulled by something, and I fell forward and fell to the ground.

I saw an infinitely magnified face covered with abscesses.

The face smiled at me, and there was another pain in my feet. I was pulled back, "It's not that easy to run away."

Only then did I realize that there were three floors here, and the three outer floors were for hundreds of hungry ghosts. They looked at me one by one, with a faint green light shining in their huge white eyes.

How long have I been hungry? I almost cried.

"I caught it this time, and the thigh should belong to me." The hungry ghost who grabbed my ankle shouted.

And the hungry ghost I had just faced shouted, "I want my head, my head."

Several hungry ghosts chirped and surrounded me again. I looked at the airtight ghost wall surrounded this time and felt completely desperate.

Even more desperate than being caught in a tornado.

Because this time, I ended up being cut into pieces.

Moreover, after being eaten by hungry ghosts, you will never be reincarnated, and you will have to endure the torture of the hungry ghost world with them for life after life.

I closed my eyes, and there were so many people I was sorry for in my heart, but in the end, I couldn't even say I was sorry to them.

"I'm sorry, parents, I can't accompany you until you grow old."

"I'm sorry, all the old immortals from the Li family, I can't accompany you to practice. You have become famous all over the world."

"I'm sorry, Ye Zeyi, we'll never see each other again."

A hot tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

I was surrounded by these hungry ghosts.

The blood-red sky was obscured by terrifying faces.

At this time, a girl's face suddenly appeared in my mind. She suddenly appeared in front of me and helped me cover those hungry ghosts.

I saw her appearance clearly, she was the female ghost pretending to be the Pen Fairy.But the hungry ghosts around her were ruthless, and she was torn to pieces in just an instant.

Before tearing it apart, I heard her voice again and said a name.Afterwards, those hungry ghosts seemed to be unsatisfied, and their eyes glowed green when they looked at me.My body was being torn apart by countless ghostly hands, and the heart-rending pain made me experience what it means to live in agony again.

I originally thought there would be a turn for the better, but everything turned out to be hopeless despair.

Broken hope will make people more desperate. I closed my eyes, endured the severe pain, and waited for death to come.

"Bold hungry ghost, please stop now." A powerful and threatening voice fell from the sky.

The pain in my body and the pressure around me instantly decreased, and those hungry ghosts stopped.

I opened my eyes and saw a gaping hole in the blood-red sky.

A familiar figure fell from the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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