Chapter 118 Buried
I thought I screamed too softly, so I yelled again, "Brother Bu Fan, it's too cold here. Something's wrong."

But Wu Bufan still didn't say anything, and didn't even look back.

I looked at his back as he walked forward. It looked like it was him, but his walking posture had changed.

I gasped, realizing something evil had happened to me.

I stopped and observed. There was indeed something wrong with Wu Bufan in front of me. He made no sound when he walked, and there was no shadow even under the moonlight.

I've seen a lot of ghosts, but I don't see them often when I can't protect myself...

It seems that when people are unlucky, even drinking cold water will hurt their teeth.

I swallowed, closed my eyes, touched the protective amulet given by Bai Yuzhen, and muttered silently, "Buddha bless you, immortal master bless you. If you encounter an evil thing, help your disciples get out of trouble. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, After walking deeply in the Prajnaparamita for a long time, I saw that the five aggregates are all empty..."

I recited the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra silently in my heart...

I read it about three times before opening my eyes.

There was no one in sight, no one around.

I know that the fake Wu Bufan is gone, but where is the real Wu Bufan?Where has he gone?
I wanted to call his name and see if he responded.But after thinking about it, I decided to give it up. If something else came out here in the middle of the night, it would be enough for me to drink a pot.

I walked forward cautiously, looking around every step I took, observing, for fear of something happening again.

I found that the stones and trees here did not seem to be arranged in a messy manner, but in an orderly manner, as if they had been placed here deliberately.

I thought this might be some kind of formation, but Hu Tianhong wasn't here, and I wasn't good at studying, so I couldn't tell.

It’s true that when a book is used, it will be less useful. After I go out, I will definitely study hard and learn professional knowledge, but I can’t just laugh every day. Haha.

Just when I made up my mind, I suddenly noticed something strange. It was the stone next to me. I saw it four times. I looked at my phone again. Half an hour had passed since I came in.This wasteland is actually not that big, so I can't walk to the edge in half an hour. It seems that I have been circling around a place.

My head was buzzing, and my first thought was that a ghost was beating the wall, but I quickly rejected it. I was carrying Master's amulet and reciting the Heart Sutra so many times just now, so it was impossible to be confused by a ghost.

But why do I walk around a rock so many times?

What is the principle of this?

As I was thinking and walking, I suddenly tripped over something, and my whole body fell forward and fell to the ground.

"Hiss..." The pain in my palm made me cry out.

Looking back, my eyes widened, and I quickly crawled over regardless of the pain in my palms.

The person who tripped me just now was Feng Hua.

At this moment, Feng Hua was buried in the soil, with only the upper part of his shoulders exposed. It was Feng Hua's shoulders that tripped me just now.

I hurried over and started digging with my bare hands, not caring about finding any tools.

At this time, Feng Hua kept his eyes closed, his face was horribly pale, his lips were blue, and he looked like a doll that had lost its soul.

"Huahua, hold on." I cried and dug with my hands. At this moment, my mind had already left me, and I was not afraid that the sound would attract other horrible things. I cried and shouted while digging, "Bu Brother Fan, here, Feng Hua is here, Brother Bu Fan..." But no matter how I shouted, there was no sound of footsteps around me.

I knew that he didn't come, and I also knew that something must have caught up with him.

My eyes turned red when I dug them out, and I almost went crazy. The only thought in my mind was that I had to dig out quickly. If it was too late, Feng Hua would be gone. Even the skin on my hands was rubbed off, and the flesh and blood were blurred by the dirt. I didn't even realize it, and there seemed to be a very evil force growing and devouring my body...

Until...a voice came to my ears, "Dong Bao, wake up."

Such a voice poured into my mind like a clear spring, extinguishing the anger in my heart at the moment. It was his voice, Ye Zeyi.

I cried, "Ye Zeyi, where are you? Come out, Feng Hua, Feng Hua is buried, I can't do it, I can't do it myself..."

"Dongdong...Feng Hua..." Wu Bufan's panicked voice reached my ears. I turned around and saw Wu Bufan running over with a pale face, "What's going on?"

I cried and said, "When I found her, half of her body was buried in the soil. her quickly..."

Wu Bufan grabbed my hand and glanced at me, "You go to the side, I'm here." Then he pushed me aside, found a wooden board nearby, and started digging.

Wu Bufan was a man after all, and he was very strong. Soon Feng Hua's upper body was dug out of the soil. Wu Bufan stepped forward and hugged her. He hugged her up and hugged her whole body.

I ran over and checked her body in a panic. I felt that she still had a pulse, and my panicked heart calmed down a little. "Brother, she has a pulse and she is still alive. Send her to the hospital quickly."

Wu Bufan hugged her in his arms and said, "Follow me. You can't make a wrong move. How I go is how you go."

Wu Bufan said very seriously, and I nodded seriously. I knew there was a problem with this wasteland. Everything just happened showed the problem. In order to save time, I must be obedient.But before leaving, I looked back at the pit where Feng Hua was buried. There seemed to be something red in the pit, but it was too dark and I couldn't see it clearly.

But the first priority now was to send Feng Hua to the hospital, so I quickly recovered and watched Wu Bufan's steps and direction attentively, and followed him step by step. It took about ten minutes before we walked out. .

The moment we walked out of the wasteland, everything around us seemed to have changed. We heard the noisy sounds at night and felt the breeze and fresh air.

Wu Bufan moved quickly, put Feng Hua in the car, and drove to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, Feng Hua was sent to the emergency room, while Wu Bufan and I were waiting outside.

As time passed by, I kept biting my fingers nervously.

Only a few hours had passed for Wu Bufan, and he seemed to have become a different person. He was very vicissitudes of life, and his black beard had grown out. "Brother, Huahua, everything will be fine."

Wu Bufan nodded, "It will be fine. I have seen her face. She is not destined to die early."

Although he spoke firmly, his voice was trembling.I felt his fear and fear.

At this time, the door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor pushed Feng Hua out.

Wu Bufan and I immediately pounced on him.

"The patient's physical indicators are all normal, but he has been unconscious. It may be that the short-term lack of oxygen caused brain damage. Whether he can wake up depends on these three days." The doctor sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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