My tears of pain flowed out. Seeing the steaming blood pouring out, I not only felt physical pain and heartache, but also felt a sense of despair coming from the bottom of my heart.

It turns out that cutting one's wrist hurts so much. I really can't understand what those people who think about self-mutilation and suicide every day think about. If I can endure this kind of torture and pain, then what hurdles in life are there that I can't overcome?

In order to ensure that my blood could flow out quickly, these two men would stab my wound again every few minutes.

At first I rolled my eyes in pain, and my heart throbbed with pain.But as the blood flowed more and more, my body became colder and colder. My hands and feet began to become numb, and my brain gradually became dull. It seemed that something was gradually being lost from my body.

I lay weakly in the formation, with no strength to struggle at all.

The scene in front of me also began to become blurry. I turned my head and looked at the blood flowing out of me in an orderly manner in the formation, as if someone was guiding me. I don't know if I have lost too much blood and am hallucinating. I saw a faint golden light shining on the blood flowing out.

"Is this a life-and-death disaster?" I murmured dully, and the last voice that flashed through my mind was: There is basically no possibility of survival.

The sound of clanking chains rang in my ears. I heard the sound and walked away. There were only two lights in the darkness, one black and one white, walking towards me with a jumping step.

I couldn't hear what they were saying.There was only one voice telling me to keep following them.In this way, I walked in the darkness with the only two lights ahead.

Aimless, not knowing where to go.

I wanted to ask them, but found that I couldn't open my mouth.

Until I reached a river, a man stood in front of me and stopped me.

I looked up and couldn't see the man's face clearly. I just knew that he was blocking my way and I needed to keep moving forward.

So I murmured, "Let me pass, let me pass, let me pass."

I don't know why I keep repeating this sentence.

There was only a voice in my head telling me to hurry up, we were about to cross the river.

What river?Where is the river?There is nothing but darkness ahead. Where is the river?What river do I want to cross?I kept thinking, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Li Dongdong." A nice voice came to my ears.

His voice shook my soul like the sound of an iron chain.

I stopped and wanted to see who was talking. Who was Li Dongdong?Why is this name so familiar?

Why is the name Dongbao so familiar to me?

The image of a person flashed in my mind. I raised my head and took another look at the person in front of me. The scenery in front of me seemed to have changed. In the darkness, a man appeared under a ray of light.

He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, delicate facial features and sharp edges. He is dressed in a black gauze knight's uniform.

Why does he look exactly like the person I just flashed through my mind?
"Who are you?" I finally spoke and asked.

"Dong Bao, wake up. If you go any further, you won't be able to come back." He hugged me.

Feeling the coldness of his body, I actually felt a warm current pouring into my heart.

In an instant, scenes rushed into my mind.

The dark curtain in front of me, like thick ink, completely shattered, and a ray of light shone in front of my eyes. I took a sharp breath, and my mind instantly regained clarity.

I looked at Ye Zeyi in front of me, raised my arms, and cried, "Ye Zeyi, this hurts, it hurts."

He hugged me into his arms again, holding me tighter, "I'm sorry, you suffered, I was late."

"Master Ye, here, you have found Mr. Dong, but we have to go back to do business!" It was Mr. Hei who spoke.I looked at him and realized that I was in the underworld.

"I will not hand this man over to you. Tell the judge to let him change his life or death." Ye Ze's tone was cold and there was no room for negotiation.

"Master Ye, this, we can't make the decision on this matter. You also know that life needs to be exchanged. Those fates changed by Master Dong and Grandma almost ruined your practice. Master Dong..." Master Bai As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong and immediately closed his mouth.

I immediately looked at Ye Zeyi, what do you mean?How did grandma get her life back?

Ye Ze hugged me and said, "I will definitely not let this person go."

"Master Ye." Master Hei's tone became tougher, "If you insist on doing this, why not come with us to the hall to ask the Master of the Tenth Hall for instructions and see what they mean. What's the point of making things difficult for us?"

If his eyes were like knives, then Ye Zeyi's eyes at this moment were definitely sharp.

Just when they were arguing, I noticed some changes in my body.

My soul actually became transparent in this underworld, shining with colorful light.

Just when I was surprised, suddenly, my body split apart and turned into two me.

I looked at the soul that was exactly the same as me and was stunned for a long time.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She also answered me instantly, "Who are you?"

Seeing this scene, Master Hei and Master Bai were also stunned.In this situation, people only have three souls and seven souls, but two me are six souls and fourteen souls.

This is simply not normal.

The two of them also discussed there for a long time.

Only Ye Zeyi remained silent, his eyes flashed with shock at first, and then understanding.

Mr. Hei and Mr. Bai walked around the two of us twice, looked again and again, and finally asked for help from Ye Zeyi, "Master Ye, look, who is Mr. Dong's soul? We are going to take him back for business after all. Please help. Distinguish it, apart from you, no one else in this underworld can tell it."

Mr. Bai said respectfully.

Ye Ze glanced at the two of us and pointed at the soul next to me.Just when I was about to tell him that I was the one, he grabbed the soul next to me and protected her behind him, "I won't let you take her away."

I really want to give him a slap in the face. I can't even recognize him, but he still claims he knows me well.fart.

I originally thought that Master Hei and Master Bai would take me away, but unexpectedly they said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye." and took away the soul that was protecting him behind him. They didn't even go to the Wangchuan River. Teleported directly.

I watched this magical operation with wide eyes.

"what's the situation."

Ye Zeyi smiled, pulled me and said gently, "Dong Bao, let's go home."

As soon as the sound of the word "家" came out, I felt dizzy, and the surroundings were filled with a rotten smell that made me sick.

I opened my eyes and found that the sky around me had cleared up.

The ground was full of corpses of ghost soldiers, and even only two of the Five Tiger Ghost Generals were left.

Bai Yuzhen and Wu Bufan were both there, and behind them stood hundreds of immortals, as well as Master Uncle Li.And around me, familiar faces also appeared. (End of chapter)

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