Chapter 145 Jealous
"Gu Shenyan, maybe you don't know me well yet. I'm not interested in anything you said, and I really don't like you like this. I'm very tired. You can go." After I finished speaking, I lay down. In bed, no more words.

"Dongdong, I really like you. I really have nothing to do with Guan Xue. I just borrowed that book and forgot to return it." Gu Shenyan continued to explain.

I felt irritated. Thinking of what Guan Xue said to me, I could no longer remain calm. I looked at him with cold eyes, "Really? Is it really nothing? You have had a relationship with Guan Xue, right? Gu Shenyan , I really think highly of you, you are not only cowardly and scumbag, but also very forgetful! I would rather you tell me that you hold that book in your hand because you miss Guan Xue, so you never return it. In this case , I still think Guan Xue’s dedication to you is worth it. But now it seems that you are really disgusting. "

Gu Shenyan looked at me in surprise, "You, how did you know?"

"You don't need to know how I know. Stop pretending to be a young and pretty boy like me in the future. You are really annoying." I said in a bad tone.

Gu Shenyan said nothing and turned to leave. When he was walking at the door, he stood there and said, "That book is a token of love between me and her. I keep it by my side all the time, really to commemorate him."

I sneered and didn't answer.

He left.

As soon as he left, I felt a coldness attached to my body.

I looked at Ye Zeyi who was lying on top of me, and I felt guilty and hid behind me, but there was a wall behind me.

"How many did you find during my absence?" His tone was cold, with oppressive anger.

"Ye Zeyi, you know me, I can't possibly be sorry to you. I think you want to live or die, so how can you find someone else? The one just now was definitely an accidental injury, an accidental injury." If I talk too much, I have to Clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible.Those questions in romantic dramas about asking each other if you don’t believe me, then don’t be together. These are all nonsense.Since we care about each other, how can we not be jealous?Not to mention Ye Zeyi can't do it, I can't do it either.

"Ye Zeyi, really, you are the only one in my heart. I don't even know why he showed up. But I found that there is something wrong with him." I expressed my stance while talking about my doubts. "There is a ghost on him, a female ghost in her 40s, but the female ghost is not always there. I have only seen it twice."

"Yeah." Ye Zeyi snorted coldly, leaned down, and rubbed my neck with his lips as if on purpose. His lips were cold, which made my body feel cold and itchy. I giggled. .

"Don't make trouble, Itchy. I was wrong. I promise to be a good woman from now on and wear a mask when going out."

At this time, Ye Zeyi stopped talking and looked at me condescendingly. The distance between us was very close.Because he is a ghost, he has no weight at all, so I don’t feel any discomfort when he lies on his stomach and presses me like this. “Why are you looking at me like this?”

"Dong Bao, from now on, you will be mine alone, right?" Ye Zeyi asked without confidence.

I nodded, "Of course, I will be yours from now on."

Ye Zeyi smiled bitterly, "You say that every time, but you abandon me every time."

"Huh?" I didn't understand what he said. When did I abandon him?

But he stopped talking, stood up, sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me, "When you get better, I will prepare a betrothal gift, offer you a betrothal, and marry you home."

"Um...does it have to be that complicated? You've prepared the bride price and you won't need it, right? Just get the horoscopes and a wedding and that's it. I don't need so many steps." I said.

Ye Ze took me in his arms and said, "The betrothal gifts I prepared can be used. Don't worry, leave them all to me. You will be responsible for being a beautiful bride that day. I will let you marry me gracefully." "Yes. "I no longer refuse, but let him arrange it. In my heart, as long as I can be with him.

This time, because I injured my origin, I had to rest for a long time, and it would only be ten days before I was discharged from the hospital.

My immortals were also injured because of this battle, so they left after explaining to Ye Ze.Including Mang Tianhua and Hu Tianhong also went back to recuperate.

Although they were not with me, when I returned to the rental house this time, the hall I saw was full of life.

I walked over and touched the familiar names on the list, and I couldn't be happier.

At this time, Ye Ze came over and hugged me from behind, "They went back to recover from their injuries. I am responsible for protecting you recently."

"Yes." I turned around and hugged him, "Starting tomorrow, I will go to Brother Bu Fan's shop to work every weekend. He has given me a lot of help, and it is time for me to repay him."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Ye Zeyi said softly.

Soon the weekend came, and Wu Bufan came to pick up Feng Hua as usual, and also picked me up by the way. He said he wanted to teach me something, but in fact he was throwing me into the shop to do hard work.He wanted to go shopping, eat, and watch movies with Feng Hua.

But for these two people who are very important to me, I endured it.

I was sitting on a recliner in the lobby of Wu Bufan's funeral home, eating grapes, when a woman ran in. She was dressed plainly, with unkempt hair and a darkened face, and she was in a panic.

"Master Wu." She called Brother Bu Fan by his last name when she came in. I guessed that they knew each other.When she entered the room and looked around but didn't see Wu Bufan, she focused her eyes on me and said, "Hello, is Master Wu here?"

"He went out for something," I said.

She seemed to be very anxious, standing on the ground and spinning around, mumbling all the time, what should I do, what should I do?

Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, I said, "What do you want from him? You can tell me."

She turned her head and looked at me anxiously. She didn't tell me anything about her, but asked, "Then do you know when he will come back?"

I knew she didn't believe me, so I looked at her carefully and saw that her whole body was covered with black energy, but she should be very hard, and her whole body was covered with a transparent film, which blocked the black energy, so even if she was under the influence The attack of Qi was just bad luck and had not damaged the roots.

At the same time, I also saw a few ghosts following her. I gave Ye Ze a wink and said, "He probably won't come back until night. Something happened to your man?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the woman was stunned for a moment, and then immediately knelt down to me, "This fairy girl, you know Master Wu, you must not be an ordinary person, help my man, he, he is unconscious again ."

Ye Zeyi told me what happened to his man after asking about the ghosts who were following her. But I was curious, why were there so many ghosts following her?Why does she have so much evil energy gathered in her body?

(End of this chapter)

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