In the end, in addition to buying three sets of couple's clothes, I bought him three sets of men's clothes, totaling 600 yuan.

Although I felt distressed, thinking that it was for him, I gritted my teeth and paid.

Many places around the school are still wasteland, so there are still several earth temples. I took a taxi and went to the surrounding land.After passing through several acres of corn fields, you can see the Earth Temple sitting on the ground.

I served the fruit, took out three sticks of incense, paid my respects, and burned the clothes to Ye Zeyi.

As the clothes were burned away, Ye Zeyi's clothes changed.

When I saw it, I happened to be wearing that pink pullover sweatshirt.

Although his facial features are cold and resolute, when set off by this pink knitted sweater, he has a bit of softness. He is simply stunning, beating most male stars in an instant.

Looking at his red lips, which were like jelly, I swallowed.

Delicious food!
"Doesn't it look good?" He looked down and asked.

I walked over, held his neck with both hands, looked up at him, and said, "No, you are so handsome! Lao Ye, you are really so handsome."

After saying that, I took the initiative to place my lips on his lips and kissed him.

He kept staring at me like this, and I saw indescribable doting in his eyes, and my heart felt like honey.

"Stop looking and go back. I have some gossip this afternoon." I felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, so I found an excuse and took him back.

I returned to the dormitory and began to inquire about the hanged man.

If you want to inquire about this matter, you have to be Xing Fan.

Sure enough, Xing Fan was a little shocked when she saw me. She was lying on the bed and immediately sat up, "Dongdong, you are almost a rare guest."

"Hey, it's too cold this winter, go out and live and enjoy some happiness." I said.

"Indeed, this dormitory is too cold. Look at me, there are three layers inside and three outside, and I have to cover myself with a thick quilt." Xing Fan complained, "By the way, are you coming back to get something? You can tell me next time , I’ll take you there when you get there.”

In fact, since the Xin Xin incident, my roommates have been very friendly towards me. Maybe they know that I have some abilities that they cannot understand.

"No, I just want to ask you something." I raised my eyebrows and told her what I wanted to know.

After hearing this, Xing Fan raised his fingers and said, "Come up here and I'll tell you."

I immediately ran to her bed, and Xing Fan told me a story.

She said she saw this on a school forum, and after asking around a lot, the story she summarized was unknown, but it was definitely similar to what I wanted to know.

This incident is probably about a senior in grade 04 who hanged himself in the dormitory because he couldn't stand the criticism because he was pointed out that he had plagiarized his paper.

But this is the strange thing.

Where he tied the rope was a long tube light.

It stands to reason that no matter how skinny a man is, he still weighs a hundred pounds, not to mention that the senior is still somewhat muscular.

He actually hung himself from a long tube lamp.

It is said that it happened to be the summer vacation after final exams, and all his roommates had left. It was a month later when they found him.The whole body was rotten, and the ground was covered with green juice, feces, and fallen maggots.

His roommates were all frightened and asked to move out of the dormitory.

That dormitory was empty for a year and was not used until the second year of freshman enrollment.

However, the students in this dormitory all said that there is a smell that lingers for a long time, and they have nightmares when they sleep at night. They become irritable when studying in the room, and even feel that their backs are heavy and painful, as if someone hit them. Same.After living in that dormitory for a month, several people felt as if they had been rented a place to stay for a month, feeling dejected.Later, one student's parents approached the school and changed their dormitory.

On the night when they changed dormitories, the four boys saw a person hanging from the light tube at the same time.

Since then, the dormitory has been sealed.The glass on the door was also covered with red paper, and the windows were all covered with red paper.The house is covered with charms.

"Then what?" I asked with interest, "Then how was this matter handled?"

Xing Fan shrugged, "What can be done? After the enrollment expansion in 08, there were not enough dormitories, so that dormitory was opened and occupied by students."

"Nothing happened?" I asked.

Xing Fan thought for a while, "I can't say nothing happened. But you also know that the dormitory building is occupied by boys. Boys are very energetic and courageous. Besides, after being banned for so long, the school will definitely find someone to deal with it. .Why are you so interested in this matter?"

"Recently, I have been collecting ghost stories from our school to write a novel." I made it up randomly.

Xing Fan didn't think much about it.

"By the way, do you know which dormitory building that is?" I asked.

Xing Fan thought for a while, "Room 13, Building 444."

Good guy, this house number is really good, it’s hard not to get into trouble.

After leaving the dormitory, I walked casually in the school.Unknowingly, I walked to the door of a dormitory building.

I looked up and saw Building 13 written on it.

I was stunned for a moment, what a coincidence.

I looked around at the door, and sure enough, the boy I just saw entered the building from the outside.

I walked around the building several times and found that there was indeed something wrong with it.

The layout of all the buildings in our school is actually a Bagua layout. The location of this building is the Gate of Death among the eight gates of Qimen Dunjia.

The Kun hexagram and the Gate of Death belong to the same palace. The Gate of Death is located in the Kun Palace in the southwest, and the five elements belong to earth.The Gate of Death is opposite to the Gate of Life in Gen Palace. All things are born in spring and die in autumn, and everything is planted in spring and harvested in autumn, so it is named the Gate of Death.The door of death is an evil door, which is unlucky and is suitable for hanging, mourning, killing, fighting, and hunting.

So a building is very dangerous and bad things will always happen.

Fortunately, there have always been boys living in this building, and they have a lot of yang energy.It would be fine if a girl lived there. I guarantee that it would be a small thing in two days and a big thing in three days.

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly came into my eyes.

I instinctively hid for a moment, only to realize that the light flashed from the dormitory on the 13th floor opposite Building 4.

I looked at the distance and had an idea in my mind.

Opposite Building 13 is Building 10, which is a female dormitory.I walked in naturally and found the dormitory.

I knocked on the door and a girl who was not very tall came out.

"Who are you looking for?" she asked alertly.

"Hello, classmate, did you hang the mirror outside the dormitory window?" I asked.

The girl nodded, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"No problem, no problem. I just want to ask about the purpose of hanging mirrors. I am very interested in strange things. I heard from the elderly in my family that mirrors have great uses. I just saw them downstairs, so I came here to ask for advice." I tried my best. To make himself look less aggressive, "Yes, I haven't introduced myself yet, Computer Department, Li Dongdong."

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