I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 153 Boyfriend shows up

She turned back suddenly and looked at Ye Zeyi sitting next to me in surprise, "This... are you really in love with a ghost?"

Now that he has become a person, I have nothing to hide, so I immediately took his arm and leaned on his shoulder, "Yes, Huahua, let me introduce to you my boyfriend, Ye Zeyi."

Ye Ze nodded slightly at her, and then his eyes fell on the front again.

Feng Hua pursed his lips and said with a gossipy look on his face, "He's really handsome, really handsome, even more handsome than the last time I saw him."

Wu Bufan's expression worsened after hearing this.He pulled a face, looked at Ye Zeyi through the rearview mirror, and said in a displeased voice, "Ghosts must have the consciousness of ghosts, and they will appear when nothing happens. You think you are of the same generation as my old Monument King?" , I’m just afraid of you.”

The atmosphere in the car was full of sparks, and I quickly said, "Jealous. Brother, you are jealous." Then I blocked Feng Hua's eyes and winked at her, "Turn around, my boyfriend is not allowed to look. .”

Feng Hua was very obedient, but he could tell that he was very happy, "Dongdong, with you, I have strengthened my determination to be with Bu Fan. You and a ghost can fall in love. I am with a funeral shop owner, and even more so." There’s no resistance.”

Sure enough, Feng Hua's words had some kind of magic power. Wu Bufan's expression softened a lot, and a happy smile filled the corners of his mouth.

But happiness is happiness, Wu Bufan finally said, "I asked you to close the door at 5 o'clock and not to accept any more customers, just because I figured she would come."

"I know." I became serious. "I thought of it at that time, so I rejected her many times. I didn't expect that she would be frightened by me and Lao Ye."

"What?" Wu Bufan was obviously stunned for a moment, "What do you mean? Were you two stunned?"

I described the situation at that time, and Wu Bufan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "You two are really good at it, can't you go home to Niwai? You won't be carrying anyone on your back outside. That, that Ye, Ye... that brother-in-law, you She is a ghost after all, I have to protect my sister, I don’t want her to be seen as mentally ill by others.”

Hearing the word brother-in-law, I saw Ye Zeyi's eyebrows raised, but for just this moment, he didn't have an attack or answer, but I could tell that he was not angry.

I breathed a sigh of relief, "We must pay attention next time, brother, what is the background of Qinzhuang?"

"I pulled you today just to tell you this." Wu Bufan looked serious, and I listened attentively.

"Don't mess with him in Qinzhuang. The hole in his body is a ghost. It was left to him by his grandma. His grandma is a very powerful person..." Wu Bufan told me roughly what happened in Qinzhuang.

It turns out that Qinzhuang's grandma is a kind person, because there are many ghosts in this world who are helpless and want to practice cultivation, but their descendants do not have this fate, and some have no descendants of their own.There are also some who were not good people during their lifetime, and will not be welcomed by future generations after their death. Anyway, all kinds of ghosts can only wander in this human world.

His grandmother built this ghost hall. As long as they have a certain level of cultivation and are willing to be controlled by the leader of the ghost hall, they can go to the hall to practice with the permission of the leader.

It's strange to say that other people's ghost halls are always noisy, because not all of them are their ancestors, but there are many foreign ghosts.So it can't be suppressed at all, everyone has their own agenda.

But Grandma Qinzhuang's ghost hall is very safe, and she has become a famous ghost in this area.His family handles many difficult and complicated diseases very well, especially those dealing with the underworld.

Just two years ago, Qinzhuang's grandmother passed away at the age of 90.I heard that on the day she went, hundreds of ghosts worshiped her, and the scene was spectacular.On that day, Qinzhuang took over the hall and settled in this street from then on.

I was fascinated by what I heard, but I didn't expect that the Qin Zhuang family actually had this inheritance.

"Brother, what happened to him after he took over this ghost hall?" I asked.

Wu Bufan shook his head, "No, it's getting better and better. But he has a deep mind, which is hard to see through. That Yu yesterday, Yu..." "Yu Qian." I answered.

"Yes, when Yu Qian left our house yesterday, I found out that she had gone to Qin Zhuang's house. I knew that we couldn't take care of her." Wu Bufan said awkwardly, "This also has a connection."

"Did you steal his client?" I asked.

Wu Bufan chuckled, "That's right, but that time was definitely not intentional. In our industry, it's best not to poach people, and every company has its own way."

"Why did you steal his client that time? Can you tell me?" My desire for gossip started again.

Wu Bufan shook his head, "It's nothing serious. Let's not talk about it. Just leave it alone. We don't know the road to Qinzhuang, but I always feel that there is something wrong with his shop. It is open during the day and seems to be open at night. You should have less contact with it. That’s it.”

I nodded obediently, thinking that I would ask Ye Zeyi when I got home. He would definitely know.

"Okay, sister, you're here, are you still sleeping in the rental house tonight?" Wu Bufan's voice pulled me back from my thoughts.

When I saw that I had arrived downstairs at the rental house, I quickly got out of the car, "Yes, unless something unexpected happens, we will live here. Brother, we are leaving. You send Huahua back and be careful. I said if it is true No, if you rent a house in the future, you can let Huahua live there. I will work hard to pay you back the money as soon as possible."

Wu Bufan waved his hand, "There's no rush. If I want to rent a house for her, it won't cost you a few thousand yuan. The main thing is that I think it's safer for him to live on campus. Let's go. See you next weekend."

Ye Zeyi and I watched them drive away and returned to the house. Ye Zeyi hugged my waist from behind and put his head on my neck, "Dong Bao, I miss you."

I smiled and said, "Don't be clingy. We are together all the time. What else do you want to think about?"

"That's what I want." Ye Ze turned me around and looked at me with affection in his eyes, "Stay far away from that Qin Village in the future, okay?"

"Huh?" I was a little confused, "What do you mean? I don't know him at all. Even though we didn't know each other today, we only exchanged a few words. It doesn't matter what the distance is."

"I don't care, just promise me to stay away from him in the future." Ye Zeyi said coquettishly.

I thought he was cute, so I raised my hand and rubbed his face, "Okay, okay, I promise you. Stay away from him, stay away."

Ye Zeyi obediently buried his head on my shoulder, "Dong Bao, you can burn a set of couple's shirts for me another day. I always think couples should wear couple's shirts."

I burst out laughing, "What happened? Are you excited by Wu Bufan and Feng Hua? Apart from the two of us, who else can see us wearing a couple's shirt? That thing is for others to see, to show your sovereignty. of."

Ye Zeyi looked at me pitifully and said nothing.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll buy some couple outfits and burn them for you. Don't look at me like that, I'm afraid I'll eat you."

I raised my feet and kissed him on the cheek, "I'm going to take a shower. Please take good care of the house and don't let outsiders come in."

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