I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 148 Don’t pick wild flowers by the river

Chapter 148 Don’t pick wild flowers by the river
This is understandable. If it were me, I wouldn't believe the fortune teller when I saw him so young.So I said, "I have a habit of reading divination and doing things. I tell you the date of birth first, and I will approve it for you first. If you think it is accurate, let's put down the money and continue walking. If it is not accurate, you can leave at any time. No money required.”

I felt that after I explained my habits, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Wu Zhigang gave me the horoscope.

In fact, many people are curious about how the Chuma Immortal sees things. In fact, the first Chuma disciples did not know how to predict things. They were all told by the Immortal Family behind them. Therefore, without the Immortal Family, the Chuma Disciple is almost like an ordinary person. Even more dangerous than ordinary people. After all, the body's orifices are all open, and it is easy for spirits to take advantage of them.

But now some Immortals will practice on their own after becoming Immortals, and learn the techniques of divination and Feng Shui. Therefore, in the later stage, they can see things independently, but this kind of Immortals can also be called Immortals.

And now, although I have learned a little bit of divination, it is sometimes effective and sometimes not. In addition, my immortals are all in retreat to recuperate, and Ye Ze is not interested in this kind of fortune-telling, so I just If you can use metaphysics and psychology together, you will be fooled.

After all, with Yintong's new skills, it's easy to make them trust me.

After getting the horoscope, I kept staring at Wu Zhigang, and then I saw his internal organs squirming with the blood flow.

"He drinks all the time, has alcoholic liver disease, and his stomach is not very good. He has superficial gastritis. He, he had a broken leg before and had to wear a plaster. His job should be related to construction. He is a coolie, not an office worker. "I said.

I didn't criticize the horoscope because it was too difficult and I haven't learned it yet.It is easier to use the vaginal pupil to see a doctor. With the psychology and observation skills I have learned, I can roughly figure it out.As for the person who does not work in the office but does hard work, it is because his skin is very dark, his body is strong, and he especially has a lot of calluses on his hands.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, Wang Shufen and her father were even more shocked, and looked at me differently.

"It's like this, it's like this. He just had a gastroscopy a while ago and suffered from superficial gastritis. He works as a coolie, a small contractor at the construction site. Three years ago, he broke his leg during a construction project. It’s only been two years since I recovered, and I still can’t bear the pain on that leg.” Wang Shufen responded, “What do you call me, Master?”

"My surname is Li." I answered.

"Master Li, can you help me check on my husband? He worked the night shift at the construction site the day before yesterday, and he couldn't walk early the next morning. His co-workers took him to the hospital, and after a series of tests, he couldn't find anything. We found something was wrong, and the test results were normal, so the doctor finally asked us to come and see if there was any external disease.”

Wu Zhigang also said, "Master Li, please, my legs seem to be numb. They are so soft that I can't move forward."

I looked around and found that his legs were tightly joined together when he was sitting. This situation was very strange. I stared for a while, but still didn't see any clues, so I asked, "Say Tell me, have you encountered anything strange recently?"

Wu Zhigang was silent for a moment, looking a little guilty.

"It's nothing weird. I just drank a few glasses of wine with my co-workers when I was on duty the day before yesterday. The wine must be fake. Is it that some nerve has been damaged by drinking?" he said.

I snorted coldly, "The wine is not fake, but after drinking it, you still look at the flowers, right?"

Wu Zhigang said with a sad face, "Master Li, you really know how to see a joke. Where did the flowers come from so late at night? I just drank a little wine."

"Wu Zhigang, you'd better recruit him truthfully, otherwise, I won't be able to save you." My tone was a bit cold.He sighed, and it was obvious that he was thinking, and then said, "The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, I worked the night shift and slept on the construction site. There was a small river near our construction site, and at night I heard a woman's voice coming from the river. I was curious about the sound of crying, so I got up to take a look. I found a bed next to the river cave under the bridge, and there was a woman sitting on it."

"Then you started to have other ideas?" I asked.

Wu Zhigang glanced at Wang Shufen, licked his lips, and said guiltily, "That's not true. I went over and asked her what was wrong. She said she had a fight with her man and was kicked out by him, so she gave herself this bed. He told her to sleep outside from now on and not come back. I saw that it was not safe for a woman to be outside in the middle of the night, so I took her back to the duty room to stay overnight."


Wu Zhigang cleared his throat, "I stayed in the same bed for one night. She thought the bed was too small, so she moved her bed back. Strangely enough, that night, I felt like there was a person pressing on me. There were several people walking back and forth under my feet. I wanted to wake up and see who they were? But I still couldn’t wake up, as if I was in a nightmare. When I woke up the next day, the woman was Gone, and that’s it for me.”

I had a general idea in my mind, and I communicated with Ye Zeyi in my mind, "Did he see a ghost last night?"


"What's the specific situation? Can you tell me?" I asked.

Ye Ze nodded, "I told you, just repeat it."

So I listened carefully to what Ye Zeyi said to me, and at the same time told Wu Zhigang and others.

"The bed you met last night must have been a bed where dead people slept. A woman must have died recently near your construction site, right?" I repeated.

Wu Zhigang thought for a moment and patted his thigh, "Is that so? Our construction site happens to be next to a village. I heard that a woman in that village died of a sudden illness while sleeping at night."

"Yeah. This kind of thing usually happens in some areas in the south, because most of us in the north sleep on kangs, so before people die, they will find a board, put the board on the ground, and put the dying person on the board. Or Put the board on the kang and put the person on the board. This is because after death, a trace of thoughts will remain in the place where the person died, sleeping on the board. After the person is buried, the board is burned to avoid affecting the living people. But in the south, most people sleep on beds, so the custom in some areas is to wash the beds of dead people in the river for a few days to disperse the dead people's corpse energy and thoughts. The woman you met yesterday probably died just now. The bed you took back was the one she slept on."

Wu Zhigang turned pale after hearing this, "How about fixing my legs?"

"After people die, in order to prevent some people from being too resentful and unwilling to leave, they will tie their feet with ropes to restrict their souls to prevent them from escaping. And you should die contaminated with this woman's body Angry, he was thought to be a dead body, so his legs were tied."

"Then, what should we do?" Wu Zhigang was completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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