I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 127 A handsome guy strikes up a conversation

Chapter 127 A handsome guy strikes up a conversation

I didn't dare to stay any longer, so I hurried to the emergency stair exit and ran down quickly.

But it's six floors. I ran for more than ten minutes but didn't see the door on the first floor. My phone was still powered off and I couldn't make a call.

Just when I was in a hurry and couldn't do anything, my chest felt slightly warm.It was like a warm current that penetrated into my body and I shuddered.

The scene in front of me was not as dark as before, but brightly lit.

I am standing in front of the stairs on the fifth floor, and there are more than a dozen students bustling next to me.

"What's wrong with you? Classmate?" A boy looked at me worriedly.

I heard the name and looked up. I have seen this man before. He is considered the eldest son of our school. He is a senior, 1.8 meters tall and has exquisite facial features. His exquisiteness is not like that of Ye Ze, who has sharp edges and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. , his facial features are very soft, but a little affectionate, he looks like a boy next door, with a good family, good grades, a top student in the Chinese Department, very elegant.

"It's okay." I smiled.

"You were walking up and down the fifth floor just now. You've been walking for more than ten minutes. Are you really okay?" He asked again with concern.

My mood has stabilized now, and I looked at him and smiled, "I was too tired from studying just now, so I walked back and forth and exercised."

The boy nodded, "Shall I take you back to the dormitory? It's already very late."

"What time is it?" As soon as I asked, my phone kept vibrating. I was shocked. Wasn't my phone out of battery?

I quickly took out my phone, and Feng Hua's name was displayed on it. I looked at it, and it was 12 o'clock sharp.

"Huahua." I picked up, "I'll go back now."

When Feng Hua heard that I answered the phone, he felt relieved, chatted with me for a few words and then hung up.

The surroundings became quiet at this moment, and other students had left in just a few minutes.

This boy had no intention of leaving.

"Let's go? If you don't leave, I will leave." I said.

"I'll see you off." The boy followed up and said quickly. "It's so late, it's not safe for girls. Which building are you in?"

People's resistance to handsome guys is almost zero, especially such proactive handsome guys.

"Building 4." I replied.

"Let's get to know each other, my name is Gu Shenyan."

"My name is Li Dongdong." I nodded politely.

"I always see you studying here lately, shall we join together in the future?" Gu Shenyan cleared his throat.

I felt that there was a temptation in his tone of voice, and I didn’t quite understand what he meant, but there was nothing wrong with studying together. It happened that there were some semi-classical Chinese texts in the book I was reading that I didn’t understand. He might be able to help me, “Okay, but Do you mind if I come with my roommate?"

"Of course I don't mind." Gu Shenyan smiled happily, "Nice to meet you and your roommate."

The wind on the campus at night was a bit cold. After he sent me to the door of the dormitory, we exchanged greetings and parted ways.

I entered the dormitory door and looked back, and found someone carrying someone on his back.

The man lay on his back and rested his head on his shoulder.

This guy is not simple, I sighed.Suddenly my arm was grabbed by someone, and I couldn't help but startled. I was frightened tonight, so I was less courageous than usual.

"I asked you why you came back so late and didn't reply to messages or answer calls. It turns out you had an affair." It was Feng Hua.

"Don't talk nonsense." I waved my hand, "Go back quickly, I'm so sleepy, I just happened to meet you when I was leaving."

"Meet him by chance? Then you are so lucky. How many girls are looking forward to meeting him by chance. Gu Shenyan, a talented man from the Chinese Department, is said to have been admitted to graduate school, and can stay in school to teach after graduating from graduate school." Feng Hua praised, Thumbs up for me.

"You are quite knowledgeable." I raised my eyebrows.

"Of course, since we were studying in the library, he has always looked at you secretly, and I have studied it for him." Feng Hua said proudly, "How is it? Dongdong? Do I have the potential to be a detective? .”

"Indeed, private detective, why did you find him staring at me all the time without warning me in advance?" I pretended to be angry.

Feng Hua quickly took my arm and pulled me back, "That's not because you were focused on studying at that time. I thought you had turned into a good girl with only knowledge in your eyes. Until he sent you back today, I Only then do I dare to talk to you about the relationship between men and women."

"Dongdong..." Feng Hua said in a long voice, coquettishly, "He is actually quite good. If one day he tells you that he wants to fall in love with you, just agree. After investigation by the private detective, he is a clean and well-behaved person. A positive and motivated man.”

I slapped her lightly, thinking of the scene just now, and sneered, "Don't make trouble, I don't want to be with someone yet! And I know people but don't know people's hearts! What you see may not be true."

"Don't be anxious. There's no way you can stop fate. You may want to find a relationship in the future. Believe me, this Gu Shenyan is definitely a good man." Feng Hua raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, when fate comes, I won't stand in the way. I'll accept it happily, okay?" I said.

"Okay." Feng Hua nodded happily.

After I washed up, I went back to the dormitory to sleep. I slept very uneasily that night. That girl kept appearing in my dreams. Those eyes that stared at me closely and the corners of her mouth that smiled at me always made me feel... A chill ran down my spine. I tried desperately to run, but she kept chasing me. Finally, she grabbed my hand and said, "Come with me..." The ferocious face magnified on my pupils, and I opened my eyes suddenly. Open your eyes.

"Dongdong, Dongdong..." Feng Hua's voice sounded in my ears, and I turned my head and looked over. "Are you having a nightmare?" She reached out and wiped the sweat from my forehead and said.

"Yeah." I replied tiredly, "It's a nightmare."

"Get up, there are classes this morning." Feng Hua whispered.

I thought quickly and said, "No, I saw it yesterday and there are no professional courses today."

Feng Hua looked at me as if I were joking, "Didn't you sign up for three elective courses?"

I slapped my forehead and said, "The blisters on my feet are all caused by myself."

After that, I got up, washed up, had a bite to eat, and then went to the classroom.

This elective course is Psychology.

I have always felt that psychology is a very magical subject. As a talented person, learning psychology well will have unexpected results.

There are not many people taking this class. There are only 40 people in the entire lecture hall.

Just when I was sitting in the classroom and falling asleep, a gust of wind blew by and a man sat next to me.

"Can I sit next to you?" the man said politely.

I opened my eyes and glanced around, and it turned out to be an acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)

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