I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 156 The Eight Trigrams Mirror

"French department, Zhou Man!" she replied, "come in."

Zhou Man was the only one in the room. She motioned for me to sit down and said, "This mirror is used to ward off evil spirits."

I looked interested, "Is this dormitory unclean?"

Zhou Man shook his head and pointed out the window, "It's the bedroom opposite."

I looked in the direction of his finger, which happened to be the dormitory on the 13th floor of Building 4.

I guess that might be dormitory 444.

"That dormitory was haunted. In July this year, I was the last one to leave our dormitory. One night, I saw a person hanging on the roof of the dormitory opposite. His face was facing our dormitory, and he happened to be caught by me. I saw it. I was ill for a month after that and got better recently. Someone at home showed it to me and asked me to hang this Bagua mirror on the window." Zhou Man said.

I looked through the window at the bedroom opposite, and it was so dark that I couldn't see anything clearly.

At this time, Ye Zeyi, who had been hiding his figure, appeared.

He stood beside me, "You're still the same."

I am a little puzzled.

His hand waved slightly in front of my eyes, and something seemed to change in my eyes, and I could see the interior of the dormitory through the black air.

At this moment, the slightly chubby boy was staring at the computer in front of the desk in a daze.He had his hands in his hair and his eyes were dull.The hanged guy behind him kept hitting his back and neck with his hands.

One, two, three... each blow was hysterical and frightening to watch.

At this time, the hanged man seemed to have noticed me, turned his head and smiled at me.At this moment, a ray of light from the window reflected and hit him, and I seemed to hear his painful screams.

It is a gossip mirror.

"Zhou Man, I'm leaving. Thank you for the material you provided me today." I said and left.

On the way, Ye Ze spoke, "The Hanged Ghost, also known as the Hanged Ghost. If the boy opposite cannot get rid of his entanglement, he will only live for a week at most."

"so serious?"

"Although he has a lot of resentment, he has not yet developed into an evil spirit. Generally, such ghosts will not hurt people's lives, but they like to hang around people who want to commit suicide." Ye Zeyi explained.

Generally, the aura around the body of a person who wants to commit suicide is actually very chaotic and dark, so it is easy to attract evil spirits, ghosts, and disasters.Therefore, it is not for nothing that a positive attitude is like the sun, always emitting positive energy.This is commonly known as quantum entanglement.

Therefore, I would like to warn all my friends that when you feel depressed, you must go out and bask in the sun to relieve stress, so as not to attract bad things.

After listening to Ye Zeyi's words, I knew it.If there was no outside intervention, this boy would probably be destined to die young.

"You want to save?" Ye Zeyi asked.

I nodded and smiled bitterly, "I want to save, but there is injustice in this world and there are tens of thousands of people committing suicide. How can I save? I suddenly thought, when Tang Sanzang retrieved the scripture, was he just trying to save everyone? If it was true, I am also willing to take this scripture."

Do I want to save him?That's generally what I thought.But would it be nosy to take the initiative to save someone who has nothing to do with me?

I don't have the ability to save him myself. To save him, I need to rely on Ye Zeyi and the immortals.What can I do?

I've been thinking about this.

What a person does is right.

If you are too indifferent, then there will be no kind people.

If you are too proactive, you will destroy the cause and effect, causing you and the immortals to suffer unreasonable disasters. "Dong Bao." Ye Zeyi's voice came. He hugged me and I leaned against him quietly. "My thoughts are connected with yours. I feel everything you think."

"Hmm. I can't figure it out." I said quietly.

"Dong Bao, do you watch the news?" he asked.

I nodded, "Look."

"Do you think when you walk by the river and see someone drowning in the river, passers-by will jump in to save the person regardless of their own safety? Do you think they are being nosy or acting bravely?" Ye Zeyi asked.

"Be brave enough to do justice." I replied.

"If he loses his life because of saving others, do you think it's his own fault, or do you feel sorry for the wrathful talents?"

"Of course it's a pity."

"Okay, let me ask again. Do you think firefighters are meddling when they rush into fires, jump into icy rivers, and go up to [-]-meter-high buildings to rescue people who are about to lose their lives? ?" Ye Zeyi continued to ask.

"Of course not. Although this is one of their job responsibilities, I think they are heroes." I answered without thinking.

"So, why do you think you are nosy?" Ye Ze rubbed the top of my head and asked gently.

I was speechless when asked.

Finally, he hesitated and said, "They save people because they are capable. I can't. I don't know anything. I need to trouble you."

"Dong Bao, you are not useless. The fact that you have this fate proves that you have endured a lot of hardships. You are a man of great wisdom and you have a mission. The Immortal Family chose you because of your kindness. This world We need kind people. If everyone has nothing to do with themselves, what will this society and the world be like? Everything you do is a practice. Follow your heart and leave behind you The immortal family will definitely follow you and become famous all over the world." Ye Zeyi's words made me very excited.

An inexplicable sense of mission burst out in my heart.

"Go ahead. Doing what you want to do may bring unexpected rewards?" Ye Zeyi said with a smile.

With his encouragement, I knew what I should do.

I stayed downstairs in Building No. 13, preparing to talk to the boy when he came out.

But he didn't come out from dawn to dusk.

Just when I thought he wasn't going to come out, I turned around and left.Before he could reach the back door, he received a call from Xing Fan.

"Dongdong, first-hand news." Her tone was mysterious.

"What?" I had a bad feeling.

"Something happened again in dormitory 444," she said.

My heart sank, could it be that boy?
"In dormitory 444, a kid just hung himself from a beam, but the rope on the light tube was loose, so he fell. The man's leg seemed to be broken." Xing Fan continued, "This life is really big, and it was him too. I’m fat enough, but if I lose 10 pounds, the rope may not break.”

"What about the others?" I asked.

"It should be in the campus hospital." Xing Fan replied.

The back door of the school was not far from the school hospital, so I ran there immediately.

When I arrived at the entrance of the school hospital, I saw the boy.

He was not quite conscious yet, muttering something inaudible.There were tears in the corners of his eyes, and the clearly visible mark on his neck was shocking.

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