Thinking about it, I fell asleep.

This time I slept peacefully and I didn't dream about her.

I woke up early the next morning and looked very good.

However, I still decided to go take a look at her in the evening. Until I figured out her identity, I always felt like something was unfinished.Since she is determined to kill me, I must strike first.

After a day of classes and dinner in the evening, Feng Hua walked out of the dormitory with me. She said she would study with me tonight.We walked out chatting and laughing, and accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar person standing at the door of the dormitory.

I said hello to him casually and continued walking forward, but Feng Hua stopped me and said, "Dongdong, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. You go to the library by yourself first."

After saying that, she disappeared in a flash.The words of concern were on my lips, but I suppressed them back.

At this time, a man walked towards me. I looked up and saw Gu Shenyan.

"Gu Shenyan, hello." I greeted politely.

"Waiting here for you to go to the library to study together." He said.

"Wait for me?" I raised my eyebrows, "Why wait for me."

"I just want to study with you." Gu Shenyan smiled and blurted out the nice words, "Studying with a beautiful woman, I feel very efficient."

I laughed coldly, "Let's go. Since we've been waiting for so long, let's go together." On the way, I chatted with him a dozen times, "What do your parents do?"

"My father was gone when I was very young," Gu Shenyan said. "As for my mother, she should be retired by now. I haven't seen him for a long time!"

When he said this, Gu Shenyan had a hint of sadness in his tone.

"I'm sorry for bringing up your sadness!" I apologized, but I always felt that there was something wrong with what he said.

Moreover, when he mentioned his mother, I noticed that the female ghost appeared on his back. She was hanging on Gu Shenyan's back, with a fierce look in her eyes.

I pretended not to notice and continued to ask, "How many girlfriends have you had?"

"Not yet." He said with some greenness and cleanness.

However, I knew he lied.Although my fairy family is now closed and cannot give me any induction, I have learned some divination and horoscopes by myself for so long, and I still have some results.

Especially for someone like him who is inexplicably interested in me, I have to investigate.So I asked him privately about his birth date and made some predictions.

The hexagram shows that this person has a very prosperous peach blossom and a pair of peach blossom eyes, so he is destined to be very popular with women, and he should have just broken up with his girlfriend at this time.But I'm curious, why does the hexagram show that he has no wife or children?What about being alone?

In the end, it's because I'm not good at studying and can't see through the secrets of heaven.

I didn't continue to ask about his girlfriend, after all, I wasn't that interested in him.

So, I politely replied, "That's right, there are very few handsome guys like you who are as clean and self-sufficient as you are now."

Soon, we walked to the library. I went to the 5th floor as usual, because most of the books on the 5th floor were of my favorite type, as well as some books related to my major.

Gu Shenyan has been following me. I don’t know what he wants to do, so I just take my book card and borrow an English version of Harry Potter.

The reason why I borrowed a book randomly was because I didn’t want him to know that I was studying metaphysics.

But my English is really not very good. I read three pages for an hour and a half, and I spent an hour just looking up the dictionary.

"This word means Muggle." Gu Shenyan said softly.I coughed lightly, "I know, I'm just a little tired, so I just looked through the dictionary."

After saying that, I glanced at the corner where I found the female ghost two days ago.

The female ghost did not appear.

I thought that Gu Shenyan was a senior, so was the sixth floor of the library closed while he was here?

"Brother Gu, let me ask a question." I said with a smile.

"Tell me." Gu Shenyan became interested and looked at me with a smile.

In fact, he is really handsome and his smile is very friendly, but for some reason, I just can't like him and I always feel that something is wrong.

"Have you been to the sixth floor of this library?" I asked.

"I've been there."

"When you were in school, was the sixth floor still there?" I was a little surprised.

"Of course, at that time, the sixth floor was full of ancient Chinese literature books, and many students liked to go there to find a few literary works to read back." Gu Shenyan answered neatly.

"Do you know what happened on the sixth floor?" I asked cautiously.

He shook his head, "I don't know much about this matter. I had to take leave for a while because of family matters. When I came back, the 6th floor was locked. But I heard that a girl was killed on the 6th floor. That’s why the lockdown was implemented. But because it was at night, there were very few people around, and the school strictly prohibited the spread of the disease, so few people knew the details.”

"That's it, thank you." I said thank you and started to pack the books, "Gu Shenyan, I don't want to study today. I want to go back to the dormitory to rest."

"Li Dongdong, you really take care of your senior brother when you have something to do, but be careful about what you say when you have nothing to do." He laughed at himself.

I smiled politely and left.

The female ghost did not appear again in the next few days, and my curiosity about her gradually faded away.

Perhaps when she appeared at that time, she simply discovered that I had yin and yang eyes to see her, and she simply wanted to find a scapegoat. But after two fights, she found that I was not her best target.

I originally thought the matter was over.Unexpectedly, something more dangerous is coming.

It was a Friday. Feng Hua and I originally had an appointment to go to the library, but because Wu Bufan asked her to go out to watch a movie, I became myself again.

It rained heavily that day, and there was lightning and thunder in the sky.The wind was howling, and even though the lights in the house were dazzling, they couldn't resist the shock that came from the depths of the soul.

I looked at the window of the library. The trees outside had been blown by the wind, and their branches had been deformed.The roaring sound was like a devil roaring, and suddenly, all the lights in the library went out.

Instantly, there were screams all around, almost all the students were whispering, and a few timid ones were even scared to tears.

I sat where I was, looking at the howling wind outside, the trees swaying in the wind, and the dancing shadows of the trees through the window, like demons with teeth and claws. They showed their sharp claws, trying to catch and devour everything.

This reminded me of what Aunt Jiang told me before she went on vacation. The day the girl died was also a night of thunder and rain.

I felt a little uneasy, always feeling like something was going to happen.

Just as I was thinking, suddenly, a pair of hands put on my shoulders. (End of chapter)

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