I turned my head slightly, glanced behind me alertly, and said in a cold tone, "Who!"

The reason why you don't turn your head but turn your head sideways is because there is Yang Fire on your shoulders. In this case, turning your head in fright will blow out the Yang Fire on your shoulders. In this case, the Yang Qi of the body will be weakened and will be destroyed. Yin things take advantage of the void and enter.

"It's me, Dongdong." Gu Shenyan's voice.

"What are you doing?" I was a little angry, with a hint of reproach in my tone, "Don't you know that people are scary and can scare people to death?"

Gu Shenyan must have sensed my displeasure and took his hand away, "I'm sorry, I didn't think too much. I saw there was a power outage. I was afraid you would be scared..."

"There's no need for you to worry. If you don't scare me, I'll be fine." I said in a bad tone.

Gu Shenyan opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, I made a gesture to silence him.Because I found that the surroundings were terrifyingly quiet now, with only the rumble of thunder outside the window.

Gu Shenyan also obeyed and remained silent.

With the flashing light of lightning, I roughly saw the situation in the library clearly at this time.

The students around me disappeared, leaving only me and Gu Shenyan standing beside me.

The middle of the bookshelf behind us was dark, and there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at us in the darkness, which gave me a creepy feeling.

I know this is all very unusual.

"Why have all the classmates around me disappeared?" Gu Shenyan also noticed it and asked in a low voice, with a hint of panic in his voice.

In fact, I am also afraid, after all, the calamity of life and death is coming.I may start experiencing tribulations anytime and anywhere, but I feel at ease when I think of carrying the amulet Bai Yuzhen gave me.

"If you want to survive, don't stay too far away from me." I spoke calmly and said calmly.

I have experienced these things many times, but there were people protecting me before, but now I can only face them alone.

No, I am not facing it alone. Bai Yuzhen and Wu Bufan are both there, and Ye Zeyi is also there.But more importantly, I still need to become stronger myself.

I emboldened myself, stood up, and walked toward the bookshelf. At this moment, the corner next to the bookshelf lit up. A girl was sitting at the table looking at the book in her hand, and a small desk lamp gave off a bright light.

When I saw it, it was the female ghost!
Gu Shenyan pulled me and said excitedly, "Dongdong, there is someone there. There are other students there. Let's go there!"

Seeing his surprised look, I couldn't bear to tell him the truth.In fact, many people have had this experience. For example, when we walk on a sparsely traveled path, or in an unfamiliar but empty space, we will have a fear of loneliness from the bottom of our hearts.

At this time, if they see someone of their own kind, people will put down all their wariness and take the initiative to talk to them to increase their courage.

But often at this time, you have to pay attention. What you see is not necessarily the same kind as you. Even if it is the same kind as you, it is not necessarily the kind kind.

I have also experienced this myself, but this will happen later, and I will talk about it slowly.

Therefore, this time I did not tell Gu Shenyan that the female classmate in front of her might not be a human being, or perhaps not a person from the same period as the two of us.

Gu Shenyan said that ignorant people are fearless, and he immediately came up to talk to me, but I stopped him.

His eyes warned him not to act or make decisions without permission.

But he seemed to have misunderstood me.

He smiled at me and held my arm with his backhand, as if to give me strength, or to tell me that I will not leave you.

I wanted to explain it clearly to him, but this situation was not suitable for talking about these things, so I just let him go. In this case, it is still important to help each other and save lives.

So I just let him pull me.

He also understood what was going on and made no other moves.I don’t know how long the stalemate lasted. I looked at the time on my watch and saw that it was already 10pm. The wind outside was still very strong and the thunder was shaking, which made people panic.

"Dongdong, there's no call yet, are we leaving?" Gu Shenyan stretched his head over and said in my ear.

His warm breath blew into my ear, making me itchy and numb. An indescribable feeling made me uncomfortable.I sat aside and looked at him sideways. Under the dim light, his facial features were soft, delicate, and indeed very bewitching.

He looked at me quietly and smiled at me, "What's wrong? Do you want to go?"

"Stay away from me when you talk next time." I replied coldly.

Gu Shenyan was not angry either, and smiled slightly, "Okay, I'll be careful from now on. Do you want to leave?"

I shook my head, I didn't leave because I knew that at this moment, we both couldn't get out at all.When this female ghost leaves, can we find a way out.

So, I stared at the girl in the corner and said, "It's not time yet."

"You want to wait for her to go together?" Gu Shenyan came over again and asked softly.

He was very close to me. In this dark environment, this distance and posture were indeed somewhat ambiguous.

I hid, "Well, I'll wait for her to go together."

"Then I'll wait for you to go together." Gu Shenyan said ambiguously.

He was so gentle that I felt a little uncomfortable.

And I also found that something was really wrong with him. He kept getting closer to me. Even when chatting with me, he always stayed very close on purpose, stared at my ears, and breathed hot air from time to time, which annoyed me. Goosebumps spread all over my body.

"Gu Shenyan, what are you doing?" I was really angry. His behavior made me very uncomfortable. Although I have never been in love, I have seen these intimate actions in TV dramas.

"We won't go back to the dormitory tonight, okay?" Gu Shenyan's voice was a little bewildered.

I frowned, looking at his eager look.

He raised his hand and slapped him on the face.

There was a snap, and Gu Shenyan took a breath of air. She was stunned and looked at me blankly, "What happened? Why did you turn off the lights? Isn't it a 24-hour library?"

I took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, the power is out." I comforted him.

Gu Shenyan sat next to me and was silent for a long time.

"What just happened?" he said suddenly, "Why does my face hurt so much?"

I thought about it and explained, "You should be possessed."

In fact, I didn't notice it at first. I only discovered it when Gu Shenyan kept sticking it to me.

It's not because I know him well or trust him as a person, but because when he puts it on me, the amulet on my chest will heat up.

I didn't notice it at first, but then it happened more and more often, and my chest felt hot and hot, and even the most neurotic person could notice it.So I guessed at that time that he was possessed by evil spirits.

Slapping is the best way to deal with evil people.

Gu Shenyan was silent for a while after hearing what I said, thinking that he might be scared and wanted to comfort him. (End of chapter)

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