I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 152 The mysterious Qin Village

Chapter 152 The mysterious Qin Village

"Xiangu, I'm not at ease." She said weakly, "You save people to the end and send Buddha to the West. Please help me."

I looked at the time. After all this trouble, it was already 7pm, and Wu Bufan should have returned.

Now even if he sends Feng Hua back at night, he won't take me with him, for fear that I will delay their sweet time.If I didn't leave, the last bus back would leave, and I would have to take a taxi back to school.Taking a taxi means spending a lot of money. I still owe a lot of foreign debt, so naturally I cannot accept such a luxurious behavior.

So I stopped procrastinating and said, "Master Wu is almost back. You go find him. I really have to leave. I have other things to do." After saying that, I ran away and bumped into Wu Bufan and Feng Hua.

"Ah... why are you two here?" I was startled and asked in surprise.

Wu Bufan glanced at the shop behind me and Yu Qian, who was standing there with a begging look on his face, "Didn't I tell you to close the shop after 5pm and just stay in the shop?"

I was about to burst into tears, so I quickly explained, "Brother, I think so too. This eldest sister is really annoying. If not, the couple will die tonight, and they will faint in front of your store."

At this time, the boy named Qin came over and glanced at Wu Bufan, "So it's you."

"Qin Zhuang, this is my sister, you'd better not have any evil intentions." Wu Bufan shouted, protecting me behind him.

Qin Zhuang's eyes were calm and cold. He said calmly, without any emotion in his tone, "I understand, this Yuanzhu is my client. You can leave."

Everyone could hear that he had issued an order to expel guests.

From their conversation, I guessed that Wu Bufan and Qin Zhuang knew each other, and their relationship seemed very subtle.

But one more thing is worse than one less thing, not to mention that the eldest sister took the initiative to find Qinzhuang. Whether it is good or bad, she has to bear it herself. This is what she deserves in her destiny.

I said hello to a few of them and left. After all, it was important to take the bus back to school to save money.

But when I walked to the corner of the street, I always felt uncomfortable.

I really want to go back and see Yu Qian, not that I want to help her, but I just think that the gatekeepers at the Qinzhuang store are ghosts, and I'm a little worried for her.

Ye Zeyi seemed to feel my uneasy heart and said, "What's wrong? Do you want to help her?"

I shook my head, "No, it's just that Qin Zhuang spoke calmly and gloomily, and he didn't seem to be a serious person. I wonder if Sister Yu Qian will be retaliated for offending her."

"You should have seen that Qin Zhuang is the same type of person as you, with the Immortal Family in him." Ye Ze said, "But there is a high probability that his family is not a normal Immortal Hall, but a ghost hall."

"Ghost Hall?" I was shocked, "What does that mean?"

"It means that his family's hall is full of ghosts and immortals. This kind of hall is rare, but it is not unheard of." Ye Zeyi explained.

A thought flashed through my mind, "So, Yu Qian and her husband had the same dream last night, and it was this guy from Qinzhuang who caused the trouble?"

Ye Ze smiled and said nothing.

I burst out laughing, "Then I understand. There is a high probability that Yu Qian will be fine."

The reason why I say this is because Qin Zhuang actually does this for money.This was also Yu Qian's creation. At that time, Wu Bufan and I didn't charge much, so we told her a solution, but she didn't listen and was very greedy.

It was estimated that those ghosts had no way out, so they found Qinzhuang and asked Qinzhuang to help them solve it.Qin Zhuang used this method to not only get money, teach Yu Qian a lesson, but also help the ghosts who needed to go up the mountain and leave. "I didn't expect this kid to be so bad." I said to myself.

At this time, Ye Zeyi's voice sounded in my ears, "The last car is ahead."

"Yeah." I was thinking about something in my head, so I responded casually. It wasn't until the bus in front of me slowly started to drive that I realized, "Wait a minute, Master, I, I want to get on the bus."

The buses in H City are so overbearing. Once they start running, they will never stop for any passenger.

I could only watch the bus leave.

"It's over, I'm going to lose money." I regretted it. Even if I took a quick step, this car would catch up.

I stood on the bus and dipped some, wanting to cry but without tears.

At this time, a familiar car slowly stopped. I saw that the co-pilot was Feng Hua.

Feng Hua rolled down the window and said, "Come up, let's go back together."

I bent over and looked at Wu Bufan in the driver's seat. Seeing his displeasure, I immediately said, "No, I have something else to do tonight. If I don't go back to school, you two can go back."

After saying that, I turned around to leave, but Wu Bufan stopped me and said, "Get in the car if I ask you to. It's so stained."

Before I could reply, Wu Bufan shrank his neck and seemed to realize something. He smiled and said, "Sister, get in the car. I was also disturbed by what happened at night just now, so my tone was not very good."

When I looked, it turned out that Ye Ze had been sitting in the back seat early in the morning, and he was sitting behind Wu Bufan and looking at him quietly.

I got into the car awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable all over, "Well, thank you for disturbing your world today."

Feng Hua said, "Dongdong, what are you talking about? There is no need to disturb me. If he thinks you are redundant, I will think he is redundant. We are more close friends."

I didn't show my face and gave Feng Hua a thumbs up in my heart. This little girl is the best for me.

The air pressure inside the car was very low along the way. After a while, I remembered what happened to Wang Shufen today and took the initiative to ask, "Brother, have you returned to the store?"

"Not yet. You've already gone to the front of the store to smash it. How can I go back to the store?" Wu Bufan's tone was still slightly displeased.

I pretended not to hear, "Brother, a eldest sister came today, her name is Wang Shufen. Her husband must have slept on a dead man's bed and got his feet trapped. I helped him cut off the rope that bound his feet, but it still almost happened. When you have time tomorrow, help the eldest sister burn some paper money and give it to the female ghost as a gift. I will put the collected money and detailed horoscopes on the table for you, a total of 3000 yuan."

"Li Dongdong, I just want to ask you one thing. I told you to close the door after 5 o'clock. Why didn't you listen?" Wu Bufan was asking questions again.

Seeing that he had been struggling with this matter, I quickly explained, "Brother, I just explained it. You really don't blame me for this. She grabbed me as soon as she came and begged me for this and that. I was so dizzy at your door. If I wasn't afraid that she would freeze to death outside and cause trouble for you, I really wouldn't have brought her into the house. If you don't believe me, just ask Lao Ye, he can vouch for me. Even the ghost fairy next to me is here, just ask him. "

Before I could finish my words, Ye Zeyi spoke, and his vision appeared.

Because I found Feng Hua in the front row staring at the rearview mirror, his mouth widening in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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