Chapter 122 Injured
This water is densely packed with ghosts. They have different shapes, teeth and claws, and they rush towards me in the dark.

I hurriedly endured the low temperature and pain and swam a few times. In just these few times, my body seemed to have undergone some changes. First, the river water had no effect on my breathing. Second, my body was as nimble as a fish and exuded silk. The golden light dissipated the coldness around me, and the red and swollen areas on my body gradually disappeared. This made me very surprised. Could it be related to what happened in the hungry ghost world?
I didn't think too much and swam desperately to the bottom of the river. I don't know how long it took, but I swam to the main entrance of the mansion.

On the solemn black door, there is a plaque, Ye Mansion.

It seems that this is really where Ye Zeyi lives.

I wanted to knock on the door, but as soon as I reached out to push the door open, the door opened by itself.

I was confused for a moment, and swam in regardless of Sanqi 21.

The moment I entered, I fell heavily to the ground.

There seems to be a different world here.

I looked above my head, and it seemed to be covered with a white halo, surrounding the mansion.

Yo, I also made a peach blossom garden.I sighed in my heart.

After entering, I discovered that this mansion was very large, with a courtyard with three entrances from the front, middle and back, and the east and west wings were neatly arranged. I didn’t do much research on ancient mansions, so I didn’t know which room the owner usually lived in, so in these rooms in the mansion Running back and forth looking for it.

At first I was hiding from the servants and maids, but since I realized that they couldn't seem to see me, I became bolder.

Suddenly I saw a room. That room was very special. It was built like a lotus flower and was very artistic.Paired with the lotuses planted around it, it feels somewhat elegant.

I took a general glance and saw that the lotuses around me include white lotus, black lotus, and red lotus.The white lotus is noble and gorgeous, the black lotus is solemn and solemn, and the red lotus is enchanting. They complement each other and are beautiful but full of danger.

At this time, a few gardeners who were tidying up the flower beds emerged from the flowers. They had expressionless and pale faces, holding large scissors in their hands. They looked a bit scary.

But when they saw me, there was a trace of unconcealable panic in their calm eyes...

They can actually see me, am I so scary?I thought silently in my heart.

Then he walked to the door of this room, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as I entered the room, I heard a familiar voice, very irritated, "Didn't I tell you not to come in? Can't you hear me?"

It's Ye Zeyi.

I ran towards the sound excitedly and passed through the screen. Behind it was a bed, with Ye Zeyi lying on his side facing inward.His upper body was naked, and his body was covered with large and small black wounds, and many places had festered and pus-filled.

His face was paler than before, and his whole body was very weak.

I stopped where I was, and my heart ached when I saw this scene.

Are these injuries of his because of me?
My feet felt like a thousand pounds, so I walked over step by step and sat gently on the edge of the bed.

"Get out," he yelled.I bit my lip, stretched out my hand tremblingly, and slightly touched the wound on his back with my fingertips. His body was still so cold, without any warmth at all.

I felt his body tremble involuntarily, and then the angry voice came again, "Get out, anyone who lets you touch my wound, get out."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I hurt you." I took my hand back in panic and choked.

Ye Zeyi said no more, and there was silence all around. Because he was in the underworld now, there was no sound of breathing in the room.

"Why are you hurt like this?" I cried, my hand trembled slightly and I wanted to reach out, but I hesitated for a while and then took it back. I said distressedly, "How can I help you?"

"Why are you here? Go back quickly, this is very dangerous." Ye Ze stood up and turned around, with a smile on his pale face and said in a gentle and urgent tone.

"I, I just came to find you. I...I miss you very much. I have been waiting for you to come back to me." I didn't say anything about Feng Hua immediately. At this moment, I just wanted to express what I had been suppressing in my heart. , at the same time, seeing that he was so seriously injured, I didn’t know how to ask him to save Feng Hua.

"Silly Dongbao, when I get better, I will come find you." Ye Zeyi smiled fondly, stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of my head.

"Why were you injured so badly? What happened? Were you injured in the Hungry Ghost Realm that day?" I kept asking, but Ye Zeyi didn't explain a word to me.

"Okay, stop talking about me. You came here, do you also want to know about Feng Hua?" Ye Ze changed the subject, but also mentioned the purpose of my coming here.

I nodded and looked at him worriedly, "Yes, Feng Hua is unconscious. You said it was related to Yin Tong. Can he be saved?"

Ye Ze licked his lips and said, "Yes, but the key is you."

"Me?" I was surprised.

"Only the old man from the Wu family and I know about this matter, but what he knows is not absolute. Because the matter involves you, I paid more attention to it. This Yin Pupil was originally yours. But due to some coincidence, it If it is lost, it will be transferred to different people's bodies through reincarnation again and again." Ye Zeyi's words made me stunned.

What do you mean this dark pupil is mine?

"That's why Feng Hua can't see those spiritual things when she's with you, because the Yin Pupil recognizes its master, and when you're with her, the Yin Pupil will automatically follow you, so she won't pass through this Yin Pupil. Hitomi saw those things." Ye Zeyi continued to explain.

"But Yin Tong has been wandering outside for many years. If you want to return to your body, you need to go through a lot of twists and turns, and you also need to endure a lot of pain, especially when Yin Tong is used by others and absorbs too much Yin Qi. You need to go back to your body." When you take it back, it may be corroded by Yin Qi and suffer backlash, confusing your mind." When Ye Ze said this, he was a little worried, "If I were by your side, I might be able to solve some problems for you, but now..."

He glanced at the injuries on his body and said, "Now I..."

"I understand, I understand, don't worry, I can do it." I took the initiative to grab his hand and comforted him, "After going through so many things, I am strong, don't worry."

"Dong Bao. Even though I don't want you to take the Yin Tong back, but for your future, you have to suffer this." As soon as Ye Ze stared at me, I saw the distress and helplessness in his eyes. "I will tell you the method. It is actually very simple, but it is very painful..."

I listened and Ye Zeyi told me the method.As soon as the results were told to me, the red rope that had been tied to my wrist moved. I had a hunch that I might be going back.

(End of this chapter)

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