Chapter 138 Kidnapped
I was shocked. How could you take away so many ghosts at once?And what are you taking them for?
"Okay, this thing seems to be not simple. What do you mean by the black and white masters saying that they knew it in two days?" Wu Bufan asked.

"I want to know too." I spread my hands.

"Then wait one more day and see what happens." Wu Bufan said.

I nodded, "Okay. I'll stay in the rented house for the next two days. It's quiet so I don't want anything to happen and scare everyone."

"I'll go back with you." Feng Hua said immediately.

I smiled and took her hand, "You stay in the dormitory. Now you have become an ordinary person. If a ghost possesses you, I will not know what to do."

Wu Bufan also said, "Yeah, you finally stayed away from this. Don't get involved in this incident."

Feng Hua lowered his head and sighed slightly, "Well, if I had known, I wouldn't have wanted to become an ordinary person."

"Silly girl." Wu Bufan held her in his arms lovingly, and Feng Hua naturally leaned on his shoulder.

When I saw it, these two people were developing rapidly!

"Brother, from now on, do I have to call my sister-in-law directly?" I joked.

"You can call now." Wu Bufan said proudly.

"Hurry up, hurry up and scream." Feng Hua also echoed, "If you don't scream, you may not be able to scream in the future."

I looked at Feng Hua suspiciously.

She smiled with relief, "Brother Fan told me that we have a casual marriage, and we can only go half way at most. But I am willing, even if it is half way, I think it is worth it."

I couldn't help but sigh that the relationship between the two of them was so calm yet so uncool.They are so calm that they know they are not lovers yet they can talk and laugh happily and get along sweetly.He is so calm that he knows that the two of them are not good friends, but he still flies into the flames and is desperate.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law." I called several times, and the three of us laughed.

After dinner, I went back to the rental house. When I got there, I walked to the table, looked at it quietly, stretched out my hand and touched it again, "When will you be back? I miss you..."

I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, in a daze. There were no lights on in the room. As the sun rose in the east and set in the west, the room became darker and darker.

Until a phone call brought me back from my thoughts.

"Dongdong." It was Feng Hua.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong?" I said with a smile.

Feng Hua was stunned for a moment, and then said in an embarrassed voice, "I'm not used to you calling me that. How are you? Are you used to living by yourself?"

"I'm fine. There's nothing I'm not used to. Just stay in the dormitory and stay in touch at any time. I'll call you if anything happens." I comforted.

"I'm still worried. Brother Fan just left me. I asked him to go to the rental house to accompany you. Anyway, we can live in two houses. You must let him come into the house later, otherwise I really won't worry about you." He is there, what can I say, you need his protection now." Feng Hua's words warmed my heart.

Nowadays, most people joke about fire protection, theft protection, and best friend protection, but at that time, the relationship between best friends was really full of trust.

"I know, this is the first time I've seen someone like you push your boyfriend to another woman's house." I joked.

Feng Hua laughed and said, "Come on, young master, you are not another woman. Besides, if something happens to you two, it won't be our turn to fall in love. Well, we must let him enter the house, and with him Here, I feel at ease."

"Thank you, Feng Hua. I think the best thing I did during my entire college life was to get to know you as my friend." I said sincerely. "Dongdong, knowing you is the luckiest thing that has happened to me. If you risk your life to help me, I will definitely protect you in my own way." Feng Hua's simple confession made me burst into tears.

I, Li Dongdong, am so virtuous and capable. I have lived for almost 20 years since I was born. I have been protected by my relatives, taken care of by my friends, and protected by the immortal family. Everyone has been very kind to me, so much so that I can never repay it.

"Okay, let's not say these disgusting words. It makes it seem like we are going to the execution ground tomorrow. Maybe there will be good news tomorrow." I exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, I was always nervous, always feeling that something was going to happen.I thought of the Yuan Ling Bead that Wang Huan and Wang Jie had transformed into. I found the colorful bead, thought about it and swallowed it.

Then I went into the kitchen and took out some oranges.

When Wu Bufan comes later, I still need to use my hospitality skills to squeeze him some juice or something.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"It's coming, it's coming." I hurried over, "It's here so quickly. You have rabbit legs, you can run so fast."

When I got to the door, I didn't see who it was when I opened the door.

What was coming was a sack. Before I could scream, the back of my head hurt and I lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, the surroundings were dark and there was a strong rancid smell that made me gag.

I tried to move my body, only to find that my hands and feet were tied.

I knew I was kidnapped, but I didn't say anything.Usually, shouting in this situation will only call the kidnapper, which is of no use at all.

After a while, my eyes generally adjusted to the darkness.Through the moonlight cast above the warehouse, I roughly observed the surrounding situation. This should be a large factory, surrounded by some old equipment. It seemed that it had not been used for a long time.

The strangest thing to me is that there are no ghosts here.

According to my past experience, this kind of abandoned factory will become a gathering place for some lonely ghosts around it, but it is very clean. Not only is there no one, there is not even a ghost. This shows that there is something here. , even ghosts are afraid of.

I have some ideas, maybe the person who kidnapped me is the person who has been standing in the dark to deal with me.

Is it that Zhai Shengjun?
I don’t know how long it took, but my body was frozen.

It's about the end of November now, and it has already snowed a few times in H City.Although they gave me a cotton-padded jacket when I came here, in an abandoned factory, this kind of place without heat would not last long.

I was shivering from the cold, and my consciousness became blurry again.

At this time, the factory door opened, and a group of five or six people came in.

A few lights in the factory were also turned on, but in this huge factory, the fluorescent lights were of little use.

Having been in the dark, I was still not used to this kind of light, so I lowered my head and closed my eyes.

It took a while to reopen.

Through the dim light, I saw the man in front of me clearly. He was about 60 years old, with a well-proportioned body, and wore black-rimmed glasses. Although he looked ordinary, a hint of violence could be seen in his eyes.He was dressed in sable and looked noble, and he looked like a wealthy man.

(End of this chapter)

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