I quickly thanked him and asked immediately, "Uncle Guan, who is the boss you are talking about? Why did you kill him?"

Lao Guanzhan looked at me, startled, and then laughed, "So you have a back-up, no wonder I can't kill you. No wonder Xiaoxue wants to help you! I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

"Guan, I advise you to tell her. Otherwise, because of your sin, you will not be able to get out of the eighteenth level of hell for a thousand or eight hundred years, and the mountains of swords, fire, and seas of oil will fry you thousands of times. Tell her. , maybe I can still repay some of my sins." Master Bai suddenly offered help.

The old moment calmed down, and then Guan Xue came over. She looked at the old man in front of her with tears in her eyes, "Grandpa, tell her, I, I have always been by your side."

"Xiao, Xiaoxue." Lao Guanjian wetted his eyes, "You, you have suffered."

"Grandpa, I'm not bitter. I'm very happy to be with you every day." Guan Xue plopped down on her knees, "Grandpa, please don't blame Xiaoxue. It was Xiaoxue who didn't want you to commit murder again, so she made this move. I didn't expect that , hurting your life."

Lao Guantou cried for a while, closed his eyes and said, "The boss's surname is Zhai. He told me that if I kill seven young virgins, their life span will be transferred to me, a total of 50 years. Xiaoxue is the key to unlocking the formation." , you are the last step, the key to closing the formation, as long as I successfully close the formation. These 50 years of life will be completely in my name. But my last step has not been completed."

"Haha." Mr. Bai sneered, "You mortals are really interesting. You are borrowing your life to make a fortune, but you haven't done it well. What kind of luck is there? What kind of longevity is there! You were cheated and you helped count money!"

Speaking of which, I took out my phone and said, "Master Bai, can you help me see what formation this is?"

As a result, as soon as I retrieved the photo, Mr. Bai leaned over to look at it. His phone seemed to have been violently disturbed, and it kept flashing with water...

"We have interference." Mr. Bai chuckled, "How about you wait two more days? After two days, maybe you will know what this formation is..."

"Stop talking, the time is coming!" Hei Ye reminded.

Mr. Bai chuckled and closed his mouth.

"Master Dong, let's go." Master Hei said.

"Wait a moment, the last question." I glanced at Guan Xue and said.


"Why can't Guan Xue go to the underworld?" I pulled Guan Xue over.

Master Hei looked her up and down and said, "She was locked in the formation. She should not be the only ghost."

"Is there any way to make her reincarnate in the underworld?" I asked with concern.

"It's okay to walk through the back door." Mr. Bai blinked.

"Shut up." Master Hei scolded him, and Master Bai immediately shut his mouth.

"Then I'd like to trouble Mr. Hei and Mr. Bai. Tell me how much it costs, and we'll help with the purchase." I bowed.

"It's easy to talk! As long as you..." Mr. Bai said with a bright smile, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

"Shut up, we can't take this order!" Mr. Hei muttered beside him, "You're asking for trouble."

Mr. Bai shut his mouth and felt aggrieved, "We can't handle this matter. In two days, you might be able to handle it in two days."

After saying that, the sound of the iron chains gradually faded away and disappeared into the hospital.

Looking at the two of them disappearing, I wondered, why two days later?It takes two days to know what the magic circle is, and it takes two days to help Guan Xue reincarnate. What will happen in two days?
I really couldn't figure it out. When I returned to school, I told Guan Xue to wait for me on the 6th floor. When I found a way, I would rescue her.This can be regarded as accumulating yin virtue.

This matter was beyond my knowledge, so I thought about it and called Wu Bufan. When I called, he happened to be sending Feng Hua back to school, and I was waiting for them at the gate.

"Sister, I heard someone is chasing you recently?" Wu Bufan asked me with a gossipy face as he got out of the car. "Just a scumbag." I replied, "Brother, have you seen this formation before?"

I handed him the mobile phone. In fact, in that era, most mobile phones were Nokia and Motorola. Apple mobile phones had just released the Apple 3. The penetration rate was not very high and the functions were not complete.

You can chat on QQ, browse the web, and read novels on your mobile phone, and that’s it!When traveling far away, I always prepare two batteries in advance, buy a universal charger, and charge them in advance.This way you can keep your phone open all the time.

What I am holding is a Nokia smartphone. Although the pixels of the mobile phone’s camera are not high, it is enough for recording things.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before!" Wu Bufan said, "I'll pass it on to my master and my uncle to see if they recognize it."

After the transmission, we went to a nearby restaurant to have dinner, and I treated him.

During the meal, Bai Yuzhen replied and said that she had never seen him.But there has been no news from Wu Bufan’s uncle.

"I guess my uncle has entered some big mountain again. There is no signal. Dongdong, why are you asking about this formation? Have you encountered trouble recently?" Wu Bufan took a bite of pot-roasted pork and drank a glass of big white pear.

Seeing that things were almost settled, I recounted the recent events.

Wu Bufan and Feng Hua's expressions became worse and worse as they listened. Finally, they both put down their chopsticks and stared at me very displeased.

"Don't look at me like that. Am I okay?" I shrank my neck. If looks could kill, I would probably be cut into pieces by them now.

"Li Dongdong, do you think I am your brother?"

"Yes. Do you think I'm your best friend?"

Wu Bufan and Feng Hua attacked me at the same time.

"Don't I want to grow up?" I explained, "I always have to face some things by myself."

"Do you think this is just showing off? If something happens to you, how do you expect us to accept it? If Guan Xuefan only cares about blood ties, you will be useless." Wu Bufan shouted, slamming his chopsticks on the table. superior. "If you do this again in the future, we will ignore you."

"Yes, I'll ignore you." Feng Hua agreed.

I smiled and said, "A husband and a wife are just living together now?"

Feng Hua blushed, "Don't change the subject."

"Okay, okay, I know you care about me. I know I was wrong. I won't do it again next time. I promise I won't do it next time." I immediately surrendered and said nice things. A man can bend and stretch.

"Take me to the sixth floor to have a look." Wu Bufan said.

I agreed, and after dinner I took him secretly to the sixth floor.

As soon as we entered, the smell of books hit our nostrils, which was very pleasant.

The formation is still on the ground, but Guan Xue is not there, and neither are the ghosts.

"They're not here!" I was a little confused. "How is that possible? They live here every day."

Wu Bufan walked around, closed his eyes, and counted with his fingers, "Someone came in and took them all away." (End of Chapter)

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