Chapter 119
I was relieved to hear that the vital signs were normal.

Because he was unconscious, there must be another reason.

Wu Bufan and I looked at each other, and there was hatred in his eyes.

Feng Hua had to be pushed to the intensive care unit for overnight observation. Family members were not allowed to accompany her there, so Wu Bufan and I could only stand outside and watch her.

"Brother, what's going on there?" I asked.

Wu Bufan's Adam's apple rolled, "That wasteland is actually a dark place, and all the coffins should be buried in it."

When I heard this, my scalp was numb and my heart skipped a beat. Does that mean that Feng Hua's soul might be locked in that underworld?
"The formations arranged there are eight formations, arranged according to Dunjia Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, and Kai. They are changing every moment. The so-called two rituals give rise to four images, and four images Bagua gives birth to all things, and Bagua develops all things. Therefore, this formation is ever-changing. If you enter this formation and do not know the birth gate, you will never be able to get out." Wu Bufan gritted his teeth and said, I can feel the hatred and anger. .

Only then did I understand why my surroundings felt different as soon as I entered, and I couldn't get out no matter how I walked. That was it.

"Why is Feng Hua buried there?" I continued to ask.

Wu Bufan shook his head, "This is the first time I've seen that kind of burial method. I think it's some kind of strange technique. But it doesn't matter, I will save her, even if it means risking my life."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Brother." I called him, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to destroy that underworld." Wu Bufan finished speaking and left quickly.

I knew I couldn't stop him, so I stayed with Feng Hua obediently.

I sat on a chair in the corridor outside, my mind going blank.

Half asleep and half awake, I thought about hearing Ye Zeyi's voice today. Ye Zeyi, are you back?But why don't you show up to see me?
Before I knew it, I fell asleep...

I seem to have come to a place where it is dark, dark and humid.

"Dong Bao, Feng Hua didn't lose her soul... She had Yin Tong, Yin Tong..." Ye Zeyi's voice was very gentle, but he felt so far away from me...

"Ye Zeyi, where are you? What does Yin Tong mean? What does Yin Tong mean... Come out and tell me, come out..." I kept running and searching in this place, but no matter how long I ran, , Ye Zeyi's voice is still very far away from me. In the end, the only thing I can hear clearly is that sentence, Yin Tong...

My body was shaken, and Wu Bufan's voice penetrated into my ears.

I woke up suddenly and found that my forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

"Sister. Are you having a nightmare?"

"Well, I was dreaming and couldn't escape from a place." I took a deep breath and realized that it was already dawn outside. "I'm sorry, brother, I was too sleepy and fell asleep..."

"There's nothing to be sorry for. You're also very tired." Wu Bufan put a bag in my hand, "Eat it, then go back and take a nap. I'll stay here to watch..." "Brother, what did you do last night? ?" When I saw Wu Bufan's haggard look, I knew that he must have been busy last night.

"You'll know in two days." Wu Bufan forced a smile, "Go back, I'll watch her here, and think about why she can't wake up."

I thought of that dream, so I told him, "Brother, I heard a voice last night, saying that Feng Hua couldn't wake up because of her vaginal pupils."

"Yin Tong?" Wu Bufan frowned.

"Yes." I nodded, "You should also notice that Feng Hua actually has two pupils, one of which is the yin pupil. It is also because of this that she can see ghosts."

"Then what does her coma have to do with Yin Tong?" Wu Bufan asked me.

I pursed my lips and said, "I don't know. I don't understand this very well. I just heard a voice telling me so in my sleep."

"Sister, maybe you want her to get well too much, and you think about her day and night. Now that you don't have the Immortal Family, where can you hear the message from the Immortal Family to you?" Wu Bufan comforted, "Don't worry too much. After thinking about it, the yin and yang eyes will not make a person unconscious. Moreover, her soul is indeed no longer in the body. I will try to find the reason for her coma. I also told the master about this matter and wait for her to come. Look again."

I didn't refute him, because he was right. Even I was not sure whether the words I heard were because I missed Ye Zeyi too much and Feng Hua got better. It was a random dream I had because of Ye Zeyi. Zeyi is really back.

But according to his character, he will definitely come to me when he comes back.Since Wu Bufan also told Bai Yuzhen about this, there is a high chance that Feng Hua will get better.

"Brother, I understand, but I won't go back either. Feng Hua is my best friend. I won't leave her to go back to rest alone. I've already had a good sleep. It's okay. But you didn't sleep last night. So, you lie down and rest for a while while I watch." I said stubbornly.

When Wu Bufan saw this, he didn't dissuade me.It is said that among horse disciples, nine out of ten disciples are stubborn. We all understand each other and the things we have decided will not change.

But he didn't fall asleep either, so the two of us just sat on the chairs outside with our eyes wide open all morning until Bai Yuzhen arrived.

Bai Yuzhen was familiar with Feng Hua. After arriving, she stood on the glass outside the intensive care unit and looked at Feng Hua lying on the hospital bed. Her expression became more serious, "Feng Hua's soul is not in the body."

I remained silent because I really didn't know. Wu Bufan nodded, understanding the same thing as her.

"Have you searched for the accident site?" Bai Yuzhen asked.

Wu Bufan replied dejectedly, "I found it. I dug three feet into the ground to find it. I summoned the souls of other lonely ghosts, except Feng Hua's."

"Tell me more about what happened yesterday." Bai Yuzhen's seriousness made Wu Bufan and I both nervous, so we told her what happened last night in detail, without even a single detail. Let it go, including the fact that I found a red thing under the pit where Feng Hua was buried before I left.

After saying that, Bai Yuzhen and Wu Bufan left again, leaving me alone to guard Feng Hua. I also knew that at this moment, I couldn't do anything in the past.

In about three or four hours, Bai Yuzhen and Wu Bufan came back.

When they came back, neither of them looked very good. I learned from them that where Feng Hua was buried yesterday, her feet happened to be on a vertical coffin.This kind of burial method is called dragonfly touching water in Feng Shui. This kind of burial method will definitely make future generations rich and powerful. However, there are also hidden disasters in this land. After a few dignitaries appear, there will inevitably be a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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