I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 140 5 Tiger Ghost Generals

Chapter 140 Five Tiger Ghost Generals
After he finished speaking, the lights above the entire factory were turned off. Sixteen candles were burning in the huge open space on the right side that was not noticeable at first. The candlelight danced wantonly in the air, making it look particularly weird in the darkness.

His men came over, grabbed me, and dragged me toward the candle. When I walked to the candle, I realized that it was the same magic circle as the one in the library on the sixth floor.

"Were you the one who bewitched me at this old moment?" I said through gritted teeth, "You were the one who killed Guan Xue."

Zhai Shengjun said calmly, "Yes, at that old age, he wanted to live longer, and it happened that his granddaughter's fortune was similar to yours. It's not an exaggeration to borrow it first. But a fake is a fake, and the effect is not very good. .”

"What formation is this?" I asked, almost yelling.

"It's just a teleportation array." Zhai Shengjun smiled evilly and answered word for word, "A formation that will transport your blood and soul to the Qinglong Bloodthirsty Array."

"Let me go, let me go." I struggled. I had just used words to delay time, but now I had to use force.

I also have some brute strength, and I probably didn’t expect that a thin girl like me could be so strong. The two men who came to pull me were knocked to the ground by me three times, and I quickly put my feet down. On the candle, let the candle's flame burn the cord around the foot.After enduring the pain of the fire, the hemp rope on my feet was suddenly burned off. I quickly got up and ran out.

Zhai Shengjun was not in a hurry and said, "You still have half an hour, don't be in a hurry."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and there seemed to be thousands of troops around him. The overwhelming sense of oppression came over him again, just like that time on the first floor of the school.It was just that that time I had the protection of the Immortal Family, and I lasted for a long time, but this time, I was alone.

Because the Yin Pupil returned to its original position, I had Yin and Yang eyes and could see all the surrounding scenes.This time I saw that the soldiers recruited by Zhai Shengjun were all well-trained soldiers.They stood neatly in all directions of the factory, surrounding me.

I swallowed. This was the first time I had seen this formation.

"Do you think you can get out?" Zhai Shengjun asked again.

"Whether I can walk out or not, I have to try." I have been to the Hungry Ghost Realm, I have swum the Forgotten River, and I have tasted the pain of being shattered into pieces. What do these ghost soldiers mean?With Yin Tong, they can't possess me, but I want to see what they can do.

As soon as my heart crossed, I rushed towards the factory gate.

Those ghost soldiers picked up their spears and pointed them at me. I hesitated in the steps I just took.Then I closed my eyes. Not seeing is pure. So many people who have been penetrated by ghosts are fine. As long as they don't see it and aren't afraid, they'll be fine.

So I closed my eyes and rushed forward.

But my thinking was too simple. The weapons of these ghost soldiers were all made of Yin energy. The moment I passed through them, I felt as if my soul had been pierced. The pain deep in my soul made me stop suddenly. He stopped his steps and knelt on the ground.

Not a drop of blood was left on my body, but deep in my soul there was a terrible pain.

"Li Dongdong, stop struggling and accept it. Today is the day you die." Zhai Shengjun looked at me condescendingly, with bone-chilling coldness in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, two men came and threw me into the formation. .

One of them also took out a knife, and the candlelight flashed a cold light on the blade.

"What are you going to do?" I wanted to move, but it was so painful that I couldn't move at all.

The man had no expression on his face, grabbed my wrist, and pointed the cold blade at my wrist.

I C, he wanted to cut my wrist, I struggled to get up and put my foot in the man's hand with all my strength.

The knife in his hand fell to the ground.

But he was also angered. He immediately picked up the knife, rushed towards me, took my wrist and cut it.Just when I thought the pain would come over me, the man screamed in pain.When I heard the sound, I saw a big python coiling around his body and tightening it hard. The man rolled his eyes in pain.

I took a look in surprise, thinking that a family of immortals had returned.But after looking at it several times, I realized that this python fairy is not from my family.

Mangxian and I looked at each other, and a steady and strong voice sounded in my ears.Mang Tianqing, the general of the Mang family in Baimen Mansion!
Baimenfu is the old immortal of Master Bai Yuzhen's family.

"Disciple Li Dongdong, meet the immortal master." I communicated with him in my heart.

Mang Tianqing said, "I am a ray of consciousness in the amulet, not the real body. It won't last long. Bai Yuzhen is on the way here, so you have to hold on."

"Well, thank you Mang Tianqing, the old immortal family." I finished.

The huge figure of Mang Tianqing was guarding me, but Zhai Shengjun sneered, "A Mang Immortal wants to fight my [-] ghost soldiers? How naive."

Mang Tianqing didn't reply and looked at him condescendingly.

Zhai Shengjun seemed to be angered. All the ghost soldiers around him gathered around him and attacked him non-stop.

Because of his presence, I didn't feel oppressed. Mang Tianqing was worthy of being a general of the Mang family. Even a ray of divine consciousness was able to defeat those ghost soldiers, leaving them with countless casualties.

But his figure gradually became transparent.

It is estimated that Zhai Shengjun was distressed when he saw the ghost soldiers suffered serious casualties, so he asked them to stop the attack and said, "It's quite powerful."

Then he took a strange step and made quick gestures with his fingers. Immediately, a dark wind blew in the factory, and a stronger rotten smell hit him.

I looked around and saw five ghost generals riding black skeleton horses appearing where the wind was swirling. They were wearing bronze armor and holding five kinds of weapons in their hands. Although I couldn't see their faces clearly, I could feel the cold and murderous words under their helmets. Eyes.

It can be seen that they are not on the same level as the ghost soldiers.

"Meet my five tiger ghost generals." As soon as Zhai Shengjun finished speaking, the ghost horse of one of the ghost generals roared and rushed over quickly.

Mang Tianqing's face darkened, and he immediately transformed into a human form. He stood forward with the weapon in his hand and built a barrier around him.

But the ghost general was very fast, and Mang Tianqing was originally a ray of divine consciousness. In addition, he had been fighting for a long time, so he was instantly dispersed by the ghost general.

I have always believed in the animism of all things, and every life is worthy of respect. If other living beings are harmed because of me, I will not be able to bear it.This is not a Mary Sue, but a kindness that comes from the bottom of my heart.

So when Mang Tianqing disappeared, my heart ached. This was the old Xian'er from Master Bai Yuzhen's family. He was injured, and Master couldn't help but feel so distressed.

"Let me see who else can help you this time." Zhai Shengjun said, "You two go and slit both her wrists. The time is almost up."

Then two men ran over immediately. Each of them had a knife, and they cut my wrist cleanly.

(End of this chapter)

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