Chapter 112
Her eyes seemed not to be well, and seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.When looking at people, the pupils cannot focus.His hair is almost white, and he looks like an old man in his 70s or [-]s.

"Excuse me, is this Su Yang's house?" I asked.

When the woman heard the name, she looked excited and her body trembled violently. I watched her eyes turn slightly red, but no tears came out.

"Yes, but she is gone." A man about 50 years old came out of the room. His face was also a little haggard, but compared to this woman, he looked much better.He stepped forward and took the woman's hand, caressing her twice as if to comfort her.

From what they said and how they behaved, I roughly guessed that they were Su Yang's parents.

"I'm actually here to tell you something. Can I come in?" I spoke very carefully, for fear of irritating her parents.

"Let the girl come in." Su Yang's father said softly.

Su Yang's mother let go of the hand holding the door and said in a hoarse voice, "Come in."

"Uncle, aunt, I came today because I wanted to ask about Su Yang's birth date and get a piece of clothing she used to wear." I said straight to the point.

Most people would feel strange when hearing this, but Su Yang's parents were not surprised. Instead, they advised me, "Don't bother, we tried and couldn't find her."

This surprised me. Most people would not believe this kind of thing, but her parents said they had tried it.

"Why did you try? How did you try?" I asked.

Su Yang's father did not hide it. When Su Yang died, the old couple couldn't bear the shock and went to the goddess to see their daughter again, but they tried many times.None of them were successful and I gave up later.

"We used to be in a university and had a relatively good relationship. I dreamed of her every day a few days ago. She told me her home address and said she wanted me to come over to see you." I said.

In fact, these are all false, but for the living, this may be comfort.

"So, I came here to ask what her horoscope is and see if I can burn something for her." Seeing that his parents were not too excited, I continued.

"Is she okay?" Su's father asked, his voice couldn't stop trembling. I could hear the extremely restrained emotions in his words.

A father's love is very heavy. He may not shed tears every day like his mother, but deep down in his heart, his love for his children is definitely no less than that of his mother.

"She is very good, so uncle and aunt, can you give it to me? I know a very powerful master, maybe he can help us." I said.

Su Yang's parents were silent for a long time, then took out a piece of paper with her birthday and name neatly written on it, and then took out a red dress from the room.

"This dress is her favorite. Now, it's up to you." Su's father said, "Give this dress to her, she will be very happy."

I took over the heavy skirt, which contained too much love and reluctance.

Just when I left his house, the eyes of the old couple were still fixed on that piece of clothing. This is what is called seeing things and missing people.

When I returned to Wu Bufan, I gave him the horoscopes and clothes. He had already set up the altar and set up the soul-calling flags.

"This time we are working together and using Taoist and Immortal magic to find her at the same time, hoping that her remaining soul can come back." Wu Bufan was very serious and serious. I knew he was doing it for me.

I'm very grateful.

"Thank you, brother!" I said from the bottom of my heart.But Wu Bufan laughed and said, "Dongdong, don't be so polite to me in the future. I treat you as my biological sister. And my old immortal also said that if you are a good person, let me help you well, and it will be good for our cultivation. Meritful.”

"Yes." I nodded heavily, "Okay, brother, if anything happens to you in the future, I will be on the sword and go through the fire. I will not hesitate to die."

"No, don't be so serious. I don't need you to go up the mountain of knives or the sea of ​​fire, and I don't need you to fight to the death. Just give me a good one, which is better than anything else. Go aside. I'm going to start. "Wu Bufan half-pushed me and pushed me aside.

It seems that I even asked an immortal family to guard me. Because I was sealed off, although my eyes could still see these spiritual creatures, they were much blurred.

After everything was ready, he held a mahogany sword in his hand, walked on the ground with strange steps, and kept mumbling something with his lips. Because he spoke too fast, I finally heard an urgent command like a law.

Then I felt that the temperature around me seemed to have dropped a few degrees, and the strong sense of oppression made people who were originally aware of the sudden feeling feel frightened.

I expected that it was the old Monument King from Wu Bufan's family who came.

Wu Bufan said a few words respectfully to the air next to him, and the surrounding temperature returned to normal.

He began to perform the sutras again, and the red candle on the altar swayed a few times in response to the scene.He burned a charm, threw it into the sky, and closed his eyes.

What followed was a shocking scene. The red candle on the altar was no longer shaking a few times, but was shaking violently. The shaking frequency seemed to be blown out in minutes.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew outside the door.

But it stopped within a few seconds.

Wu Bufan frowned and burned another talisman, drawing the peach wood sword in the air. Suddenly, a strong wind raged around him, and the door and windows of his shop were blown open and crackled.

"Now that I'm here, I'll return to my hometown. The clothes you like have been brought to you. Put them on if you like them." As soon as Wu Bufan finished speaking, the red clothes that had been neatly folded on the ground were blown up by the wind, and then After a few shakes, the sleeves opened up, as if someone was really wearing clothes there.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to look more carefully, and saw that the clothes were no longer shaking, but half hanging in the air.

If I hadn't known that there were other energy bodies in this world, I would have thought that this was Wu Bufan's magic trick and a deception.

Wu Bufan walked around the clothes three times and clicked a few times in the air.The figure gradually became clearer, and I didn't have to look so hard.

But Su Yang looked very dull, his eyes were dull, and he stood there straight.

"What's wrong with her?" I struggled for a long time, but still couldn't resist my curiosity and asked.

"A remnant of her soul." Wu Bufan replied, "She is not conscious. Wait a moment."

After a while, that cold and oppressive aura came again, it should be Wu Bufan's old monument king.

The old Monument King seemed to do it on purpose. I couldn't see him clearly at first, but he appeared directly in front of me, and I even heard what he said.

"Bu Fan, I have found this girl's soul, which is not easy. I took it back from the body of a hungry ghost from the world of hungry ghosts." After saying this, the old Monument King looked back at me with a meaningful look, He said no more, turned around and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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