Unexpectedly, he told me very solemnly, "Just now a thunder exploded in the sky, and I felt dizzy and unconscious until just now. Li Dongdong, there is something wrong with this library. I saw it here a few years ago I passed a book and there was a note in the book."

Gu Shenyan's words aroused my interest, so I asked, "What book? What is written on the note?"

"In the classical Chinese version of Dream of Red Mansions, the handwriting on the note has faded very badly. It should be a name, a phone number, and four words: Danger and there is a ghost!" he said.

I asked, "Do you still remember the phone number?"

Gu Shenyan nodded, "Remember, I copied it down specially and put it in my book. I will give it to you."

After that, Gu Shenyan took his schoolbag over and flipped through it. At this time, I saw an old book in his schoolbag that had been turned over and was a little faded.

Just at this moment, lightning flashed violently outside, and I saw the name of the book.

Dream of Red Mansions.

I was confused for a moment, but I didn't show it.

"Here it is." Gu Shenyan took out a book on Chinese language and literature with a mobile phone number written on it.

It's a mobile number.

I looked at the number and prepared to dial it.

Just then, my cell phone rang.

The ringtone of the mobile phone echoed in the dark and quiet library, which seemed particularly terrifying.

I looked at the mobile phone number on it, and 11 numbers suddenly appeared. These 11 numbers were exactly the numbers I was about to dial.

I hesitated for a moment, then picked up the phone, "Hello, who are you?"

"..." There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Who are you? You..."

Before I could finish speaking again, a woman's sharp voice suddenly sounded on the phone, "Be careful about the people around you."

"Hey, hey...who are you?" I asked urgently.

But a busy tone came from the other side of the phone.

"What did she say?" Gu Shenyan asked.

I shook my head, "I didn't say anything. She didn't answer anything when I asked her."

Gu Shenyan didn't ask any more questions. At this moment, I saw the female ghost opposite suddenly disappear.

The moment I answered the phone, she disappeared throughout the library.

I got up and looked around, but there was no sign of her. "When did that girl leave?"

Gu Shenyan also shook his head, "I don't know. My attention was all on you when you called me just now, so I don't know."

The female ghost left, which meant that the surrounding space returned to normal, so I pulled Gu Shenyan and walked out.

When I walked out of the study room and walked to the corridor, I found that the elevator stopped at the 6th floor and the elevator door was open.

She didn't leave.

The female ghost did not stand in the elevator this time, but stood by the window. She put down the book in her hand, placed it on the window sill, and then took the elevator and left.I didn't catch up because the amulet on my chest kept getting hot.

Instead, I walked to the window and saw the book on the window sill, which was exactly the same as the book in Gu Shenyan's backpack, through the thunderstorm and lightning flashing night outside.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Shenyan came over and asked.

"Here is a book." I pointed.

Gu Shenyan looked at it carefully, then raised his hand and touched my forehead, "Why did you start talking nonsense?"

"No, didn't you notice that we are on the sixth floor now?" I said in a bad tone.

Gu Shenyan pursed her lips and said, "Li Dongdong, are you also possessed by evil spirits? We are on the fifth floor."

He pointed behind him, and when I saw it, it was indeed the 5th floor shown on the elevator, and there were no books on the window sill.

When I was at a loss what to do, a beam of light shone over me.

Because he had been in the dark for so long, this light seemed particularly dazzling.

We both instinctively covered our eyes with our hands.

"Who?" It was a man's voice. His voice was trembling, and he seemed to be scared.

"Student." I replied quickly.

The man's footsteps came closer, "Why aren't you leaving? I wonder if the library will be closed on rainy days?"

"Well, I really don't know. I'm new to this campus this year." I quickly admitted my mistake, "I'm sorry, uncle. You are..."

"I'm here to work. Go back quickly. Don't come to the library on rainy nights from now on."

"Okay." I quickly pulled Gu Shenyan away from here. When I missed the old man who was doing the watch, I took a special look.

This is a very ordinary-looking man, probably in his 60s.He and I happened to look at each other. Although his voice was trembling, his eyes were calm.

When I returned to the dormitory, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. All I could think about was what happened tonight.What role did Gu Shenyan play in this matter?What does the female ghost want to tell me by reading Dream of the Red Chamber?And why is this Dream of Red Mansions that Gu Shenyan said he saw a few years ago still in his schoolbag now?Why does that female ghost always lead me to the sixth floor?

The night passed like this. I haven't figured it out yet, but I have a feeling that this female ghost should have left something on the 6th floor.

Do I want to go?

I struggled for a long time, and finally decided to go to the sixth floor to have a look. Since this female ghost has been pestering me, she must have some contact with me. Even if I don't check this time, she will probably come to me in a few days.

But the 6th floor is locked, how can I get in?Will there be any danger after entering?How can I protect myself?

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Since you want to go to the sixth floor, you should ask more. Aunt Jiang said that the uncles who were working on the watch at that time might know something about the situation.So I decided to ask, especially the uncle from last night.The look in his eyes told me that he must know something.So the next night, I bought a few bags of peanuts, cooked food and a bottle of Erguotou, and went to the duty room of the uncle at midnight.

The uncle was very surprised when he saw me, "Are you the girl from yesterday?"

"Yes, uncle, thank you yesterday for coming up so late to remind me to leave quickly. Today I bought some food and wine to honor you." I replied sweetly.

The uncle who was on duty was very helpful, "This is my job. If anything happens to you students in there, I will also be responsible for it."

Back and forth, I poured a few glasses of wine for Uncle Da Da. I didn’t drink it, but just waited for him to drink it. When the wine was gone, I filled it up and added some food to him if he had nothing to do.We had a great time chatting and got to know each other.His surname is Guan, so I will call him Uncle Guan.

After a few more glasses of wine, I saw that he was a little drunk, so I opened my mouth. "Uncle Guan, I have something to ask you." I smiled and poured another glass of wine flatteringly. (End of chapter)

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