Chapter 114
"Auntie, can your eyes see more clearly?" I asked.

Su's mother seemed to have just realized this problem, and Su's father stepped forward and observed carefully for a while.

"Your eyes are healed." Su's father said in surprise, "The doctor said that your eyes were caused by excessive sadness and blindness from crying. It won't be cured unless the cornea is replaced. Is this, is it cured?"

"It's Su Yang." Wu Bufan said, "She took away her aunt's illness before she was reincarnated. This may be her best wish. I hope you two can live a healthy and happy life."

When Su's mother heard this, she cried even harder.

When Wu Bufan and I saw this, we didn’t want to disturb him anymore.

Before leaving, Mother Su suddenly stopped me and said, "Girl, I think you are a business person. Auntie is rich, but I have something to ask of you."

I didn't agree immediately, because now I have no ability and rely on Wu Bufan and Bai Yuzhen for everything. How could I follow my own likes and dislikes and trouble them at will.I looked at Wu Bufan, who patted me on the shoulder, then turned to Mother Su and said, "You want to talk about the murderer, right?"

After all, Wu Bufan was very talented, and he had some abilities. He could roughly guess what Su's mother meant with just a simple thought.

Mother Su nodded quickly, "Yes, that's what I mean. Little Master, you are so powerful, can you help me find out where the murderer is? My Yangyang told me the day before the accident that she always felt that someone was following her recently. . It’s also my fault that I didn’t take it seriously at the time. Now that I think about it, it might be the murderer. However, I have read Yangyang’s notes and she did not have a description of that person. I called the police, and the police also said that it was very difficult to find because When Yangyang discovered it, it was already incomplete."

Wu Bufan moved his fingers slightly, and just as he was about to say something, I took over, "I will help you find a solution for the murderer. If there are any clues, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Seeing that I agreed, Father Su and Mother Su thanked me profusely.

Wu Bufan and I left. On the way, Wu Bufan asked me why I agreed to them.

He did some calculations and found that there was no detailed information about this person, only a rough height and shape. Even if the Immortal Family provided an image, it was not [-]% accurate, and he could not guarantee that he would be found.

"I have seen the murderer." I said decisively.

Wu Bufan grabbed me and asked, "Where are you?"

"In the memory Su Yang gave me." I answered, "And in my memory, Su Yang knew this person."

"Then where to find it? Looking for a needle in a haystack. You can't go to the police and ask them to draw a portrait, right?" Wu Bufan asked.

"It's really not possible, and it can only be like this."

"Then if the police asked you how did you know? How would you answer? Tell him that a ghost told him? Or did you say you saw it in a dream?" Wu Bufan said with a helpless smile.

I really didn’t think so much and didn’t know how to answer.

At this time, I heard someone on the side selling sugar cane. I always ate this when I was a kid, but when I grew up, I rarely saw it being sold.

I quickly listened to the sound and rushed over.

Wu Bufan shouted from behind, "Dongdong, please slow down, why are you so big and still so unstable?"

I didn't say anything, but walked a few steps quickly and came to the sugar cane stall.

The moment I got here, a chill ran down my back and my whole body froze.

In front of me is a man about 1.7 meters tall. He looks 40 years old and looks very simple and honest, but I have seen this man in Su Yang's memory.

It was him who killed Su Yang.

I took two steps back.

"Beauty, do you want some sugar cane? Today's new one is so delicious." The man asked with a grin.

I shook my head and took another step back.I pulled Wu Bufan aside and walked to a distance that I thought was safe, and whispered to him, "That's the man, that's him." Wu Bufan looked over from a distance, and the man happened to be looking towards us.

Wu Bufan smiled and showed two small tiger teeth and asked, "Are you sure it's him?"

"I'm sure, but there is no evidence. After so many years, even if there was evidence, it would have been destroyed long ago." I said softly.

"It's okay, it's up to me." After saying that, Wu Bufan walked over and stared at the sugar cane in front of him, "Boss, is this sugar cane sweet?"

As soon as the man saw the business, he quickly replied, "It's sweet, it must be sweet. If it's not sweet, it won't cost you."

"My sister wants to eat, give me one, but you cut it into pieces for me." Wu Bufan said in a decent manner.

"No problem." The man said, picked up the knife on the side and started to chop.

I don’t know what happened to the man, but he actually scratched himself when he cut himself for the second time.

Seeing this, Wu Bufan quickly took out a tissue and wiped it for him, "Quickly stop the bleeding, why are you so careless?"

But I saw that Wu Bufan hid the tissue after wiping his blood.

Then he paid and ran over quickly.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to school. He will definitely surrender in two days." Wu Bufan winked at me.

I had a creepy feeling that I seemed to have foreshadowed this man's tragic situation.I don’t know how Wu Bufan will treat him, I’ll wait and see.

After we bought the sugar cane, we originally wanted to go back to the dormitory, but I asked him to take me back to the rental house.

I haven't gone back for many days, and I have been using various methods to numb myself from thinking about this matter, and I don't want to face it.

After what happened today, I suddenly thought about it.People must learn to face it. Only when they face it can they have the courage to face difficulties head-on.

It's not like the Xian family won't come back, they just go out temporarily.

When I got downstairs from the rental house, I said goodbye to Wu Bufan.When I walked into the unit door, I walked up the stairs to the second floor for a long time.

Maybe he was still afraid, so he picked up the key and hesitated for a long time before opening the door.

The moment the door opened, a familiar smell hit my face.

However, everything is different again.

I looked at the red bill on the wall. Although the black name was still written on it, the words behind it were no longer as lively as before.

Even the red color was lifeless.

I couldn't help but reach out and touch it, but I didn't feel anything at all.

"When will you come back?" I murmured to myself.

I originally thought I could face it, but when I faced it, I was still so sad and painful, but it was more of a powerlessness.Because I don't know how to rescue the immortals and how to break the seal at the entrance of the hall.

I sat on the sofa in front of the hall. I don’t know how long it took.The door of the rental house rang. I opened the door and saw Master Bai Yuzhen coming.

"Master." My tone was a little lackluster.

(End of this chapter)

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