Chapter 111 Su Yang
"This trap was her. She was made into a formation, and the energy consumed by the formation was her. She was indeed free at that time and had a sense of autonomy, but because she was still controlled, she passively attacked us. And the energy consumption The end result is that her soul is gone." Wu Bufan picked up an apple and handed it to me, "Uncle Master said that this is also good for her, at least it is a relief. Otherwise, she will be tortured like this for the rest of her life."

"She probably hasn't exhausted her energy." I said.

Wu Bufan looked at me. I knew he was confused, but he didn't say anything about seeing her in the hungry ghost world.

"She seemed to have told me all her life experiences and past." I looked out the window. "She was the girl who disappeared that night. She was robbed while running at night, and was eventually stabbed to death. Because she saw the criminal. After her death, she was bought by someone, and her soul was tortured and turned into this magic circle..."

I told Wu Bufan roughly what I saw and my suspicions, that is, I told Wu Bufan that maybe I was alive because the female ghost used her last bit of telepathy to protect me.

Wu Bufan was also surprised, but he believed in me.

"I want to go to the girl's home and see her. She said her parents love her very much." I continued.

Wu Bufan nodded, "Okay, when you get better, we will ask her parents to ask for her horoscope. No matter what, with her name and horoscope, if she is not in a state of despair, we can still bring her back and have a good salvation. She He can be considered your savior.”

I agree with this point about Wu Bufan. Although she did not successfully help me block the attacks of those hungry ghosts in the hungry ghost world, she did protect me with her spirit.

I have to repay this kindness.

Having almost said what needs to be said, I asked about Wu Bufan's uncle. I wonder how Uncle Li is doing. If this magic circle is a trap, I wonder if he was injured.

Wu Bufan just sighed heavily, "He's fine. I just didn't expect that after a lifetime of fame, I would become someone else's gunman. My uncle has been blaming himself for this. When you were unconscious, you went to heaven to ask for Help you and the Immortal family behind you get away with it."

"Uncle Li is really interesting," I said.

Wu Bufan sighed again, "My uncle told me that he might know who the person who set up the formation was. But because it involved some secrets, he didn't tell me. He said he wanted to go back. If When you wake up, let me tell you that everything is the best arrangement. As long as you hold on and have a righteous heart, everything will go as you wish."

Hearing this, I felt somewhat comforted. I felt that he was telling me that my immortals would come back.It just takes time. This may be a kind of tempering given to me by God.

I suddenly thought of what Mang Tianhua said to me on the day we moved.

Perhaps, they already knew that one day they would eventually be separated from me, but I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Brother, where is the owner of the villa? His surname is Zhai Shengjun. Have you seen him? How old is he? What does he look like?" I asked.

"The owner of the villa?" Wu Bufan said with a helpless smile, "He has never shown his face. Because you fainted, I carried you back and was seen by the security guard. I guess you have been blacklisted in the villa area."

I sat on the hospital bed blankly. It seemed that the clue was broken again this time.But it also proves that Chen Yu's Uncle Zhai and Zhai Shengjun are most likely the same person.

Because they all know such evil tricks.

"Okay, don't think about it. I bought you some of your favorite meals. You can eat some later. You slept for five days and five nights. If it weren't for the nutrient solution, you would have starved to death." Wu Bufan stepped aside. Bring over the lunch box.

But when I heard the word hungry, my stomach turned.

"What's wrong?" As soon as Wu Bufan opened the lunch box, I looked disgusted. He stretched out his nose and smelled it. "Is it okay? It's not broken. It smells good."

I waved my hand, "I just hear the word hungry and it makes me feel a little sick."

Wu Bufan licked his lips, frowned, remained silent for a long time, and said, "Where have you been in the past five days?" I thought for a while, but did not tell him my experience.Because this experience is a bit too weird, maybe this experience can be regarded as a glimpse of the secret. If someone who shouldn't know knows it, he may suffer backlash and receive inexplicable punishment. At the same time, an inexplicable voice told me Don't tell him.

So I shook my head and said sincerely, "I remember a little bit when I woke up, but now I can't remember it at all."

After I finished speaking, Wu Bufan said with a clear expression, "It's normal. After drinking water, you will forget some things you shouldn't remember. It seems that you have taken a walk in the underworld."

I shook my head in confusion, "Maybe. Brother, can you do me a favor?"

Suddenly, I said confused.

"Okay, you say it." Wu Bufan readily agreed.

"Can you help me protect Feng Hua during the next period of time?" I said firmly, "You know, Feng Hua's body is different from others, and I may not have the ability to protect her now."

"Okay. I promise you." Wu Bufan stretched out his hand to rub my head, but I instinctively avoided it.

I smiled awkwardly, "Brother, don't rub this end casually."

Wu Bufan seemed to have remembered something and smiled awkwardly, "Isn't he no longer here? He has been gone for so long, can he come back again?"

"Yes." I nodded, thinking of what I saw him in the Hungry Ghost Realm, "He will come back, he will definitely do it."

"Okay." Wu Bufan did not argue with me. Instead, he followed me and said, "Let me see when he can come back."

The days passed quickly, three days passed quickly from the time I woke up.

The doctor examined me and found that all my indicators were normal, so I was discharged and returned to school.

When I got to school, I canceled my leave and took classes seriously for a few days.

However, because his soul was severely damaged in the hungry ghost world, although his physical indicators are normal, he has been feeling tired recently and often forgets things.I usually have to write down some of my daily studies and work in a notebook to help memorize.

But I still remember her. Her name is Su Yang.

A very positive name, but the ending is very tragic.

I found her home according to the way I remembered it. She lives in this city, in Xiangbei District.

When I arrived in front of her building, I looked up at the 6-story building. The outer wall was very worn. It looked like the building was old.

If my memory is correct, her home should be Room 2, Unit 501.

When we arrived at the door, the dilapidated silver security door was covered with small advertisements.

I knocked on the door and a few minutes later a woman opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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