"Say, Dongdong, if you have anything you want to know, tell Uncle Guan. Let me tell you, even if the job of calling the clock is not that good, the information is definitely well-informed." Uncle Guan blushed and burped.

"Uncle Guan, I'm just curious. Why is the sixth floor of the library closed when it's fine? I heard from my former seniors and sisters that the sixth floor used to be open normally." I asked cautiously, for fear that he would notice. Come out for my purpose.

Maybe it was because he had had a few glasses of wine, but he just hesitated for a moment, then lay down and whispered to me, "Dongdong, let me tell you, someone died on the 6th floor of the library and it is haunted."

"Ah?" I looked shocked, "I haven't heard of it."

"Did you hear about this? The news was blocked at that time." Uncle Guan glanced around, "I'm telling you, that girl died abnormally."

"What's not normal? Uncle Guan." I asked curiously.

Uncle Guan looked around, leaned into my ear, and whispered. Uncle Guan shook his head, "When the girl was carried out, all the blood was dry, but there was not a drop of blood on the ground on the sixth floor. Do you think it's strange? , they say her blood was sucked dry by monsters."

My hair stood up on hearing this. Could it be that there are zombies on the sixth floor?

I leaned over and said, "Uncle Guan, do you know what that girl's name is?"

"I don't know. There are so many students, and I'm just the one on duty. I don't know where to go." Uncle Guan said drunkenly.

"Can I go up to the 6th floor to take a look? Uncle Guan..." I asked in a slightly pleading tone.

"Don't go. It's already night. You might get into trouble if you go. I'll take you up there secretly during the day tomorrow." After Uncle Guan finished speaking, he burped and fell asleep in the back.He was sound asleep and I rocked him several times without getting up.

I glanced at the key on his waist, struggled for a while, and finally took it out secretly, ready to go to the sixth floor to find out.

A large number of ghosts are afraid of the sun, so if you go to see them during the day, you will see nothing. To communicate with ghosts, you have to do it at night. Not all ghosts are like Ye Zeyi.

So I took the key to the 6th floor and walked up, but before that, I specifically asked Feng Hua to call Gu Shenyan to restrain him.

After all, I still remember what the girl said yesterday, be careful about the people around you.The person next to me at that time was Gu Shenyan, and in his backpack was the tattered copy of Dream of Red Mansions that he had kept for several years. I had to doubt his identity.

Everything was ready. I first took the elevator to the 5th floor, and then went up to the 6th floor through the emergency exit stairs.

I took out the key and opened the door to the safe passage on the sixth floor.

The moment I opened the door, I saw a girl standing by the window inside. She was holding a book in her hand and looking out the window.

As if she heard the sound of me entering the room, she turned around, and it was the female ghost I saw in the corner of the study room in the library.

Instead of talking to me, she put the book on the windowsill and disappeared.

I quickly walked over and picked up the book.

Looking at the yellowed pages, I flipped through them one by one. Finally, on page 44, I saw a book card with a name, a phone number, and a sentence: Be careful. The person next to you, at the same time, has a librarian seal.

Looking at the name on the seal, I was stunned for a moment. He used to be a librarian?
At this time, a lightning flashed outside, and a bright light shone inside the house. I vaguely saw something similar to a formation drawn on the ground, but it was not finished.

At this time, I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a familiar figure appearing behind me.

"You..." I was about to say. "Didn't I tell you that you can't come to the sixth floor? It's haunted." It was Uncle Guan who spoke, grinning, "Why are you so disobedient, you insist on coming to see it."

I took a step back and said, "Uncle Guan, you're awake."

"That drink is nothing at all." Uncle Guan approached me step by step and said to me with a melancholy look on his face, "Do you know? The boss asked me to kill you early in the morning, but you look too much like my granddaughter. I haven’t given up yet, aren’t you forcing me?”

"Uncle Guan, you, who is the boss you are talking about? Why did he want to kill me." When I heard him talking about boss, I realized that this person might be the person I have been looking for. Unexpectedly, he has also been here follow me.

But why would he want to kill me?

"The boss is the boss. The boss gave me a lot of money and asked me to kill you. But I didn't expect that you wouldn't die even after torturing you like this." Uncle Guan looked pityful, "You have offended the boss, so you are destined to die. If you are obedient, I will let you die painlessly."

"Uncle Guan..."

"Little girl, tomorrow is a good day for reincarnation. The formation here will not be completed until tomorrow. You have to come today. Although the time is not yet ripe, there is nothing I can do about it, uncle! You know too much about this sixth floor. Secret, you must die."

After saying that, he suddenly pounced on me. Even though he was already over 60 years old, he was very fast and had nimble hands and feet, and he grabbed my neck.

He was very strong, and instantly I felt my blood surge. The feeling of suffocation made me lose all my strength, and I couldn't break free even after several attempts.

The scenery in front of me gradually blurred, my ears gradually became ringing, and I couldn't hear the sounds around me.

However, I saw a vague figure walking towards me step by step.

As she got closer, I saw her appearance clearly.

But her face looked ferocious at the moment, and the nails on her originally white hands became very long. When she stabbed hard, I saw those hands pass through Uncle Guan's chest.

The visible heart was tightly held by those ghost hands and stopped instantly.

At this moment, my vision went dark, and I didn't know where I was going.

In the dark, I saw the wind and rain outside. Under the dim light, a girl was sitting in a library seat reading a book, with a lamp next to her.

At this time a man came over and stood behind the girl.

The girl turned her head subconsciously, but the man behind her strangled her neck.

The next second the girl was strangled and fainted.

Suddenly the scene in front of him disappeared, his vision went black at first, and then his vision gradually returned.

At this time, Lao Guanzhan covered his chest with his hands, huddled in the corner, and fainted.

I was so frightened that I couldn't turn my head and ran downstairs. When I ran out of the library, I took out my cell phone, tremblingly, and dialed. I was calling the police.After hesitating for a moment, I also helped Lao Guan dial one. It's not that I pity him, but that I need him to live to tell the truth about the sins he has committed.Moreover, maybe you can follow the 120 clues and figure out the boss.

Fifteen minutes later, with a group of people watching, Lao Guanjian was taken away by an ambulance. (End of chapter)

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