I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 109 His Appearance

Chapter 109 His Appearance
He was dressed in a black knight's uniform, with fluttering clothes, a red headband tied on his head, and a shining golden whip in his hand, just like a god.

"Ye Zeyi..." I shouted hoarsely, and my tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Our eyes met, and I cried loudly, but I was too weak to cry and could only make a small whimper.

I don't know if it was my imagination, but I saw distress and guilt in his eyes.

Those hungry ghosts seemed to be afraid of the long whip in his hand, and they all took a few steps back.

At this time, a low and harsh voice sounded from the other side, "Who do I think is here? Why does Mr. Ye have time to come to us?"

From what I saw, he was a very delicate-looking man. The reason why I call him a man here is because he looked very delicate, like a half-grown child.

Those hungry ghosts were really frightened when they saw him, and they all bowed down respectfully. Even if they saw such delicacies as mine, they didn't dare to take another look.

"I want this person." Ye Ze fell beside me and protected me.

"Master Ye, although you are somewhat capable in the underworld, you must know that the hungry ghost world is not under the jurisdiction of the underworld." The man sneered, "On the contrary, we also had an agreement back then on how to deal with the creatures that entered the hungry ghost world. It’s up to us, the hungry ghost community, to decide.”

"E Luosha, I want to make a decision on this person." Ye Zeyi had a bit of a fierce aura, his tone was low, and he had an aura that people couldn't refuse.

"Haha, let's see if you can take him away." The man whom Ye Zeyi called Eraksha pushed back and was instantly surrounded by hungry ghosts.

This time there were not hundreds, but thousands.

We are now on the top of a mountain, and everything below the top is filled with hungry ghosts.

One by one, they bared their teeth and claws, and rushed forward as if they had been beaten to death.

Ye Zeyi's magic whip was shining with golden light at the moment, but among these hungry ghosts, its light seemed weak.

Soon, the two of us were surrounded by hungry ghosts.

In order to protect me, he has been tightly around me to resist me.

"Ye Zeyi, this is the Hungry Ghost Realm. Your energy consumption here cannot sustain you for too long. If you are caught by me, I will definitely eat you. By then, the Hungry Ghost Realm will become the Lower Three Realms. Boss." Oraksha's tone was filled with indescribable excitement. He stood on the shoulders of a giant hungry ghost and watched all this.

I also understand that if Ye Ze is here, something will happen.

So I struggled to stand up, "Ye Zeyi, you have to leave here. Don't die here because of me."

"Shut up." Ye Zeyi shouted in a bad tone.

"Ye Zeyi, be obedient and leave here. After I die, help me tell the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace that I will still have a chance to be reincarnated. In the next life, you will still be able to meet me. Then you will have grudges against me. Revenge, complain. You have been a ghost for hundreds of years, you have to know this." I said, at this moment, I was extremely calm, because I only had one thought, Ye Zeyi must live.

But when Ye Ze heard what I said, he seemed to be even more angry. He said nothing and kept cleaning up the hungry ghosts that rushed towards me with the magic whip.

I could feel that his movements were getting slower and slower, and the golden light on the whip was gradually weakening. This was all due to his excessive energy consumption.

In fact, ghosts are a kind of energy, or in other words, everything in the world is a kind of energy.It's just that the form of energy expression is different.

"Ye Zeyi, I'm very happy to see you again today. I've always wanted to say a word to you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. Everything now is my own fault, so leave." I almost said He roared while pushing the hungry ghosts away behind him, "If we don't leave, we will all die here."

Tears soaked my eyes again, and his figure gradually blurred. For the first time, I hated myself for being alive.

"I will take you away." Ye Zeyi said breathlessly.

Then the magic whip in his hand disappeared, and a long bow appeared.The long bow is completely black and its texture is as transparent as jade. A black lotus is engraved on it, and there are densely written characters on the lotus.When the Erakshasa saw this, his expression became serious.

"Ye Zeyi, do you know what you are doing?" Oraksha asked.

Ye Zeyi was already flying into the air at this moment, and he opened the long bow bit by bit with difficulty, "I know."

"Is it worth it for her?"

"It's worth it." Ye Zeyi said firmly.

At this moment Oraksha looked at me, "Girl, do you know what it means when he takes out this long bow?"

I suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly asked, "What does it mean?"

"If this long bow is shot out of the void, he will be destined to fall into eternal hell forever." Oraksha said.

Fall into eternal hell.

My heart skipped a beat in pain, and I struggled to get up, "Ye Zeyi, stop."

Ye Zeyi didn't look at me at all, but continued to pull the long bow with difficulty. At this moment, he had already pulled half of the long bow open.

"Ye Zeyi, I beg you, I..." I didn't know how to stop him, so I could only spin on the ground in a hurry, "I don't want you to fall into hell."

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Ye Zeyi said with difficulty.

I knew he was lying to me, so I cried, "Do you know? If you save me like that, I will hate myself to death."

"Silly Dongbao." Ye Ze raised the corner of his mouth and showed a faint smile.

In fact, he looks good when he smiles, but he always has a cold face.

The thought that I might never see him again makes me heartbroken and unable to breathe.

When people are unable to use their own abilities to solve problems, they will place their trust in gods.

I was like this too. Seeing him risking his life for me, I prayed silently in my heart: If there is really a god with your head raised, then please bless the Buddhas and gods. As long as we can leave the world of hungry ghosts safely, I After sending my parents to old age, I wish to escape into Buddhism and devote myself to the Buddha for all life to come.

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a strange breath coming out of my body, and a golden light flashed before my eyes.

In an instant, my mind went blank and my body was no longer under my control.

It was like I was put into a glass jar. I could only watch everything happening outside, but I couldn't speak.

But I have a feeling, I feel like a shining golden fairy Buddha appears on my body.

The light on his body was like blazing sunlight, shining on every corner of the Hungry Ghost Path.

Those hungry ghosts screamed in pain and kept kneeling and repenting under the Buddha's light.

At this moment, Ye Zeyi threw away the long bow in pain and fell from the sky. He looked at me in shock, with unconcealable pain and unwillingness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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