Chapter 144 Confession
"No, no, no, that's not what I meant." After saying that, an idea rushed into my mind. I was a little flustered and even didn't want to face it, "Ye Zeyi, do you not like me?"

My voice was trembling when I asked this question. I was looking forward to this relationship.I always thought that he liked me because he was good to me, but I never asked him seriously.Even the scene in that fantasy where he was dressed in wedding clothes and wanted to marry me was just my memory and my heartbeat, and he didn't know about it.Was it just wishful thinking on my part all along?

"I like you, Dong Bao, I love you!" Just when I was thinking about it, I heard Ye Zeyi say he loves me.The words "love me" made my heart melt, and the circles under my eyes couldn't help but turn red. My heart was so full that I almost cried with excitement.

"Then why do you keep trying to persuade me not to marry you? I thought you disliked me." I said.

"I'm just afraid that you are just acting on a whim. Marriage between a human and a ghost requires a lot of pressure. Moreover, when I mention the dark marriage, you are also very scared." Ye Zeyi explained.

I hugged him and rubbed my head against his neck. "In the stories I've heard, shadow marriages don't end well. That's why I think it's unlucky. If one day you marry me, it won't be called a shadow marriage, it'll be called marriage. I'm mentally prepared. It's very clear. I want to wear a red wedding dress for you, and I want to be with you. I can bear any pressure."

"Dong Bao, you have to think carefully. If you marry me, you will never regret it in your life." Ye Zeyi said lightly, with a very gentle tone. Listening to his magnetic and warm voice, I couldn't help but sink in. .

"Yeah, I won't regret it." I replied.

"You won't have children of your own."

"Then no." I replied, "Anyway, I don't like children very much."

"Have you really thought about it?" Ye Zeyi supported my body and said, "Look into my eyes and say."

"I've thought about it, Ye Zeyi, I grew this long hair for you because you like it. When my hair reaches my waist, you must keep your promise and marry me." I stared into his eyes and said with an expression. Say these words.

Maybe Ye Zeyi was so deeply in love that he kissed me for no reason.

His lips were very cold and soft. It was a very strange feeling that made my whole body feel numb, as if I was eating a piece of sticky ice cream.

I liked this feeling. I was clumsily cooperating with him, but his movements were very skillful. He kissed me to the fullest.

Suddenly, the door behind me rang.

I opened my eyes and saw Ye Zeyi looking at me with a smirk on his face.

I turned around and saw Feng Hua with a surprised look on his face, "Dongdong, what's your posture? What are you doing?"

Because Feng Hua no longer has double pupils or yin and yang eyes at this moment, she can't see Ye Zeyi, so at this moment she looks at me as if she is holding something in the air, with her head raised, her eyes closed, and her mouth is still kissing.

I coughed awkwardly, "It's okay, I just woke up and stretched my muscles."

Feng Hua frowned, glanced around the room, then came over, handed me the breakfast he bought, and whispered in my ear, "Dongdong, are you going to fall in love with a ghost?"

I was about to take a sip of porridge when I almost spit it out again.

"What did you say?"

"Is he that handsome guy I've seen?" Feng Hua asked gossiping, "Speaking of which, Dongdong, is it okay for you to fall in love with a ghost? Will it have an impact on your body? I heard about ghosts It will suck people's yang energy, and you will die early." Feng Hua probably thought that Ye Zeyi had left, so he looked at me with worry on his face.

I looked at Ye Zeyi's face that was gradually getting colder. I suppressed a smile and said to Feng Hua, "It's okay, Hua Hua. Others may not be able to do it, but I have no inhibitions."

I remember that one of the functions of Yin Tong is to absorb Yin Qi, so Ye Zeyi and I must have a balance point, and he loves me so much that he will not let anything happen to me, I believe.

"Okay, anyway, I don't understand your world very well. By the way, Dongdong, Gu Shenyan is here and said he wanted to visit you. Without your consent, I didn't let him in." Feng Hua said, "Fortunately, I didn't Let him come in, otherwise he will probably be frightened when he sees what you looked like just now."

I curled my lips, "It's not as scary as you said."

"Let him in?"

"Let him come in." I said, "I'm actually quite curious as to why he came to me."

Feng Hua opened the door and let Gu Shenyan walk in.I leaned against the bed and looked at him.

He looks really gentle, with soft facial features, just like the big brother next door, sunny and warm, "Dongdong, I heard that you were kidnapped, I came to see you."

"Thank you."

"I brought you some fruit, you can eat some." After that, he placed the fruit basket on the table next to the bed. "Actually, I came here to tell you about Guan Xue."

"Huh? What's wrong with Guan Xue?" I am still somewhat interested in Guan Xue's affairs.

"Actually, Guan Xue and I weren't even a couple at all. We just talked about dating verbally, and within three days, at most, she died." Gu Shenyan explained.

I said nothing, wanting to see what else he would say.

"I, I have never had a girlfriend again. I really like you, Li Dongdong. I don't know why, but I liked you very much when I saw you in Songlan District. I think you have short hair. He looks very handsome." Gu Shenyan raised the corners of his lips as he spoke, as if he was remembering something.

I felt a cold wind blowing behind my neck. I turned my head guiltily and saw the angry look in Ye Zeyi's pupils. I immediately stopped Gu Shenyan's words, "Gu Shenyan, stop, I think you may not like me." , but men. Few people like girls with short hair."

"No, Li Dongdong, I'm sure I like you, and I also like long hair." After Gu Shenyan finished speaking, she looked at me with a look of obsession, "Dongdong, be my girlfriend, I promise, it won't be you in this life." If you don’t want to marry, we will get married when you graduate. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will take you to see my adoptive father.”

"Stop it, Gu Shenyan, you don't have to marry me, I have someone I like." I quickly distanced myself from the relationship, "I'm not interested in your past, I don't care about your present, and I won't care about your future either." Participate, this way, the two of us will stop here, and we won’t even be friends from now on.”

"Li Dongdong." Gu Shenyan said with a sad face, "Are you really so heartless? I have money, and my adoptive father said that when I find a girl I like, he will give us a villa as a wedding room. Can give you everything you want."

Adopted father, adopted father, it seems that in this world there are not only many boys with mothers, but also many boys with fathers. I don’t know what kind of foster father he is, and he even gave me a villa!But not long after this incident, I met his adoptive father.

(End of this chapter)

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