I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 139 Send me on my way

"It's you, little girl, who keeps ruining my good deeds." His tone was calm, with a hint of amusement.

His voice was very familiar to me because I had heard it before. It was the old man I met on the first floor of the school, who was also the Uncle Zhai in Chen Yu's mouth.

"Zhai Shengjun." I directly threw out his name.

Zhai Shengjun smiled and said, "Yes, it's me. I didn't expect you to know my name. It's not easy."

"Why on earth did you want to arrest me?" I asked.

Zhai Shengjun looked at me, "What do you think?"

"Wang Huan and Wang Jie are trapped. Was it you who set up the formation?" I asked.

Zhai Shengjun frowned and seemed to be thinking, "I have no impression of the two people you mentioned. Too many girls have died. It's normal that I can't remember their names."

It is said that the more you know, the faster you will die. However, looking at the situation in which I was kidnapped, it seems that they are really not prepared to let me live, so I must ask the questions in my heart. Otherwise, how can I talk to the people below after I die? To explain to the person who entrusted me with my trust?
"Did you seal the Zhenwei Hotel and the girl in the basement?" I continued, "You just run such a dirty industry, why do you want to kill people?"

Zhai Shengjun seemed to suddenly realize, "Oh, you are talking about those two girls. They are just not very obedient. If they were obedient, they would wait until the day they retire."

"You scumbag," I spat.

"Any more questions? I think you have a lot to ask me, right? I can chat with you for a while before the time comes." Zhai Shengjun said lazily, leaning on the chair brought by his men.

He had no defense against me.I was like a fish on his chopping board, with no possibility of escape.

And he was the hunter, watching the trapped beast lose its will little by little in his hands, and finally died by his hands.

Hearing what he said, I was not polite and asked directly: "Your original surname is Liu, right?"

Zhai Shengjun was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly showed a sinister look, "I didn't expect that you were the one who destroyed the magic circle. If so, you shouldn't be alive."

"Is your surname originally Liu?"

I felt that Zhai Shengjun was answering the wrong question, so I asked again.

Zhai Shengjun's eyes flickered for a moment, but only for a moment. If I hadn't observed carefully, I wouldn't have noticed it at all. "No." He replied firmly.

If not, how would he know this?I didn't expect him to be so cowardly that he didn't even dare to admit his own surname.

"You are really a scumbag. Your descendants will not be spared. They will never die." I cursed.

Zhai Shengjun snorted coldly and did not answer.

Seeing that he still didn't answer this question, I asked a third question. "What on earth did you use the magic circle made of that female ghost's skull for?"

Zhai Shengjun laughed and said, "You have so many questions. I thought you had the answers to all these things."

"Where can I find the answer? I..." I wanted to say that I was banned, but in the end I held it back.

"That's a simple magic to attract wealth. I need money, but she is the most suitable." Zhai Shengjun answered without any secret.

I believe that Wu Bufan must know that something happened to me, because he will go to the rental house to look for me. If I am not here, he will know that something happened to me. It is only a matter of time before he finds me. I took the amulet Bai Yuzhen gave me, There is a ray of divine consciousness from the Immortal family on it, so it should be quick to find me.I'm just trying to delay as much time as possible to deal with him.

I asked again: "Who did you set up the Blue Dragon Bloodthirsty Formation on the first floor of the school for? I'm going to die, you have to make sure I die, right?"

"You don't need to know this." Zhai Shengjun didn't tell me.

"The formation was destroyed by you, what about Wang Jia and the others?"

"What?" Zhai Shengjun asked.

"You destroyed the Qinglong Bloodthirsty Formation. Where are the souls of those female prisoners?" I said.

"Who said the Blood Formation was destroyed? Who told you that the school only has the first floor below?" Zhai Shengjun smiled horribly, and I suddenly felt a chill in my back, feeling that things were not that simple.


"Li Dongdong, aren't you curious where Guan Xue and the others are?" As soon as Zhai Shengjun finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, and a dozen ghosts suddenly appeared around him, one of which was Guan Xue.

Guan Xue was lying weakly on the ground at this moment, her soul looming, as if it would dissipate in the next second.

"You caught them too." I yelled.

"I didn't catch you, so I can only vent my anger on them." Zhai Shengjun said calmly.

"Have you noticed that Guan Xue's horoscope is very similar to yours?" After Zhai Shengjun finished speaking, he told me her horoscope.

I was stunned. Although Guan Xue and I were not born in the same year, and were four years apart in age, our fates derived from our horoscopes were actually so similar.

"Li Dongdong." Zhai Shengjun stood up from his chair, "I have been looking for you for a long time. You have been hiding well, but you have to know that God's will is inevitable. No matter how well you hide, you will still be exposed."

"Then why didn't you kidnap me earlier?" I yelled angrily.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm an elegant businessman. If I can avoid doing such rude things, I'll try my best not to do it. But I didn't expect you to be so lucky. You have escaped time and time again. But it also helped me in disguise. After all, now You are the most perfect."

"What do you mean?" I didn't quite understand what he meant.What does it mean that I am the most perfect now?

"You'll know in a minute." Zhai Shengjun smiled and took out a cigarette and lit it, "Li Dongdong, don't worry, after you leave, I will give your family a large amount of money as compensation."

"Finally, the last question, why are you looking for me? I have no grievances with you. I am just an ordinary college student who comes to school. Why am I the most suitable?" I said calmly.

"Would an ordinary college student take action? Li Dongdong, you are the chosen one. Your body and soul are more useful than anyone else. Our goal will be achieved soon. As long as you get into the Qinglong addiction. Blood Formation, everything was successful, and I am the biggest contributor." Zhai Shengjun said with eyes shining, almost crazy.

It was precisely because of this that I heard from his words what he had been denying and avoiding.That means there is someone behind him. Who is that?Who do we include?What exactly is their goal?I finally understood why Ye Zeyi didn't let me go to the first floor. Maybe he had already seen that that formation was related to me.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.

Zhai Shengjun said, "In half an hour, I will send you on your way." (End of Chapter)

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