I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 128 Verifying new skills

Chapter 128 Verifying new skills

"Gu Shenyan, you also chose psychology?" I was a little surprised.

"Well, psychology is a magical subject. Learning this subject well will be very good for future career development." Gu Shenyan explained, "I didn't expect that you also took this subject."

"Well, I just chose with my hand." I smiled and instinctively kept my distance from him.

"Your friend didn't come with you?" he said.

I replied, "Are you talking about my roommate Feng Hua?"

"Probably, the girl who is always with you." Gu Shenyan replied with a smile.

"She didn't take this course, but next time I bring her, she also likes psychology." I said politely.

"No, that's not what I meant. I was just curious. Two people who are inseparable..." Gu Shenyan said.

Seeing him looking a little flustered, I smiled and didn't answer.

The two of us were silent until the teacher came to give the lecture, without saying a word the whole time.

I have to admit that psychology is a very useful course.Some fake fortune tellers actually master people's psychology, so that they can learn some hidden information in each other's chats, add their own guesses, and get the hidden information of a fortune teller, so as to achieve the purpose of being trusted by others.

Therefore, many fortune tellers nowadays, in order to prove their innocence, will first ask for your birth date and tell you some things that happened before. If you feel it is accurate, then proceed to the next step.

Of course, when you are really looking for someone to tell your fortune, you have to be different and wise. After all, there are many liars and many masters.

After class, Gu Shenyan stopped me and said that we would have dinner together at noon and bring Feng Hua with me. I originally refused, but Feng Hua couldn't stand it and agreed.

I don't even know when Gu Shenyan got Feng Hua's mobile phone number.

When he walked to the door of the dormitory, Feng Hua was already standing there.

When she saw me and Gu Shenyan behind me, there was a cunning look in her eyes.

Gu Shenyan said, "Are you Feng Hua? I used to keep in touch with you on Renren. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. Nice to meet you, Gu Shenyan."

"Thank you, handsome guy Gu, for the compliment!" Feng Hua said.

Gu Shenyan was chatting and laughing with us on the way, and I pushed Feng Hua into the middle. For some reason, I always felt an instinctive dislike for him.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, I said I was going to order food and threw Feng Hua and Gu Shenyan on their seats again.

After about ten minutes, the food I ordered was ready, and I brought it back.

Feng Hua and Gu Shenyan were chatting animatedly at the moment, with smiles on their faces.

"Dongdong, come here, I've been chatting about you just now." Feng Hua called me over, "Gu Shuaigu said that he met you when he went to Songlan Campus last year to do errands. At that time, he thought you were a boy, and he thought we were friends. A pair."

"Ah, we are a couple. He was right." I replied.

Feng Hua scolded me, "Don't talk nonsense, I like men."

I smiled evilly and said, "I like girls."

During the entire lunch time, Feng Hua and I were arguing over each other's words. Gu Shenyan didn't interrupt much, so it was a pleasant meal.

But just when we separated, I saw the man lying on Gu Shenyan's back again.

Because the distance was very close this time, I could tell that the person lying on top of him was a woman, a middle-aged woman, probably in her 40s.As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Feng Hua quickly asked, "How is it? Is it okay?"

I shook my head and raised my eyebrows, "It's really not good. He's not a good person."

"Dongdong, I've only met twice. How can a good person be so bad?" Feng Hua pretended to be angry, "It's a hard-earned encounter. If you turn away like this, you will scare people away."

I shook my head and sighed, "Huahua, my emotional affairs are very complicated, and they are different from what you think. But you and Wu Bufan are at loggerheads every day, and you still have Kong Jing to take care of me?"

"Just because I think I'm about to get married, I want to find someone who can accompany you." Feng Hua smiled like a flower and blushed like a red apple. It was obvious that she was very happy now.And Wu Bufan is also worthy of her love. What he has paid for her is enough to earn her love.

"Now that you are a normal person, you should talk about your boyfriend properly. I know this well. Gu Shenyan, please stay away from him in the future. He is not a kind person." I said. "Trust my eyes, you know."

Feng Hua suddenly realized, "You mean, he..."

"Shh!" I made a silent expression, "You just know."

"I really can't tell! By the way, Dongdong, how are you feeling recently? Are you still used to it?" Feng Hua asked.

I smiled and said, "I'm used to it, I'm so used to it, and I've even developed new features."

"What new function?" Feng Hua asked expectantly. "When you asked me last time, I thought you must have discovered something again. What kind of ability is it?"

"I'll tell you after I confirm it." I pretended to be mysterious. "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I will go to the library to study in the evening. Will you go?"

Feng Hua looked at the time and said with a happy face, "Not today. I'm going to Brother Bu Fan's shop this afternoon. He asked me to help look after it for a while. He has to go out. We also have a meal together in the evening. , I guess it will be after eight o'clock when I get back, I will call you when I get back."

"Are you showing him the store?" I rolled my eyes, "This is the only reason he can think of."

But I felt relieved when I heard that she was with Wu Bufan.

After dinner, I went to the library alone.

When I arrived, I was stopped by Aunt Jiang. She looked at me gratefully and held my hand tightly, "What's your name?"

"Li Dongdong."

"Dongdong, thank you so much." She was a little excited, her eye circles were slightly red, "I went for a check-up, and the doctor said that there was indeed uterine fibroids, which were very big. If we don't do surgery, there will be dangers Yes. You said I was fat, but you never thought that this might be the reason for my big belly. I will take leave for surgery in two days. I am here to thank you."

After saying that, she stuffed 500 yuan into my hand and said, "Aunt Jiang will definitely accept it if she is kind to me."

I took the heavy 500 yuan and felt something in my heart.

At the same time, I also wanted to take this opportunity to ask something, so I said, "Aunt Jiang, I want to ask something."

"Tell me, what are you asking about? Aunt Jiang knows everything. She must have told you everything."

"Why is the sixth floor of our library closed?" I asked.

Aunt Jiang probably didn't expect me to ask this question. She was stunned for a moment, then whispered in my ear and asked, "Why do you ask this question? Did you see something?"

What Aunt Jiang said made people think a lot, and seemed to be telling me that there are indeed unknown secrets here.

"Is there really something here?" I asked.

 Thank you all for your support of Shenmu. After typing every day, before going to bed, or when I get up early the next morning, I see your messages, rewards, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. I am instantly resurrected with full blood, no matter how many times I have after work every day. I am so tired, but thinking of you being with me, coding becomes a very happy thing.Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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