I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 149 Leg Binding Rope

Chapter 149 Leg Binding Rope

I looked at Wang Shufen, who was crying in tears, and felt a little unbearable, so I said, "How can wild flowers be as fragrant as flowers? Wu Zhigang, how can you guarantee that all the people you meet are human beings?"

"Yes, yes, Master Li, I was just confused for a moment. I, I was also enchanted by that female ghost. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do such a bastard thing." Wu Zhigang burst into tears with snot in his nose. of confession.

"Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If you don't like it, this female ghost won't be able to seduce you. I can take care of this matter today, but if you still insist on it, you won't be able to get better in the future." I even bluffed and deceived. Bring scares.

Wu Zhigang immediately promised, "I don't dare. I don't dare. Master Li, from now on, I will definitely do my duty. Except for my wife, I won't look at other women."

In fact, this is also a matter between husband and wife. I said what I should say and did what I should do. As we are both women, I think I am interesting enough.

So I asked Wu Zhigang to lie there, and asked Wang Shufen and her father to lift his legs.

I looked carefully and saw nothing between his feet. There was only air.

So I said to Ye Zeyi in my mind, "Where is this rope? I can't see it at all."

Ye Ze was not in a hurry and put his hand in front of my eyes for a moment. Then when he took his hand away, I found that something seemed to be tied to Wu Zhigang's ankle, but I couldn't see clearly because the thing was flickering. 's glowing red.

"That's the rope that traps the foot." Ye Zeyi explained from the side, "In a moment, you can take a pair of scissors, cut a few cuts on the rope, pretend to mutter something, and leave the rest to me."

"Is it that simple?" I asked.

"For me, it's that simple." Ye Zeyi looked confident.

I believe that he is good at things in the underworld anyway.

So I took a pair of scissors, stood at Wu Zhigang's feet, and then looked at him, "This is not free. Just watch and enjoy it."

Wang Shufen is also a sensible person. She immediately understood what I meant and took out 1000 yuan, "Master Li, I'll give you this money. We went to two hospitals yesterday and couldn't understand it. If you like it today, I'll give it to you." You add a thousand."

Good guy, the contractor is very open-minded, and at first glance he is the one who makes a lot of money.

I immediately made a few gestures at the position of the rope under his feet, and in order to show authenticity, I muttered quickly, "The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, the great immortal Ye Ze is coming to show his spirit."

Because he spoke very quickly, it really sounded like he was chanting a mantra.

It only lasted about 1 minute. Ye Ze patted my forehead and said, "Okay, tell them it's over."

I blinked and looked at the rope ahead of Wu Zhigang's ankle that seemed to have disappeared.

"It's done, get up and give it a try." I said.

In fact, Ye Zeyi didn't do anything just now. When I was cutting the rope, he kept his hand on my shoulder and kept mumbling some incantations that I couldn't hear clearly.

I felt like I cut the rope easily with just a few cuts.

Wu Zhigang listened to my words and got down to the ground, and he saw immediate results.Just now I couldn't walk even if someone else was holding my feet.Now I can actually limp and walk on my own.

"Master Li, Master Li, you are really amazing. This leg has feeling. I can walk. I can really walk." He said excitedly, "Daughter-in-law, I can walk, I can walk." I turned around to look. Xiang Wang Shufen said, "Although his leg is healed, he still needs to go to the hospital for a checkup. This time it's not very friendly to his fracture. I see that the wound seems to be about to split. You can take it again." He goes to the hospital to take a closer look. Besides, you have to spend some money to give this female ghost some money and stay in the same bed with you for the whole night, otherwise she will come back."

"Okay, okay. Thank you, Master Li. Thank you. We can burn as much as you say. We will do it. Money is not an issue." Wang Shufen kept saying thanks and stuffed another 2000 yuan into my arms.

"Then I will handle this matter directly for you." I accepted the money, wrote down the matter, and prepared to tell Wu Bufan when he comes back and let him handle it.Then I told Wu Zhigang a few words, "You are weak and can easily come into contact with these dirty things. Remember to quit sex in the future, otherwise even the gods and gods will not be able to save you if you are fascinated by any female ghost."

Wu Zhigang thanked him profusely and repeatedly promised to stay safe and live a good life in the future.

Watching the three of them leave, I took out 3000 yuan and felt happy. I didn't realize that I was looking at the money and smiling stupidly. This was one step closer to the day when I could pay Wu Bufan back.

"What are you thinking about?" Ye Ze said, pulling me back from my joy.

"I'm wondering when I can repay Brother Bu Fan's money. I owe him too much and I can't repay my debt. But I can't do errands for things like money." I said.

"Well, I'll stay with you. I'll stay with you for these three months." Ye Ze hugged me, and I leaned greedily into his arms.

"What about three months later? You won't accompany me anymore?" I asked pretending to be angry.

"Come with me, I will stay with you in this life and will never leave." Ye Ze said.

What he said is true. Since he came back, he has never left my side.

Just like my shadow, he can be seen wherever I look except when I take a shower or go to the toilet.

When I think of this, I feel sweet in my heart, and looking at him, I feel a few more handsome.

"What are you looking at? Dong Bao, are you staring at me like this?" Ye Ze touched his face.

"Look at how handsome you are." I said happily, "If other people could see you, they wouldn't envy me to death."


"No, I'm just thinking about it. I don't want others to see you. You should keep your beauty at home." I quickly pulled back. I believed he could do this.

"Okay, listen to you."

"Ye Zeyi, you've been staying with me recently, will you be okay? Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to leave. What I mean is, I'm here, do you need to go back to your place to recharge? ?And aren’t you Mr. Ye? Don’t you have any work to do?”

"No need, I'll leave the work to you. I'm on sick leave now." Ye Zeyi said confidently, "You don't have to worry too much about me. I will take care of myself. After all, I will stay with you for the rest of my life."

Suddenly I thought of a very serious question, "Ye Zeyi, I will grow old but you won't. What will happen in the future?"

He smiled softly, "Dong Bao, don't worry, I will transform."

Hearing him talk about transformation, I laughed out loud and suddenly thought of Sailor Moon that I watched when I was a child.But I also really want to know what such a handsome Ye Zeyi will look like when he grows old. He must also be a handsome old man Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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