"Then what? Say it quickly." I yelled impatiently.

Yu Qian snorted, "Then the man told us that he was a night wandering god. Because we broke the law, enclosed the land at will, and refused to change despite repeated admonitions, he came to take our lives tonight. This morning, my man and I got up to have dinner. At that time, after he told this dream, he fell down on the dinner table in an instant. I quickly looked for the master, but the master said that although he helped my family perform rituals, he was too late to invite him, and the night travel god knew about it. He was helpless and asked me to tear down the fence to see if I could survive."

I felt strange when I heard this. The Night God still cares about this?Moreover, the couple also had a dream at the same time.This is somewhat interesting.

I glanced at Ye Zeyi, and he said, "What they met last night was not the Night Walker God at all. The Night Walker God is a divine being who supervises the good and evil in the world and cannot fall asleep."

"You mean, they were controlled by evil things that fell into their dreams last night?" I was surprised.

"The high probability is that it may be related to the master they were looking for yesterday." Ye Zeyi said.

So why scare them like this?What are the benefits?There is nothing special about these two people. Even if the person who helps them is profitable, he must make a profit first.

I couldn't figure it out, so I asked, "Sister, tell me your and your lover's horoscopes, and I'll take a look."

Yu Qian was very cheerful this time and immediately gave me their horoscopes.

I roughly arranged the horoscopes of the two of them, and there was nothing special about them.It's not a special destiny, which makes me even more confused.

"Which master did you go to yesterday? Can you still find it?" I asked.

Yu Qian nodded, "Yes, yes, it's not far from here."

After that, she led me there.

Not to mention, it's really not far from Wu Bufan's shop. They are on the same street, and it only takes about four or five minutes to walk.

By the time we got there, the shop had long been closed, but there was still a faint light on in the room.

"That's it." Yu Qian seemed a little scared and hid behind me.

I took a quick glance at this shop, which is a shop with normal business and selling Buddha statues and items.

But there is something special about his house. The dark door has an unknown pattern painted on it, and the window frames are also black.

Moreover, there were two ghost fairies guarding both sides of the door. When they saw us arriving, they blocked the door.It seems to be somewhat hostile to us.

I just wanted to go up and argue, but I was stopped by Ye Zeyi. As soon as he took two steps forward, the two ghost immortals lowered their heads and took two steps back, as if they were afraid of him.

I feel very proud, it seems that my Ye Zeyi is really good.First of all, he overwhelms 90% of ghosts in terms of momentum.

Yu Qian didn't know what was going on, but she found me standing at the door, smiling to myself, and said, "Xiangu, what are you looking at here? Why don't you go in?"

"How do I get in? There are two ghosts at this door." I didn't want to hide it from her at all. It was also good to scare her. After all, she committed all these crimes because she was greedy for petty advantages and suffered big losses.

Sure enough, she heard two ghosts at the door. Yu Qian plopped down on her knees, her legs trembling and the corners of her mouth twitched twice.

"Xiangu, it's so late, why don't you go back and help me think of a solution." She said with a trembling voice.

"If you don't find a reason, will you still be able to see the sun tomorrow?" I threatened her.People always have great courage in the face of life and death. Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, her energy and energy rose up. Although she was still afraid, her momentum was up.

"Knock on the door, Fairy Girl. Turn on the lights in the room. Someone must be there." Yu Qian said.

I stepped forward and knocked on the door three times, and soon someone came out.

The person who opened the door was an old man, mostly bald, and the few hairs on his head were all white.He was hunched over and very thin.Because it was night and the lights were dim, it looked a bit scary, like a walking skeleton.

He opened the door and saw Yu Qian. He said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Didn't Master Qin say that? I can't help you. Don't come again. If you can survive tonight, Master Qin will help you solve it tomorrow." .”

Yu Qian looked a little bit arrogant, pinched her waist and shouted, "What a bullshit Master Qin, he is just a liar and a liar, bad guy, let him out, I brought Fairy here today, I will definitely destroy your store."

Seeing Yu Qian's domineering look, she couldn't help but put her forehead on her forehead and looked at Ye Zeyi with a helpless expression. This eldest sister really has the power of a fox and a tiger. I didn't even know where this family came from, but they started to hold me up in the air. , had to take action.

The person who opened the door listened to Yu Qian's words, raised his eyes and glanced at me, and then glanced at my side.

His behavior made me think that he could see Ye Zeyi.

I looked alert, but he said, "It's closed today. Come back tomorrow."

Yu Qian didn't give him a chance to close the door. She rushed forward before she finished speaking, and half-hidden into the door. "It's impossible. You have to solve it for me today. What about tomorrow? Do you want to come in like a ghost tomorrow?"

After that, she was very strong and pushed the door open with all her strength.

The old man didn't refuse and just let her go.

"Do whatever you want. You can get in, but you may not be able to get out." After saying that, the old man went to the back room with his hands behind his back.

Yu Qian didn't know if she heard the meaning of the words. She lost the momentum just now and stepped back with her feet that she had just bought and hid behind me.

I watched the old man leave and communicated with Ye Ze in my heart.

He also didn’t advise me to rush in.

While I was struggling, a man came out of the back room.This man is not old, he looks to be in his early twenties. He has dark skin, is very strong, and has a pair of red phoenix eyes with a cold and distant temperament. "Are you looking for me?" He turned to Yu Qian.

Yu Qian shrank her neck, "Master Qin, this is not..."

"If you really want to live, you can come to me and I will help you find a way. What do you mean by bringing people to cause trouble?" The boy named Qin snorted coldly.

Then he looked at me, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, "You'd better not meddle in other people's business, so as not to get into trouble."

"I really don't want to care about it." I replied with a smile, and then said to Yu Qian, "Sister, since Master Qin said he can help you find a solution, you can go ahead. It's already so late, and I have to go home. ”

After saying that, I turned around to leave. One more thing is worse than one less thing, not to mention that this eldest sister is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Unexpectedly, as soon as I took a step, I was pulled by the eldest sister.

I turned around and said, "Sister, I've been told that I can help you find a solution, why are you holding me back?"

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