I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 134 Ask the Ghost

Chapter 134 Ask the Ghost
I also followed the police back to the police station and recorded a transcript, explaining the situation at that time.The word boss was specifically mentioned, and I hope they can track this person down.

It was about midnight, so I didn't go back to the dormitory, but returned to my rental house.

Lying in bed, thinking about what happened in the past few days, what on earth did that female ghost in the library want to tell me?Was she strangled to death?If she was strangled to death, why did her blood drain?And what does the classical Chinese version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" represent? Why does Gu Shenyan keep that book?Who is the owner of that string of phone numbers? That girl warned me to be careful about the people around me. Could it be that he was not talking about Gu Shenyan, but Lao Guanjian?Who was the person I saw strangling the girl in the dark? Was it Lao Guan Guan? If so, then why did Lao Guan Guan kill the girl?And what are the formations in the library?
The series of questions made me a little overwhelmed. It seemed that the only clues I could find were the old juncture and the string of phone numbers.

I quickly took out my mobile phone and looked for the strange unknown call the day before yesterday. However, what was even more strange was that the phone number could not be found in the call history of my mobile phone.

It seems that the only one who knows the number now is Gu Shenyan.

Gu Shenyan was very happy when he saw me the next day, "Li Dongdong came to me, are you prepared to give me a chance?"

I was too lazy to play word games with him and asked straight to the point, "Do you remember what the numbers are?"

Gu Shenyan was stunned by my question.

"It's in my schoolbag. I'll go upstairs to get it now."

About five or six minutes later, he came back with a note written by himself.

I put the note in my pocket and looked him up and down, "When did you borrow that Dream of Red Mansions?"

"Seven or eight days ago, right?" Gu Shenyan replied.

"Really?" I observed him.

"Yes, it was seven or eight days ago." Gu Shenyan looked at me innocently, "What's wrong? Don't believe me? I have a library card here."

"You really didn't know the girl who died back then?" I asked, keeping my eyes on him and observing his expression.

I saw the corner of his right eye tremble slightly, and then he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "How could I possibly know him."

"Tell the truth." His expression told me that he was lying.

"I really don't know him." Gu Shenyan affirmed pretending to be relaxed.

"Tell the truth." My tone became a little lower and colder.

Gu Shenyan's eyes slowly turned fierce as he looked at me. It was obvious that he was angry, "Li Dongdong, although I like you a little, you still have to be polite when talking to me."

"Gu Shenyan, you clearly know this girl, why don't you admit it? Who is she? How did she die?" I asked.

"I have nothing to do with her." Gu Shenyan shouted.

"It doesn't matter? You said before that you borrowed the Dream of Red Mansions two years ago and saw the note, but now that the book is still in your hands, you say that you have nothing to do with her?" I said clearly every word. said.

Gu Shenyan was obviously stunned by what I said, and reflected for a few minutes, "I told you that I was wrong. I borrowed this book a few days ago. Not two years ago."

I smiled, "Gu Shenyan, once people lie, they need to cover up with more lies. What you said before was not two years ago. You don't even remember it, right? You were talking about a few years ago."

Gu Shenyan froze on the spot, and after a moment of stalemate, he said, "That girl is from our class, from our department." "Your ex-girlfriend?" I asked.

Gu Shenyan hesitated for a moment, "Okay! Just confirmed the relationship for three days and held hands once! Then she died."

"Tell me the details." I asked attentively.

He thought for a while and said, "Let's go have some food and talk while we eat."

I went to the school cafeteria with him, sat there, ordered two plates of food, and started chatting, "That night, we originally made an appointment to study together on the 6th floor, but I had something to do, so I went straight back to bed after finishing it. In the evening, her roommate said that she never returned to the dormitory. I called her many times but couldn't get through, so I went to the library to look for her. When I arrived, she was already lying on the floor with a bloodless face. And there were 16 candles burning around her. There seemed to be something painted on the ground. I couldn’t see clearly, so I called the police. When the police took her away, I found that her eyes, which had been closed, suddenly opened and she He smiled at me. I was so frightened at the time that it took me a long time to recover."

"Is there any blood on the ground on the 6th floor?" I asked.

Gu Shenyan thought for a moment and shook her head, "I don't remember clearly. There were only candles lit on the sixth floor that day, so the light was a little dark and I couldn't see clearly. But I am sure that there was no blood in her body. Like a shriveled leather puppet.”

"What's her name? What's her family situation like?" I asked.

"Her name is Guan Xue. I have never heard her mention her parents. It seems that she was raised by her grandparents since she was a child." Gu Shenyan answered.

Guan Xue, Lao Guanjian?Is there any relationship between them?I thought to myself.

Then I asked Gu Shenyan a few more questions, and this time he answered readily.

"Li Dongdong, I didn't mean to lie to you. I really don't want to have anything to do with her death. After all, I was frightened and sick for a long time." Gu Shenyan explained.

"Well, I understand, thank you for lunch." After that, I left.

I went directly to the police station while I had no classes in the afternoon, but the news I received was that Lao Guan had a heart attack when he was taken away. He is not out of danger yet and is being treated in the hospital!
It seems that because of his age, his health is really not good.

When I came out, I started to call the reserved number, but the other end of the phone showed that it was turned off.This clue is also broken!

I was a little frustrated and squatted on the ground with my head hanging down.Suddenly I came across the face of a child. When I looked carefully, I saw it was a kid.He imitated me by squatting on the ground and looking at me, and hiccupped at me.

I suddenly realized that I couldn’t ask people, I could ask ghosts!

There are so many ghosts in the school, and there is always some gossip.

So I went back to school and sneaked into the 6th floor.

When you come in here during the day, the smell of book printing hits your face.There are many windows on the sixth floor, and the sunlight slants in through the windows, making it look warm. However, once inside this house, there is no warmth at all, and there is always an opaque feeling.

Since no one had come for a long time, I glanced around and saw at least a dozen ghosts hiding in dark corners.

I took a chair and sat there, staring at the darkness in the corner and observing my ghosts.

"I can see you, come out and let's talk."

(End of this chapter)

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