I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 110 Closing the Hall

Chapter 110 Closing the Hall
"Amitabha! There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering and we can turn around! Good! Good!" The voice came from my body, but I am sure that these words were not spoken by me.

"It's really lively today, with people coming from both the underworld and the Western Heaven Buddha Realm?" Erakshasa said disdainfully, "Although I respect all the immortal Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have attained Mahayana Buddhism, it does not mean that I will be afraid of you."

"Rakshasa, you are one of the Eight Great Dharma Protectors of the West, but your six impure roots have caused you to come to this Hungry Ghost Path to experience and practice, but you are here to occupy the mountain and become the king." My own body said these words.

But the voice was very deep, like a bell, and the tone was calm and eloquent, but it was full of intimidation.

Eraksha sneered, "Aren't you the same? It's just that you went to the human world to practice."

"Today I want to take away both of them. Before I leave, I can give you something, so you can take care of yourself." After I finished speaking, I felt like something had appeared in my hand out of thin air.

When Eraksha saw it, there was a hint of surprise on his originally indifferent face. He raised the corners of his lips and said with an evil smile, "Deal."

After that, he waved his hand and all the hungry ghosts retreated.

I felt my body slowly walk to Ye Zeyi and help him up.

"Let's go." said the unhurried voice.

Ye Zeyi kept his head down and refused to raise his head. He followed me quietly, like a child who had done something wrong.

It was the first time I saw such a side of the arrogant Ye Zeyi.

After walking about ten steps, a ray of golden sunlight shone in the blood-red sky. The sunlight was very warm, like a spring breeze, and seemed particularly sweet in this stinking hungry ghost path.

Suddenly, my body felt light and I felt drowsy.

When I woke up again, everything around me was white.

When I opened my eyes, only Wu Bufan and his family of immortals were there.

"Brother." I opened my mouth, but found that I couldn't speak at all. My throat was still beating like a feather, and it was so dry and itchy, "Water."

Wu Bufan quickly brought a glass of water that had been cold for a long time and poured it into me to drink. "Sister, wake up and wait for me to call the doctor."

The cold water slowly fell from my mouth, dispersing the dryness in my throat. I took a deep breath. Before I could speak, Wu Bufan rushed out. After a few minutes, several doctors came one after another.

When they came over, they opened my eyes, listened to my heartbeat, and took a look at my current instrument indicators. They drew a few tubes of blood before calming down. "It seems that the patient's life is not in danger at the moment. This is simply It’s a miracle.”

After the doctors left excitedly, Wu Bufan and I were left alone in the room.

I calmed down and said, "What's going on?"

"That day we fell into someone else's trap. That formation was actually aimed at the immortals. In fact, it was all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, your two guardians might have been knocked back to their original form and all their cultivation would have been lost. "It's gone." Wu Bufan sighed, "But that formation was aimed at immortals and spiritual bodies, so your three souls and seven souls were scattered at that moment. Master and I tried many methods but couldn't. When your soul is recalled, your soul seems to have disappeared. It’s all my fault. I already predicted a big disaster and led you to do such a dangerous thing.”

Wu Bufan blamed himself. In fact, it was not his fault. With or without him, this would have been my disaster.

"Brother, it has nothing to do with you. If you didn't accompany me, I would have cut off the chain myself, and the outcome would be the same. I also want to thank you for taking me to the hospital immediately after the accident." I said gratefully. .Wu Bufan's eyes turned red when he looked at me, "Silly Dongdong, you almost died, really almost died. The doctor even sentenced you to death at that time, but fortunately you survived in the end."

"Why are you crying, brother? It turns out that I am a person who is in danger of life and death." My eye circles were also red, and I looked hard at the roof, and tears fell out without obeying.

"Promise brother, never give up no matter when in the future. If anything happens, brother will help you. From the bottom of my heart, I feel that you are my biological sister. I have wanted a sister since I was a child, so I fell in love with you, so I must live well. !" Wu Bufan's true expression made my heart warm.

I nodded heavily and agreed.

After my emotions calmed down, I continued to ask, "Brother, where is my fairy family? Are they okay?" I found that there was no fairy family around, and I was a little confused. According to their character, they will always guard me, and there was a feeling in my heart. Bad feeling.

Wu Bufan hesitated to speak, looking like there was something in his words, "They are fine, but they shouldn't be able to see you for a short time."

"what happened?"

"You, you have been banned." Wu Bufan said.

I actually have no idea about this word, "What does it mean?"

"After you were injured that day, your Immortal family broke into the Heavenly Court for you and was detained." Wu Bufan said with a regretful look, "Actually, it's my fault. If I didn't talk nonsense, maybe only the Heavenly Court could find out your identity. Even if the situation is bad, they won’t go.”

I didn't believe what he said about the Xian family being detained, and I immediately thought of Hu Tianhong and Mang Tianhua.

But no matter how I called them, they didn't show up, and they didn't even send me a message. Even my great-great-grandfather, Old Man Li, couldn't come out to see me, a junior.

"Why no response? Are they a little busy recently?" I still had a little fantasy in my heart.

Wu Bufan sighed and said, "Sister, I know you don't want to accept this fact, but it is true that you have been banned. Being banned means that you will no longer have contact with them. So no matter how you summon or sense, you will not find them. In fact, what they are being detained means that the camp is sealed by a barrier, so they cannot receive your message. Even if they receive it, they cannot get out because someone is holding the hand."

"Then, when can we put them back?" My heart sank, and an indescribable sense of loss came over me, just like your best friend is about to be separated from you, and you can still make a phone call when you are separated from a good friend. Watch the video, but for the Xian family, it means cutting off contact.

Wu Bufan shook his head, "Perhaps, God will put them back after making its own judgment."

I felt very disappointed and was silent for a while, thinking of Li Ping.

"Where's the second sister? Has the matter been resolved?"

Wu Bufan nodded, "It's settled. Li Ping and the others are all fine. Even if they suffered a little crime, this is all retribution. Playing this kind of psychic game violates the laws of the human world. Keep your life and suffer the consequences." Even if you commit any crime, you will be rewarded! But that female ghost is gone."

When I talk about this female ghost, I think of her who protects me in the world of hungry ghosts.And when I say she is gone, I also think of the scene where she was eaten in the world of hungry ghosts.

"What happened to her?" I asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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