I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 117 Feng Hua is missing

Chapter 117 Feng Hua is missing
As she said this, she walked into the house and took out a wad of money in an envelope.But looking at the thickness, I feel it should be 1 yuan.

In this year, 1 yuan is actually not a small amount.

I looked at Wu Bufan and asked for his opinion.

Wu Bufan has the most say in this matter.Because it was he who made the murderer surrender.

"Auntie, this money is what you want. I know it, and I understand it. We will definitely accept it, but each business has its own rules. Please be considerate of us. If you charge too much, it will not be good for our practice. Okay, so, I will take two thousand, and please take back the rest." Wu Bufan counted out 20 hundred-yuan bills from the envelope, and handed the others back to her.

After chatting with her for a few more words, we parted.

Before leaving, I saw the little puppy walking to the door loudly, as if to see us off.

Under the sunlight, I seemed to see two people in the room, one was Su's mother and the other was Su Yang. They smiled and waved to us.

After leaving the door, I finally couldn't hold back my curiosity and immediately said, "What's going on? Isn't Su Yang's soul gone?"

Wu Bufan shrugged, "The world is so big that it is full of wonders. As a unique emotion of human beings, it has a strong power of thought. It is like another powerful magnetic field and energy that also controls the progress of all things in the world."

I don't understand, but I understand one thing. Su Yang's reincarnation may be related to Su's mother's strong love.

This matter can be considered a happy ending.

Except that my fairy family and I are relatively miserable, everything else is back to square one.

I returned to the rental house and Feng Hua was already cooking in the kitchen.I looked at him wearing an apron, looking so skilled, which was really charming.

"Huahua, if, I mean if, Wu Bufan said he liked you, what would you do?" I asked, leaning against the kitchen door.

Feng Hua seemed to be startled by me, and the spoon in her hand fell to the ground. She picked it up in a hurry, her face was as red as a red apple, "You are back, why are you silent? Dinner will be ready soon, you Wait for me for a while?"

"Change the subject, naughty." I laughed and didn't ask any more questions.

I lived a very comfortable life in the rental house. Since Feng Hua came, I seem to have never had those dreams again. Maybe we are each other's salvation.

But this peaceful life did not last long. Within a few days, something happened to Feng Hua.

It was a weekend night. Feng Hua was supposed to come back to the rental house to accompany me after studying in the library, but he disappeared for no reason.

The reason why I said she disappeared is because I tried many methods, but couldn't get through on the phone. I couldn't find her when I went back to school along the way to look for her. When I asked the classmates who studied with her, they only said what time she left, but they didn't. No one knows where she went.

I was a little panicked. If the old immortals were still there, I could ask them to help me look and find where the person was. But now, I tried my own methods but found nothing. I suddenly thought of Wu Bufan and called him immediately. Got him.

"Brother, something happened to Feng Hua, she, she is missing."

I didn't know what Wu Bufan's expression was on the other end. After hearing what I said, he hung up the phone and appeared at the back door of the school in less than half an hour.

"How did she lose it?" I guessed early on that he would go to the back door, so I waited there early. When I saw him, I heard him ask anxiously.I shook my head, "I don't know. She sent me a message when I was studying in the library at night. It's been almost two hours now and I haven't arrived at the rented house yet. I've also looked for the dormitory and the classroom." I've looked for it, but nothing. I have no other choice, she..."

I'm really worried. She is my best friend, which can also be said to be a life-long friendship. She has always been by my side when I was in the most difficult time.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious." Wu Bufan comforted me here, but he was pacing back and forth anxiously, "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I will think of a way, I have a way..." He kept mumbling like this.

"Brother, please calm down, why don't you ask the old immortal?" I asked.

Wu Bufan took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions, "I asked before I came here, and I was told that I saw an image in the school. It was very dark there, but I couldn't see the surrounding scenery clearly."

"It must be dark everywhere at night now." I said. Suddenly, I thought of a place, "Brother, do you still remember the wasteland you talked about when you moved?"

After I finished speaking, both Wu Bufan and I suddenly understood. He took me into the car, stepped on the accelerator, drove into the school, and drove out to the wasteland.

This wasteland was not very far from the back door, and Wu Bufan drove very fast. In just two or three minutes, we turned a corner and arrived at the outskirts of the wasteland.

The wasteland at night was indeed terrifying. It was like a black curtain. Even with the moonlight, it was impossible to see clearly what was ahead.

Wu Bufan took out the flashlight he had prepared long ago, but after shining the light in, there was still no reaction.

"It seems that there is really a problem." I said, "I just don't know how Feng Hua got into trouble. Obviously, she was wearing an amulet."

"The amulet doesn't work every time. It also has energy. Every time you encounter some evil object and escape it, the energy of the amulet will be reduced, so the amulet will become ineffective over time." After Wu Bufan finished speaking, he rushed into the wasteland.

I originally wanted to follow closely, but was blocked by Wu Bufan, "Sister, you can't come in, the orifices on your body are open to the public, and evil things can possess you if they take possession of the orifices. You wait for me outside." "

What Wu Bufan said is reasonable, but Feng Hua is my best friend. How can any friend be in trouble and I not support him?So I touched the amulet that Master gave me on my chest and said firmly, "I am carrying the amulet that Master gave me. Don't worry. It contains a ray of divine consciousness from the immortal master. It will protect me. Don't worry."

Wu Bufan was silent for a few seconds and nodded, "Then protect yourself and tell me if you encounter something strange."

I nodded.

The two of us got into this wasteland.

Although this is a wasteland, there are still some scattered trees and rocks in it because it has not yet been developed.

As soon as I entered this wasteland, I had the illusion that I was cut off from another world.It was a strange feeling. When I walked in, everything around me no longer had the chirping of birds and insects at night, and even the moonlight in the sky seemed blurry and dim.And it's very cold here, surprisingly cold. Although the weather has reached below zero now, it feels like [-] or [-] degrees below zero.

I rubbed my hands and followed Wu Bufan, "Brother."

Wu Bufan walked straight forward, as if he didn't hear my cry.

(End of this chapter)

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