I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 147 2 male and 1 female

I still took the bus back today. Ever since Ye Ze came back, Wu Bufan didn't see me often. After all, as long as he is by my side, no one can hurt me.

And since he fell in love with Feng Hua, I should also avoid suspicion. After all, we are not biological siblings.

Back at the rental house, I lay lazily on the bed.Ye Zeyi also came over and leaned next to me. I stretched out a finger and touched him, and found that it felt solid.I nuzzled over and lay in his arms.

He hugged me and rubbed the top of my head, "What's wrong? Dong Bao?"

"They say ghosts have no entity, so why can I always touch you?" I asked coquettishly, "Is it because I'm special to you?"

"Yes, you are very special to me." Ye Zeyi replied with a smile.

"Then can this be the case from now on?"

"As long as you want." Ye Zeyi replied dotingly, "Actually, you can touch me because I gave your brain enough energy. So that you can feel the existence of my body, so even if I am empty , but as long as your brain sends you signals that are entities, you will feel it when you touch me."

"I see, the brain is really a magical structure." I roughly understood what he meant, and continued to ask, "Then why did I meet you in the underworld?"

"The rules of the world in the underworld are like this. There is no entity, so all the people and things there are a kind of energy, so the contact there is even the contact between energy and energy. Maybe you don't understand it yet. This point." Ye Zeyi explained.

I feel like he has tried very hard to answer my questions in his own way, but there are still many things I don’t understand.

"I don't quite understand it. When I practice again, I will understand it in the future." I am confident in myself.

Ye Ze hugged me and I lay on his shoulders. Maybe I was tired from looking after others for a day, and lying in Ye Zeyi's arms made me feel safe. Soon, I fell asleep. .

In the dream, I came to a large mansion with a large dressing mirror. I sat in front of the mirror and played with my long hair.He came over in white clothes, took my hair, and combed it patiently.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled happily.But slowly, I found that my appearance in the mirror slowly changed.And that face is unfamiliar to me.But Ye Zeyi didn't seem to notice. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't make a sound.

Is it a nightmare?I desperately wanted to open my mouth in my dream, but I could only watch Ye Zeyi lying on the bed holding this woman who was different from me.

Suddenly, I jerked awake and sat up.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zeyi took my hand.

I hugged him and said, "I had a nightmare. I dreamed that a woman replaced me, but you didn't notice."

"Fool." Ye Zeyi said in a loving voice, "No matter what you become, I can still recognize you. No one can replace you."

I nodded, no longer annoyed.

Looking at the time, it was already 7 o'clock in the morning, and it was time to go to Wu Bufan's store to help.

I bought an egg burger on the roadside and took the bus to his store.

Unexpectedly, Feng Hua arrived so early.

Feng Hua also blushed when he saw me and hid behind me.I felt something was wrong and looked at Wu Bufan carefully.

Wu Bufan chuckled, showing two small tiger teeth, "Don't think too much, she stayed here last night."

My eyes widened.

"She slept in the room, and I slept on the recliner." Wu Bufan quickly explained.I let out a sigh of relief.

Although I don't object to the two of them being together, after all, it's a casual marriage and it will break up sooner or later. Girls always have to be more protective of themselves.

"Brother, let me tell you, Huahua is a good girl. Think carefully before you do anything in the future." I asked.

Wu Bufan smiled and replied, "Don't worry, don't you worry about your brother and me doing things? Sister, since you're here, we're going out. We'd better come back at 7pm. You take good care of the house. You don't have to take care of the work after 5pm. Now, just show me the door after work."

I looked at the two people leaving and smiled knowingly.

When I got to the house, I gnawed on the egg bun, "Ye Zeyi, do you think there really can't be a good outcome between them?"

Ye Ze looked at their backs as they left, "What do you think is the good outcome?"

"Of course lovers will eventually get married." I answered.

"It's not impossible, it mainly depends on the choice." Ye Zeyi said lightly.

I don't quite understand what he means, "Choice? Is choice useful? They love each other so much, so they will definitely choose to be together. But the horoscope says that they have a casual marriage, does this have nothing to do with choice?"

"Humans' choices are very complicated and mixed with various emotions. The so-called romantic marriage is because the relationship between the two is not deep enough, or the love is not deep enough, so they choose to separate."

I think what Ye Zeyi said is right. The reasons why many couples don't make it to the end are actually very complicated.

This morning was very boring, because Wu Bufan opened a funeral shop, so most of the people who came here bought some burning paper ingots and the like, as well as some incense candles that need to be memorialized after someone died. If there weren't a few repeat customers, or someone else People who come by introduction generally rarely come in because of bad luck.

Just when I was yawning out of boredom, three people came in, two men and one woman. When they came in, the man in the middle was dragged in on a frame.

I looked this man up and down and saw nothing wrong with him.Even his immobile legs, I didn't see anything wrong with them.The meridians are clear, and although he has suffered fractures, he is not so weak.

As for the man and woman who brought him here, one was older, about 60 years old, and the other woman was younger, probably less than [-] years old.

So I concluded that this older man should be their elder, and this man and this woman should be husband and wife.

"Excuse me, is Master Wu here?" the woman asked nervously, and it was obvious that she was very anxious.

I replied calmly, "Master Wu has gone out to do some business. If you have anything, you can tell me."

The woman looked troubled, "My name is Wang Shufen, this is my husband, Wu Zhigang, and that is my father."

"You three, please take a seat," I said.

The two of them helped Wu Zhigang in the middle to sit on the chair, and then sat down on both sides.

"Do you want to see a doctor?" Although I said it in a question, I said it in a positive tone.

Therefore, after Wang Shufen and his father looked at each other, they still looked at me with admiration.

"I'm here to see a doctor and do some business." Wang Shufen replied, but her tone revealed distrust.

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