Chapter 121
I nodded heavily, but tears welled up in my eyes. On the way, I called my parents and grandma again and told them that I loved them.

I'm also afraid that once I go, I won't come back.

Bai Yuzhen took me to the farmer's market to pick out a strong and powerful rooster with a red crown and golden legs that was more than ten years old, as well as some meat, rice wine, and a three-foot-three-foot red thread, etc.

After preparing these things, we went to Bai Yuzhen's Buddhist hall, where she prepared a bed for me. She told me that she would ask her old Monument King to come and see me off in a while. When I enter the underworld, everything will happen. It's up to me.And what I have to do is to hold this big rooster for a while. If I find that the rooster is wilted or dying on the road to the underworld, I must come back, otherwise, I will not be able to come back.

Listening to the seriousness of what she said, I knew this was something serious.

I lay on the bed obediently, and she tied my hands and the rooster's legs with a red rope, then put the rooster on my body, and I held it tightly as she obeyed.

Bai Yuzhen covered my face with a piece of white cotton and continued to tell me that if I encountered danger over there, just pull the red rope and she would do her best to bring me back.No matter what you encounter or see, don't talk. Don't talk to anyone. You can only talk to Ye Zeyi alone. It's the same on the way home and back.If I get lost, just think of him in my heart and follow my inner guidance, and I will naturally find him.

Then she asked me to close my eyes now and just think about Ye Zeyi.I kept her words in mind, then closed my eyes and thought about him. After a while, I felt the surroundings become a few degrees colder, and then the rooster screamed several times.

Hearing its cry, my head shook a few times, and then my mind became unclear.My whole body felt groggy, as if there was a huge suction force attracting me.

Just for an instant, the world around me was spinning, it was terribly dark, and there was no light at all.

Then, I found myself in a black corridor. Except for a glimmer of light in front of me, the rest of the place was completely dark.

I wasn't walking, but I kept moving. I looked down and saw that I was actually riding on that big rooster. This refreshed my understanding. I didn't expect that in this underworld, the rooster would become like this. It's big enough to hold people back.

In just a short while, we reached the end of the corridor, which looked like a temple. At this time, I heard a word in my ear.

"Li Dongdong, the overcast boy, has arrived, please help me give him a lift." As soon as the voice fell, I saw a kind grandfather and grandmother coming out. They smiled and nodded to me, and with a slight push of their hands, I was still alive. He took the chicken and flew out, immediately getting into the light ahead.

In an instant, I stood on a spacious road. I looked to my side and saw a big rooster with a red crown and golden horns standing next to me. It puffed out its chest proudly and looked majestic.

The sky here is still gray-white and misty, just like a cloudy day. On both sides of the road are small black and white houses, row upon row. On one side of the road is a very tall black mountain. This is what I dreamed about last time. Where I came from, it was very similar.

I felt a little excited and quickly moved on.The rooster has been following me, but it has a close connection with me. If I walk faster, it will run a few steps. If I want to take a look at the surrounding scene, it will stop with me.

In this way, we walked like this, one person and one chicken, without meeting anyone along the way.Before I knew it, I came to a fork in the road.

I remembered Master's words, if you can't find the way, think of Ye Zeyi, so I closed my eyes and thought of him, and there seemed to be a potential power guiding me.

I unconsciously walked to the path on the right. After walking for a short time, I saw a familiar river.Last time there was a boat crossing this river, and they asked me if I wanted to get on the boat. Fortunately, Ye Ze pulled me back one by one at that time.

I looked there today and there wasn't a single boat.

I stood by the river, thinking about Ye Zeyi, and murmuring to myself, "Ye Zeyi, where can I find you?" I thought in my heart, and there was a ripple in the river in front of me.

At this time, I noticed that a building seemed to have appeared in the water.When I looked carefully, it looked like a mansion.The pavilions and pavilions inside are similar to those in the human world, but they are all black, so they look very deep and solemn.

Could it be that Ye Zeyi lives here?No wonder he appeared when I almost boarded the boat.

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath and prepared to step into the river.

But the rooster beside him seemed to be afraid of the river water, and even after testing his feet several times, he did not fall down.

I thought for a while, since this chicken is so important for guiding the way, I shouldn't let it go into the water, otherwise it will drown and I won't be able to go back.

So I touched the rooster's feathers and silently comforted me. The rooster seemed to understand what I said and tilted its head and nodded twice.

Then I mustered up the courage to go on my own.

The moment my feet were submerged in the river, a biting coldness penetrated into my heart. It was like countless hands were tearing at my legs, and countless sharp knives were inserted into my body. The pain made me instinctively pull my legs away. Withdrew.

As long as I hesitated, my calves became a little red and itchy from the river water just now.

Why is this water so powerful?

"Girl, this river is called the Wangchuan River. It's full of wronged souls who don't want to be reincarnated or have huge grievances, or extremely vicious evil spirits. If you want to cross the river, I'll cross it for you." An old voice came from my ears. I felt uncomfortable. With a good feeling, I glanced at him.

He smiled at me and said, "Come on, girl, it is fate that you and I met. Get on my boat and I will ferry you across the river."

I didn't speak because Bai Yuzhen said, no matter what I heard or saw, I should ignore anyone who spoke to me.

Moreover, the last time I boarded the ship, I was stopped by Ye Zeyi, proving that I could not board the ship.

I ignored him, turned my head again, and looked at the river ahead.

How can I swim across it?

"Girl, come on, if you try to cross the Wangchuan River, you will get hurt." The ferryman said to me earnestly.

I was a little upset and a little anxious because of his quarrel. I suddenly jumped into the water.

At that moment, my whole body, including my hair, felt as if I had fallen into water at minus [-] degrees Celsius. I was so cold that I shivered all over.

My body felt like it had been cut apart by countless blades. I was shocked the moment I opened my eyes. The ferryman was right, the river was really scary.

(End of this chapter)

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