I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 150 The entangled woman

"Then I'll call you Lao Ye from now on. I feel like I always call you Ye Ze and Ye Ze one by one. It's so unfamiliar and not as friendly as Lao Ye." I said.

Ye Zeyi rubbed my head and said, "It's up to you."

"Lao Ye, Lao Ye..." I called several times. Seeing his doting look on me, I felt very sweet. Having such a man by my side makes everything worth it.

The next few hours of work were quiet, but just after five o'clock, when I was preparing to put down the curtains, a red sphere rushed over.

I took a closer look. Isn't this the woman who came yesterday?She wore a bright red cotton coat today and looked like a rolling fireball.

Seeing her irritable and anxious look, it seemed that something had happened to her man again.

"Fairy aunt, fairy aunt, help me." The woman ran over and grabbed my arm. She was so strong that my arm was definitely pinched blue by her.

I gasped in pain, Ye Zeyi was always by my side, probably seeing my painful expression, he frowned and was very unhappy.

He waved his hand, and the woman's hand seemed to be hit with electricity.He immediately let go and fell forward, falling to the ground.

I quickly took a step back, and she lay in front of me, crying, "Fairy aunt, help me, help me. I, I am really obedient this time."

"Has the fence been taken down?" I asked.

"Tear it down, take it apart, I came here after taking it apart." The woman got up, nodded and bowed.

This woman was angry when she left yesterday, but she has this attitude today. It seems that she was really affected by something yesterday.

But now that the fence has been removed, it will have no effect on those ghosts, and they will naturally leave.The woman and her husband will also slowly get better.But now it looks like something more serious has happened.

But I still remember what Wu Bufan said before leaving, that the door would close at 5 o'clock and there would be no need to take on any more work. His words often seemed casual, but they were actually intentional.So I should be obedient, get off work after five o'clock, and not take any jobs.

So I said, "Then it's okay. You can go back. You'll feel better in two days. I'm off work today."

"No, someone will die after tonight." The woman cried and shouted not to let me go, "Fairy Girl, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. You can't just die without saving someone."

"Sister, you know how capable I am. You also said yesterday that I can't help you, so you go find someone else." I refused directly, turned around, went into the house, and closed the door.

But this woman refused to give up and screamed outside, "Xiangu, Xiangu, I know I was wrong. I didn't know what happened to me yesterday. Those words yesterday were really not my true words. Xiangu, Xiangu..."

She kept shouting outside and knocked on the door. The knocks on the door made her head spin.

I looked at Ye Zeyi pitifully, "Old Ye, I hear you are upset."

"Do you want me to scare her?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No, with your beauty, even if it's a ghost, women won't be afraid and will pounce on you."

I saw him suppressing a smile and asked, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

"Then are you the woman who jumped at me?" He whispered in my ear, and deliberately touched my ear with his lips.My body was numb, and my whole body leaned back softly.

Even without looking in the mirror, I knew I was blushing. "You're not serious." I pushed him and hid aside.

Neither of us expected that the woman outside the door would look in through the gap in the glass window. She who was still knocking on the door suddenly became quiet.

I thought she would leave without opening the door, but when I went out, I found that she had fainted from fright.

I glanced helplessly at Ye Zeyi next to me, "It seems that we are still suitable for communicating with each other outside in the future, but not suitable for interacting like this."

I had no choice but to drag her into the house.She was already fat and wore so many clothes. After she fainted, her body would be heavier than when she was conscious. It took all my strength to drag her in.

"I said I would help you, why didn't you do it?" Ye Ze said with an accusing tone.I know he feels sorry for me, it turns out it feels so good to have a boyfriend.

I held his arm and said, "You also know that she is haunted by ghosts and her body is weak in Yang and Fire. If you touch her again, she will probably be disabled."

"You think about others." Ye Ze said.

"Isn't this considered as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue?" I answered innocently.

"Yes, everything you said is right." Ye Ze didn't refute at all, he just leaned on the chair nearby and stared at me, really not reaching out at all.

I found a towel, wiped the woman's face, poured another glass of water, and half-supported her to feed her.After the woman drank the water, she woke up soon.

I don’t know where she got the strength. As soon as she woke up, she grabbed my hand and said, "Ghost, there is a ghost, Fairy Girl, there is a ghost here."

"That's my fairy family, not a ghost. It won't hurt you. If you are afraid, just leave quickly." I explained.

When the woman heard that it was my fairy family, she knelt down on the ground and said, "Xiangu, I know you are a very capable person. Please help me, or we will die tonight."

Seeing her like this, I couldn't bear to speak coldly and said with a sigh, "Sister, the so-called Buddha saves predestined people. In our business, sincerity leads to spiritual success, and the more we believe, the more effective we become. You... you don't believe anything I say, you How can I help you?"

"I believe it, Fairy Girl, I really believe it this time. You are very capable and have the Immortal Family protectors around you. You will definitely be able to help me. Please, please help my couple," she said. While kowtowing, I can't even do it well.

I glanced at Ye Zeyi and he nodded.

I looked at the time and saw that it was past six o'clock. Wu Bufan would probably be back with Feng Hua soon, so I said, "Tell me, what happened."

"I..." She faltered, which made me upset.

"If you want to say it, say it quickly, or don't say it at all."

"That's it, fairy aunt, my name is Yu Qian. Yesterday, yesterday I was also confused. I went to another house to find a master. The master said that he could help me settle the matter without tearing down the fence, and he asked me for 3000 yuan. Money." She said cautiously, looking at me like a child who had made a mistake.

"You gave it and he went to help you settle the matter?"

"Yes, I did. He did go. Don't tell me, as soon as he finished his work, my wife woke up. I thought the matter was over, but who knew..." She hesitated, "Who knows yesterday At night, he and I had a dream at the same time. In the dream, there was a very tall black giant. We couldn’t see his face clearly. He was walking on the road, and then, and then..." (End of Chapter)

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