I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 136 Meet Mr. Black and Mr. Bai Again

Chapter 136 Meet Mr. Black and Mr. Bai Again
"When I was young, my parents were getting divorced. No one wanted me. They thought I was a burden. They felt that if they took me with them, they would not have a good marriage and they would not be able to start over. In the end, although I followed my father, he left me alone. I was left to my grandparents and married an aunt. My parents never sent money home, so it was difficult for my grandparents to support me. They finally paid for me to go to college. In order to accompany me, my grandfather worked as a typist in the library. More people. However, grandpa got sick. I don’t know where he knew a magic trick that said my blood could make him better. So I bled him every day and gave it to him to drink. Later, he really got better. But The good times did not last long, and he became seriously ill again. He went to the man who treated him and said that my life could be exchanged for his. So, I became the first girl to be killed by him. .”

"Are you willing to do that?" I asked.

Guan Xue's eyes were confused and her voice was melancholy, "If you are a child who has been abandoned by your parents since childhood, you will know the state of mind. For me, the little warmth that others give me is enough to move me to the point where I can help them. Give up my life. So, I am voluntary in this matter about grandpa. Moreover, it is also my fault that grandpa’s illness relapses."

"Huh?" I don't understand.

"It was me, it was me who broke my body. At that time, my grandfather only said that my blood could cure his disease, so I simply thought that my blood would be effective. At that time, I had a boyfriend, and I, he and I We had an affair. In fact, my blood works well because I am still a virgin." Guan Xue lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.

"Is that boyfriend named Gu Shenyan?" I asked.

Guan Xue nodded, "It was him. On the third day after I had a relationship with him, I was killed by my grandfather. But I was willing. But later, my grandfather listened to that person and wanted to kill someone every once in a while. , I found that something was wrong, and grandpa was being used. He was helping others commit evil. So later I would appear to warn those girls, hoping that they would stay away from the library and school, but I never succeeded. Until you, I found out Grandpa has his eye on you, and you are very different from them. You are a capable person."

"When you called me at that time and told me to be careful about the people around me, you were talking about your grandfather?" I asked.

Guan Xue nodded, "Yes, grandpa was always around you at that time, but because you didn't pay attention, you didn't notice it at all. When you were studying in the library every night, grandpa would hide in the dark corner of the bookshelf and watch you. That’s when I knew you were his next target, so I showed up.”

After listening to Guan Xue's words, I was very moved.

The eyes that looked at her couldn't help but soften, "Then do you know who is using your grandfather?"

"I just remember that his surname is Zhai. In fact, I have always been with my grandfather, but he can't see me. One time when he called, I heard him talk about Boss Zhai." Guan Xue replied, "I have been very good in my life. Tragic, I don’t know what the meaning of living is. Maybe it’s like what my parents said, I shouldn’t have been born. It was a mistake for me to be born. I should have died a long time ago!”

"Guan Xue, you are very good. It's their lack of responsibility. It's not your fault. Everyone's life has a meaning. You are excellent and kind-hearted. In the next life, you will have a happy life." I comforted .

In fact, most parents' love for their children is selfless and profound, but after all, there are still some irresponsible parents who only care about their own enjoyment without any responsibility as parents, and in the end they destroy everything for their children. hope.

"um. Thank you."

"Guan Xue, I have a question that I want to ask you."

Guan Xue looked at me, "Say."

"Why did you show me that Dream of Red Mansions?" This question has always troubled me.

"Because I am obsessed with that book, so I can only put a note in that book." She answered.

I don’t understand, obsession, why is there obsession?

She probably knew my doubts and continued to explain, "That book was a token of love between Gu Shenyan and I. It was when we got this book at the same time in the library that we fell in love." So that's it, it seems. The doubts in my mind about why this book kept appearing were solved.

"Grandpa is coming out soon. Will he be taken away?" Guan Xue suddenly became nervous.

After hearing this, I thought she meant that Lao Guan would be sentenced, so I replied, "He did something wrong and must be punished by law."

Guan Xue smiled faintly, "His punishment may be more severe! What about me? Where will I go next? I don't know why I can't be reincarnated and can only wander around in this world." After Guan Xue finished speaking, I listened When I heard the sound of clanking chains, I followed the sound and saw that this was an old acquaintance.

"Master Black, Master Bai." I stood up and greeted warmly.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Ye...Dong?" Mr. Hei said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"Find a friend." I pointed to Guan Xue behind me.

"What about you? Are you here to seduce people again?"

"Look at what you said. We are not seducing people, we are seducing souls. The judge said that today we are going to seduce a very evil person, so he sent us two brothers. Otherwise, for this small job now, we will use bull head and horse noodles!" Mr. Bai said.

"Oh, then hurry up and get busy." After I said with a smile, I felt my arm being pulled by someone, it was Guan Xue.

I turned around and heard her say, "They must have seduced Grandpa's soul."

Only then did I understand the meaning of what Guan Xue just said. When she said grandpa is coming out soon, she meant that he was going to die soon and he would be taken away. She meant that Master Hei and Master Bai came to seduce his soul.

I followed her eyes and saw a dull and dull man standing at the door of the emergency room. It was Lao Guan.

Hei Ye and Bai Ye immediately went over and trapped him. The moment the iron chain was on his body, he seemed to react and struggled violently, "Let me go, let me go. I won't die yet. The boss said, I I still have 50 years to live and I won’t die.”

"If you still have 50 years to live, then you will be an old man. Stop dreaming there and come with us." After saying that, Hei Ye gave a strong tug and he became obedient at the old moment. Except for his legs, he felt as sleepy as A rice dumpling.

"No way, the boss won't lie to me. Xiaoxue died for me, he won't lie to me." Lao Guanjian shouted hysterically.

I walked over and said, "Master Hei and Master Bai, can you give me a moment? I want to ask him something."

They looked at each other and nodded, "Okay, but Mr. Dong, we have a time limit. You have to ask quickly and tell us quickly. You have to leave when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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