"Before you married me, I was a foreigner." Ye Ze moved to the sofa in an instant and sat there lazily.

"Except for you, don't let them in." I shook my head helplessly. I didn't expect Ye Zeyi to be so childish after living for hundreds of years.Sure enough, men are very childish when it comes to love.

When he came out of the shower, Ye Zeyi was standing guard at the door.I almost bumped into him, "What are you doing standing here?" I asked abruptly.

"Stay with you."

"Old Ye, can you stop being so stupid?" I pushed him away, sat on the bed, picked up a professional course book and prepared to study.

"During the Chinese New Year, I will go home with you to propose marriage." Ye Zeyi suddenly said.

"What?" I was really shocked. You went home to propose marriage during the Chinese New Year. Are you kidding me?Did he propose marriage and let my parents see a ghost during the Chinese New Year?Let those seven aunts and eight aunts go to hell?
"When I go home during the Chinese New Year, I'll propose marriage."

"Are you kidding?" I put down the book, "My seven aunts and eight aunts are all here when I go home for the New Year. Are you going to let them all see you?"

"Can't you?" he asked back.

"No." I replied, "It's too unacceptable. We can just do this secretly. You are not suitable to show your face in front of so many people. If they know that you are a ghost, they will be scared to death."

"They won't know."

"They will know." I said, "They will definitely take photos, and the secret will be revealed when the time comes. I understand your desire to propose marriage, and I can take you home, but you can't show your face."

Ye Zeyi pulled me over and let me lean into his arms, "If you don't marry me, I won't even be able to take you home."


"It's the home you visited. After you get married to me, we can go back and live there at night," he said.

"It's good to live here now."

"You don't understand, it's different." Ye Ze glanced at me, and I felt a sense of aggression.

I tightened my pajamas and hid under the quilt, "What do you want to do? I'm not 20 years old yet."

"It's okay, you will be 20 years old after the Chinese New Year." He smiled.

I blushed and lay on the bed with him on my back, "That's not serious."

"Dong Bao." Ye Ze hugged me, "I really want you to marry me. I have been thinking about it for a long time."

"How long?" I asked.

His voice was distant, "It must have been hundreds of years."

I was in a daze. It has been hundreds of years. What happened to us hundreds of years ago?
"What was our relationship and what happened hundreds of years ago?" I asked.

Ye Zeyi did not answer, "Dong Bao, I'm sleepy, let's go to sleep."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lights in the room clicked off.

The biggest advantage of having a ghost boyfriend is that you don't have to go to the ground to turn off the lights.

In the darkness, I thought about what happened tonight. What did Wu Bufan mean when he said his store was open at night?
"Lao Ye," I said, "Where is his home in Qinzhuang?"

Ye Zeyi was silent for a long time and then said, "Do you have to know?"

"Can I know?" I knew there were some things I shouldn't know. Although I wanted to know, I still decided to listen to Ye Zeyi.

"That is a post station and a transit station in the underworld." Ye Ze said, "Qinzhuang's grandma should be the boss of the inn that was appointed last time. What she did can be regarded as doing good deeds, and because of her identity, these Ghosts and immortals don’t dare to be too presumptuous.”

"There is an inn here in the underworld. What is it for?" I immediately became energetic.Ye Ze said, "Actually, in this world, there are not only inns in the underworld, but also in other worlds. It's just that there are more inns to the underworld, because the underworld is also a transit point."

"What is their job?" I asked.

"They have a mission. They need to take in some homeless ghosts at night, and some ghosts who go to the underworld on their own after death. Sometimes they have to help the ghosts fulfill their wishes, provide them with accommodation, and also tell the ghosts I want to send some information to the staff, and for those who need to seduce their souls, they can come directly to this one, which is also convenient."

"So that's it. No wonder his name is Qin Zhuang. It turns out that he is directly a Zhuangzi." I suddenly realized and clicked my tongue.

"Okay, go to sleep, remember to stay away from him in the future." Ye Zeyi's words lingered in my ears, and I fell asleep soon.

A night without dreams.

The next morning I felt refreshed, picked up my book and went to school to attend classes.

Ever since I had Yin Tong and Ye Zeyi, this damn ability has really improved to another level.

As soon as I walked through this, I saw a lot.

But in fact, ghosts are not as scary as they look on TV. They come in different shapes and are similar to people. Some of the naughty ones will make faces or die miserably. Sometimes they will return to the way they were when they died, but that's all. , you’ll get used to it after seeing it too much.

But when I was passing by, there was a boy who shocked me.

He was a boy, slightly fat, very white, with a pair of rimless glasses on his ears, a hasty expression and a bitter look on his face.

He always lowered his head and looked pitiful.

Behind him was a very scary male ghost with disheveled hair, pale face, protruding eyes, and a long blood-red tongue in his mouth.

"Did that ghost hang himself?" I asked.

"Yes." Ye Zeyi replied. "And the resentment runs deep."

The deeper the ghost's resentment, the longer his hair will grow.This is a male hanger, but his hair can already drag the floor, which is enough to show that he has deep resentment.

I made a mental note and prepared to go back and gossip about whether any boys in school had been hanged.Heavy resentment means that it may become a habit in the future, and ghosts will become addicted to killing people. Gradually, they will lose their way and turn into evil spirits.

"You want to help him?" Ye Zeyi asked.

"No." I said calmly, "I just want to know why the hanged man is so resentful. If he doesn't understand his resentment, he can't be reborn."

"There is a ray of resentment in my heart. If I don't resolve it, how can I be reincarnated?" Ye Zeyi's voice was distant and seemed to be filled with some emotion.

I looked at him. His eyes were looking forward, and his dark pupils showed no emotion.

"What color do you like for couple's clothes?" I changed the subject.He basically doesn't wear the black ancient clothes now, but the modern casual clothes I burned for him. For a handsome guy, it is a kind of enlightenment to prepare more sets of clothes for him.

"Red, it's almost the New Year, it's festive." He replied.

I laugh while saying nothing.

Walking on campus holding hands with him.

The classes in the morning are over, and there are no classes in the afternoon.

I went shopping at noon to buy couple's clothes. Thinking that Ye Zeyi was so handsome, I couldn't help but buy a few more pieces.

Pink men's clothing is very popular recently. I felt itchy, so I bought him one. Thinking about how he would look in pink clothes, I had some expectations.

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