Chapter 116 Reincarnation
In the past, I rarely sat in front of the hall to meditate, because I felt that the communication between each other was very smooth, so there was no need to concentrate.

But in the past half month, I went home and meditated for two hours every day, but there was no sign of them.Including Ye Zeyi who appeared halfway.

After coming out of the world of hungry ghosts, he disappeared.

But this time I felt at ease because I knew he was always by my side.

But the good news for me is what Wu Bufan told me. He said that the murderer of Su Yang surrendered.

I'm very curious why the murderer suddenly surrendered after being on the run for so many years?

He pretended to be mysterious and didn't tell me on the phone.

But I know that this matter is certainly not simple.From the moment I discovered that he had left traces of the murderer's blood, I knew he was going to use some crooked means.

Finally, with the temptation of a meal, I finally called him out and asked him face to face.

On the day of the meal, I didn't take Feng Hua with me because I was afraid that I would scare her by saying something horrible.I looked at Wu Bufan, who was a little disappointed, and said with a smile, "Brother, who are you looking for? You know why I came out to call you, take her with you, aren't you afraid of scaring her?"

Wu Bufan gave me a roll of his eyes, "Sister, you really want to be as annoying as you want, and you always expose me."

"Okay, if you are really interested in her, I sincerely wish you the best, as long as you protect her." At this time, I looked at these things more openly. From the resistance at the beginning, to the helpless acceptance later, to the dullness now. Accept that people are always growing.

Wu Bufan always looked cheerful, but today he was very serious, "Sister, she and I really have a relationship. It's just a casual marriage. I don't want to ruin her, but I can't help but get close to her. This thing of fate, said Grandpa Yue has been sleeping for so long, why did he get up recently and even specially set up a connection for us."

"In this case, accept it calmly. You can't hide. You can hide from the first grade of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth grade. If you hide it in this life, you will still have to show it in the next life. It's better to clean up the fate in this life and have no worries. ." I said in a very calm tone.

Wu Bufan's eyes changed when he looked at me, as if he couldn't believe it. "Sister, what's wrong with you? It feels like you woke up a little different this time."

"It's okay, I just ignored some things." I said.

"It seems that Su Yang's incident has a great impact on you." Wu Bufan nodded, "Actually, she is just one of the many living beings."

I nodded. Su Yang finally used her only strength to help her mother, pay off the debts of her past life and this life, and leave cleanly and completely.

"By the way, don't talk about me, talk about you. Why did the murderer surrender?" I asked.

Wu Bufan smiled slightly, showing a hint of cunning, "I just pasted Su Yang's birth date on a little straw man, and burned it together with the paper stained with the murderer's blood, and the little man transformed into Su Yang's appearance at night. I went to look for him at night. He couldn't stand it any longer and asked for help, so I looked after him and told him that he had no other choice but to surrender."

"Then surrendering would be death, and being outside would be death. Why would he surrender?" I didn't understand.

"Don't you understand? People are more afraid of these unknown events than jail and death. Therefore, he would rather be executed than see Su Yang asking for his life outside every night." Wu Bufan was very worried. Proudly, "Master, except me, wouldn't dare to think of this method."

"I believe it." I agreed. "A person who dares to break into a villa privately, what can't he dare to do?"

"Sister, I'll give you a practical lesson. It will definitely help you get in and out of society. Just don't be too rigid when things happen, and you have to be flexible."

"Stop being such a mouthful." I smiled, happy that this matter was resolved satisfactorily. I thought about it, discussed it with Wu Bufan, bought some fruit, and went to Su Yang's house.As soon as there was a knock on the door this time, Su Yang's mother ran over immediately. She looked much better. When she saw us coming, she immediately let us in.

"You two little masters, sit down and I'll wash some fruits for you." Mother Su was in good condition, with a smile on her face.

Even their house looked very bright at the moment, with warm sunlight coming in and giving the sofa a halo.

I got up and walked around, and found that everything in Su Yang's house had been emptied, and there was a white puppy in that house.

The puppy was very small, just a little bigger than a palm. It was as soft as a grandma's and very cute.

"Auntie, this house..." I asked.

Mother Su happened to come out of the kitchen and spoke very gently, "Since she is gone, don't keep those things. I heard people say that keeping these things will not be good for the next life."

"Indeed." I was very pleased with her change. I thought this was what Su Yang wanted to see.

"Yangyang, come on, mommy will make some milk for you..." Mother Su took another small bowl with milk in it and put it on the ground. The puppy in the hut immediately ran out and drank happily. Grandma's babbling sound will also come out of her mouth.

"This..." I had a strange feeling.

At this time, Wu Bufan also came over and took a look at the dog. I saw that he looked startled and gave me a gentle push.

I remained silent and sat back on the sofa.

Wu Bufan said, "Is this puppy just born?"

Mother Su looked at the puppy drinking milk in the room with tenderness in her eyes, "Yes, I brought him back just a few days after he was born. I think he is Yangyang, do you know? Yangyang When he was just born, he had a palm-sized red birthmark on his buttocks. This puppy also had the same, exactly the same, and when I first saw it, I fell in love with it. It stands to reason that newborn puppies will bark when they leave their mother. Yes, but when I carried it away, it lay obediently in my arms, motionless, and I felt that my Yangyang was back."

"Yes." Wu Bufan nodded, "In that case, treat it well."

"That's natural." Mother Su smiled and nodded, "Did you two come here today for something? Has the murderer been found?"

I glanced at Wu Bufan and nodded, "Yes."

At this time, the puppy that I had been loving ran out of the house. It lay quietly next to Mother Su’s legs and stared at us.

It looks like this, it really makes me feel like Su Yang is back.She might want to hear the things she couldn't let go of in her previous life.

"The murderer turned himself in. There is a sugar cane seller downstairs." I said.

Su's mother closed her eyes, and it was obvious that she was suppressing it, "Thank you. This time, Yangyang's great revenge will be avenged, and my wish will be fulfilled. Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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