His body is still very cold, but I am very greedy.

"It's my fault, Dongbao, it's all my fault."

"You're right. You must have your own reasons for not showing up. Ye Zeyi, how did you get my grandma's life back?" I sobbed and asked, "Don't lie to me. If you lie to me, God will do it again." Give me a life and death calamity."

Ye Zeyi covered my mouth, "There is a god three feet above your head, Dong Bao, don't talk nonsense, don't make random wishes. I'm telling you, I'll tell you the truth."

"Well, Lagou, you have to tell the truth." I nodded with swollen eyes.

Ye Zeyi gave me a brief summary. Because the content involved some confidentiality, it could not be stated clearly.

But I heard from his words that he exchanged it for a task, and this task was very arduous and difficult to complete. He almost lost his life in it.In the hungry ghost world, he had a premonition that something was going to happen to me, so he rushed there, but he was also injured.In the end, the mission was completed with almost a narrow escape.When I saw him in Ye Mansion, he had actually stepped into the door of losing all his cultivation, so he was very irritable at the time, fearing that he would lose his ability and would no longer be able to stay with me.

I can't imagine what kind of mission he has taken on that would be so dangerous.

I hugged him again, crying like a child, "I'm sorry, Ye Zeyi, I didn't know that what I want requires you to pay so much. I'm sorry, I'm too willful. I will definitely do everything for you in the future. For your own sake..."

Ye Ze rubbed my head and said, "Shabao. In fact, I can get better because of you. Remember, you will never be a burden to me. You are the one who pulled me out of the swamp."

"Huh?" I looked at him pitifully.

"The snake elixir you gave me is very useful. After I took it, the wounds on my body began to heal. That's why it healed so quickly."

I don't know if what he said is true, but I feel much better.

"Ye Zeyi, what happened in the underworld yesterday?" I asked with a pout.

"Then you have to ask what my little clever guy did?" Ye Zeyi smiled at me lovingly.

"I just ate the Yuan Lingzhu transformed by Wang Huan and Wang Jie when I was upset." I explained.

"It is because of this that when Yuan Lingzhu was in crisis, they transformed into souls exactly like yours and reincarnated for you." Ye Zeyi said. "I realized this when I saw two of you. Are you also blaming me for why I didn't choose you? Because Lao Hei Lao Bai and the others were suspected of being seriously ill, so as long as I protect the other one, they must feel that the one I am protecting is The soul is you.”

"You know them so well." I gave a thumbs up. "Then if they reincarnate for me, does that mean I don't have to die? I won't be in the book of life and death anymore?"

Ye Ze shook his head, "They will find out sooner or later. It's just that they made a mistake, so they will only suppress the matter. When you were unconscious, I suppressed Zhai Shengjun's soul personally. Didn't he do it? He rarely did bad things, tormented the underworld to death, worked overtime every day to seduce souls, and complained a lot. Because he had Taoist qualifications, they couldn't do anything to him at first.

Wu Bufan's uncle told what happened to him when he went back. Now that he has been expelled from Taoism, he is under their control again. Now that these evildoers have caught him, he can take revenge. He should be in the eighteenth century now. There is a frying pan in hell. "

My eyes widened, and Ye Zeyi continued, "This credit goes to you. Therefore, your matter will not be pursued, and you will die."

"That's great." I almost jumped up with joy, and accidentally pulled the wound on my wrist. The pain caused a layer of cold sweat to break out on my forehead. "Pay attention." Ye Zeyi said helplessly.

I looked at the gauze on my arm and thought of the countless cuts on my wrist. I sighed, "If this wrist gets scarred, everyone will probably think that I am a bad boy or have a tendency to self-mutilate due to depression." girl."

"It's okay. We can go and have the scar removed soon." Ye Zeyi comforted him.

"No, I'll get a tattoo later. Two lotus flowers on my wrist will look better." I smiled, remembering that Ye Ze had been particularly fond of lotus flowers since he lived in a lotus-like building.

Think of what Ailian said: "You can come out of the mud but not stained, and you can wash away the pure ripples without being evil."He really has this temperament!
Ye Zeyi stroked my hair and seemed to be in a good mood, "Dong Bao, your hair is so long."

I looked at his confused eyes, and it felt like there was a hand tugging at me.

I lowered my head, my heart beating uncontrollably.An inexplicable feeling burst out from the bottom of my heart.I raised my head, looked at him, and said, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Ye Zeyi lowered his head, I kissed him gently on the face, and then whispered, "Ye Zeyi, actually I thought about it for a long time, and I found that I like you. When my hair reaches my waist, you can marry me How am I?"

I could clearly feel Ye Zeyi's body shaking slightly. His pupils shrank slightly, showing that he was frightened. My heart ached, and I looked away in panic. I pretended to be fine and smiled, "You're just kidding, don't take it seriously."

But he pulled me over and looked at me very seriously, "Have you thought about it? Do you know what this means?"

"Huh?" I was frightened by his seriousness, "What does it mean?"

"Do you know what it means for me to marry you?" He asked again seriously.

I don't quite understand what he means, "What does it mean? If you marry me, doesn't that mean you become my husband?"

Ye Ze burst out laughing and rubbed the top of my head, "Dong Bao, I am a ghost and you are a human."

"I know." I replied solemnly, "So what? If you choose to be with me, then you will be my ghost husband."

"If you marry me, you won't be able to have a human husband." His voice was a little cautious, and I felt that when he said this, he was actually afraid, as if he was testing.What is he testing?afraid of what?
"I know." I grabbed his hand, "My wish is to choose a city to grow old in, and a person to grow old in. I won't change my mind casually."

"Marrying a ghost is called a dark marriage."

When I heard the word ghost marriage, I felt a little numb. I have watched many ghost movies and ghost stories, and they all told stories about ghost marriages. The scenes in ghost movies are very scary, and the endings of the stories are also very tragic.

I licked my lips and shrank my neck, "Don't say that word, it's very unlucky."

"So, it's better not to marry me." Ye Ze raised the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly.

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