I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 113 See You Again

Chapter 113 See You Again

After that soul returned to Su Yang's body, her eyes seemed to have some emotions, but they were limited to emotions.

Wu Bufan put down the peach wood sword in his hand and sighed, "It seems that her soul is the only one left in this world."

"This is already good." I comforted.I know what happened to her, so it's a surprise to me that she can get her soul back.

"In the next life, she probably won't be able to become a human being. She will have to practice slowly. Only when she has enough cultivation can she be able to cultivate her three souls and seven souls and become a human being again." Wu Bufan explained.

"Well, brother, do me a favor." I whispered to Wu Bufan.

After hearing this, he originally refused, but in the end he couldn't stand my persuasion and finally agreed.

So he and I went back to Su Yang's house the next day.

Her parents were surprised to see both of us, especially Wu Bufan, whom they met for the first time.

"Who is this..." Su's father asked.

"This is the master I'm looking for. He has recovered Su Yang's soul, but her soul has been wandering outside for too long, so she may not recognize you now. You can only look at her and not touch her because her soul is weak. , if touched, it may rush to her, and it will be difficult to gather the soul in the end." I explained.

Su Yang's mother has always refused to talk to me, but this time, she kept holding my hand. She choked and wanted to say something, but her tears could not stay at all. She could only sob, "Thank you, thank you... …”

Later, Wu Bufan used the simplest and crudest method - dipping willow leaves in wine.

This is a very common way to see ghosts, which is to soak willow leaves in wine and then stick them on your eyelids, and you can see ghosts.

Because willow leaves belong to yin, especially those that fall on the ground, they are contaminated with the earth's energy and are even more effective.There is also a saying about this wine, that is, it must be wine offered at the cemetery, so that it can connect yin and yang.

This method is simple, but the time is very short, which is very suitable for their kind of meeting.

But in order for me to see the whole thing clearly, he gave me a bowl of talisman water before setting off, saying that it was homemade and would open my eyes for a day.

I'm really curious about the efficacy of this talisman water.

After Wu Bufan had prepared everything, he handed the willow leaf to the two of them, "Be mentally prepared. If you stick this willow leaf to you for a while, you may not only see your daughter, but also other ghosts. Don't wait until then." Scared. This time limit is very short, only 10 minutes."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Mother Su snatched the willow leaf and carefully put it in her hand, "Can you let it go now?"

Wu Bufan nodded.

Mother Su trembled with trembling hands, hesitated several times, and finally made a decision and stuck it.

Although I have never been a mother, I can understand this feeling.Because you care, you should be afraid to meet.I don’t know what state each other will be in when we meet again, and I don’t know what we will say when we meet again.

So people become nervous and cautious because of expectations.

"Yangyang." Su's mother cried, and she fell to her knees on the ground.At this moment, I saw tears of blood flowing from her eyes.

At this moment, Father Su, who had always been strong, cried like a child.

Parents' love for their children is always so profound.

Because children are their continuation, how can they not love them?This is their life.

Therefore, in this era, it is most unacceptable for a white-haired person to give a black-haired person to someone else, especially since most families in the Northeast are only children. This kind of pain is even more difficult to accept.

"Don't touch her." Wu Bufan reminded them again when they saw how excited they were.

Su's father and Su's mother collapsed on the ground crying. They just watched from a distance without taking a step forward.But at this moment, I found that Su Yang's soul seemed to have changed, and she actually shed tears.But the tears of ghosts are different from the tears of humans. Ghosts are black.

She, who had been stunned, suddenly knelt on the ground.He kept crawling towards his mother, looking at the blood and tears on her face, he reached out his hand and wanted to touch her gently.

But Su's mother kept backing away, saying, "Yangyang, it's okay. Mom is fine. Don't touch mom. I'm very happy to see you. I want you to be well."

This tear-jerking scene made me shed tears.

It also strengthened my determination to live.

Because I can't let my mother become such a miserable person.

Looking at the two people looking at each other from a distance but unable to touch, I felt indescribable regret and sadness in my heart.

"Mom." Su Yang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

This shocked both Wu Bufan and me.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a soul to speak.

"Mom, let me hug you again, I'm fine." Su Yang spoke lamely, feeling that it was difficult for her to say it.

Mother Su also burst into tears at this moment. She opened her arms and hugged each other.

"Mom, before I leave, I can still do something for you. If there is a next life, I will still be your daughter. Also, help me find the murderer and live a good life." Su Yang leaned on her mother's shoulder Go up and say quietly.

Then I saw a trace of black energy from Su's mother being pulled out of her body and floating into Su Yang's body.

I wanted to step forward to stop him, but Wu Bufan held me back.

He shook his head at me, "Don't worry."

I nodded and stood watching from a distance.

This may be Su Yang's own choice.

Who says that people must be reincarnated? If Su Yang chooses to disappear like this, she should be allowed to do so. After all, she only has one soul and will not be a human after reincarnation.

Su Yang just hugged Su's mother, while Su's father stepped forward and hugged the two women he loved most tightly, until Su Yang's soul gradually became transparent and disappeared...

I know that she is really gone this time... and will not come back.

Father Su and Mother Su cried loudly when they saw their daughter missing, and kept searching the house, but it was true that Su Yang would never come back.

"Little master, where is Yangyang? Where is Yangyang?" Su's mother kept kowtowing, "Can you let me see her again, even just for a glance. I will give money. If I have money, I will give it to Yangyang. I’m saving it, please.”

Seeing her painful look, Wu Bufan and I couldn't bear it. He gave me a look and I understood.

I helped Su's mother up and said softly, "Auntie, Su Yang has been reincarnated. She just wanted to see you one last time. Now that her wish has been granted, she can go and enjoy happiness in the next life. It's not that bad to be a ghost all the time. It’s going on, isn’t it?”

After hearing my words, Mother Su's mood became more stable, but she still cried for a long time.Finally tired of crying, she held my hand and talked about Su Yang's childhood.

Only then did I realize that Mother Su’s eyes had become very bright, not as dirty as before.

Did Su Yang cure her mother's eye disease just before she left?

(End of this chapter)

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