Chapter 115 You and Us

"I heard from Bu Fan that you are back." Bai Yuzhen bypassed me and walked directly to the hall.She looked carefully at the red bill on the wall, "This is really the first time I've met him."

"What?" I asked.

"I have heard about the closure of the hall, but I have never seen it." Bai Yuzhen explained, and then stared at my face for a while, "You may have encountered some serious problems recently."

"Huh?" When I heard this, I instinctively thought it was the 22-year-old deadline. "Is it a life-and-death disaster?"

"The calamity of life and death has been advanced." Bai Yuzhen said, "Your immortal family has been sealed. Now it seems that you can only rely on yourself."

"Maybe this is why they said that if I were to take action, they wouldn't be able to protect me." I sighed.

Bai Yuzhen shook her head, "Actually, that's not the case. You can't escape this disaster even if you don't come out. What they think is only one-sided. How can the gods' meanings be understood by you and me as mortals?"

"Master." I called softly, "Can't we survive this disaster?"

Bai Yuzhen smiled and took my hand, "Dongdong, what did you call me?"

"Master." I replied.

"Since I am your master and they can't protect you, I will do my best to protect you." Bai Yuzhen looked at me. We are similar in age. I was very touched by the sympathy at this moment.

"Master, thank you." I said.

Bai Yuzhen took out an amulet from her bag. I took it and saw that it was a golden Maitreya Buddha amulet, "This is it."

"I have offered this amulet in front of the hall for five years, and now I give it to you." Bai Yuzhen said, and put it on me, "There is a ray of spiritual thought from my old immortal on it. If something happens to you, they will If I know, I will come to protect you. When I accepted you, the immortal family behind me and I knew that this day might come, so we were also prepared. I came to you today just to tell you that you are not alone . You just look like you have to face it alone, but in fact, in addition to the Xian family, you also have friends, brothers, and a master."

"Master." My eyes were red and tears welled up in my eyes. I hugged her and said, "Master, thank you, thank you very much."

"Okay, actually you don't need to be too pessimistic. When the court was established..." At this point, I kept staring at her face, trying to hear the reason not to be pessimistic.

Perhaps seeing how much I was looking forward to it, Bai Yuzhen smiled and said nothing, "You will know later. Okay, let's go. I'll treat you to celebrate your discharge."

Another half-talker.

I sighed and said with a sad face, "Master, you are also a bad learner. Why are you like this? Talking half-talk is very annoying."

"Oh, if you are a little confused, you will have surprises." Bai Yuzhen also changed her cold attitude and took my arm, "Let's go, Bu Fan is here."

"Him?" I wondered, "We just separated not long ago...".

"Yes, he went to order food after he separated from you. I asked him not to tell you, and to give you a surprise." Bai Yuzhen's innocent look was really rare. She smiled and said, "Isn't it? I don't know. If you encounter good things when you are in love, will you be happier?"

"Yes, I am indeed very happy. So why don't we go home drunk today?" I was also infected by her emotions and said cheerfully.

"Okay, no problem. I won't come back until I'm drunk."

Bai Yuzhen and I talked and laughed all the way to the restaurant. Wu Bufan had already ordered the food and was waiting for us there. But what I didn't expect was that Feng Hua was also picked up by him.

"Hua Hua." I was really surprised to see Feng Hua.

"I...Brother Bu Fan said that things are not peaceful recently, so he asked me to follow him if I have nothing to do." Feng Hua explained.I pursed my lips and suppressed a smile, "Okay, you can follow him. I'm a little weak recently and I really can't protect you."

This kind of gathering of close people is always pleasant, and after three glasses of wine, the atmosphere is heightened.Even Feng Hua drank a few bottles of beer. Seeing the food on the table bottoming out, we all became drunk. Feng Hua's face turned red and he looked quite charming.

I didn't go back to the dormitory after drinking. Wu Bufan sent Feng Hua back to the dormitory, and then Bai Yuzhen and I went back to our respective homes.

I went to the rental house. As soon as I entered the house, the surroundings immediately became quiet.

I leaned on the sofa, feeling sleepy as I drank more.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I don’t know why, I haven’t dreamed for a long time, but I couldn’t get out of my dream this night.

In the dream, I saw the world of hungry ghosts filled with red clouds again, and Ye Zeyi.

It was like my nightmare. The way Ye Zeyi sacrificed his life to save me, and the god and Buddha who appeared when he escaped from danger, all the fears came back again, eroding my spirit.

A ray of sunlight filtered through the curtains and happened to shine on my face. I blocked it with my hands and moved my body. Only then did I realize that my back was aching because I had fallen asleep on the sofa and my neck was stiff.

I moved my neck, and there was an unbearable pain in my stiff neck.My stomach was churning with discomfort, as if I hadn't slept at all that night and felt like I had gone out for a run.Looking tired, I leaned on the sofa again and squinted briefly for a while, but my mind kept thinking about why I was so tired after coming back. I didn't dream like this for a long time when I rested in the dormitory.

After a while, when it was almost time, I carried my schoolbag and went to the classroom.

When I arrived in the classroom, Feng Hua was already sitting there, holding a plastic bag in his hand. He saw me and waved.

I walked over and she gave me the plastic bag, "Breakfast, millet porridge, tea eggs, meat buns."

"Thank you." I said gratefully and started eating without any ceremony.

Classes in college always go by so fast. My thoughts are flying all day long, and I can't control my impatience at all. I always skip the class, as if I have lost my soul.

"Dongdong, are you tired?" Feng Hua asked me with concern.

I nodded weakly and lay on the table, "I slept on the sofa all night last night and didn't sleep well."

"I see, why don't you go back to the dormitory and live with me?" Feng Hua suggested, "If you don't go back to the dormitory, there will be rumors about it among the classmates now."

I raised my eyelids and shook my head, "I want to live outside these days. I don't want to go back."

"Then shall I stay with you?" Feng Hua asked gently.

I thought about it, it was okay for Feng Hua to come to me. Although the house was no longer protected by the Immortal Family, with Wu Bufan's amulet there, it should be fine.

So I agreed.

Feng Hua stayed with me in the rental house for the next few days.

After about half a month, I slowly accepted the fact that I had no communication with the immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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