Next to him stood the hanged man.

When the boy went in, he wanted to follow him in, but I caught him.

The hanged man must have been startled by me. He turned his head and made a scary face at me.

The hanged man's appearance was already terrifying, but he deliberately flicked his tongue, which indeed made him look even more disgusting.

"Wait a minute." I said.

The Hanged Ghost roared twice fiercely, just like a beast.I think it's probably because his tongue is hanging out all the time, so he can't pronounce words clearly.

"I can't understand what you are saying, please leave it to me." I said politely.

The hanged man must have been angry this time. His hair instantly wrapped around my body like a snake, tightening little by little.

This hair is made of resentment and pierces into my body like biting ice needles.

I groaned in pain, but it only took a moment, and those hairs were inexplicably sucked into my body.I also felt changes in my body, as if there was a strong suction swallowing me.And I didn't feel any discomfort, but a strange feeling wandered through my meridians.

Seeing this, the hanged man wanted to stay away from me, but I forcibly tore his hair off.

Then a black mist swirled rapidly in front of my eyes, and I was blind for about five or six minutes.When I regained my sight again, everything around me had changed again.

Something seemed strange about the world I saw.

I can't describe this feeling, it's that everything I see no longer seems to be physical.

I reached out and touched the wall on one side, and a circle of water splashed on the wall.

What's happening here?
I closed my eyes and took a moment, and when I opened them again, everything was back to normal.

The hanged man also returned to normal.

Only he became bald.

"Is your tongue okay? Do you want me to plug it back in for you?" I asked.

"No need." He spoke with a loud tongue, no longer as angry as before!
I hooked my fingers and took him to a corner of the hospital. I leaned against the wall and asked, "Tell me, why are you pestering him."

Because of what happened just now, he was very respectful to me and didn't dare to make too many mistakes.

And now that Ye Zeyi has appeared next to me, he is even more careful.He looked at me and said, "I am an earthbound spirit. I can't leave that house if I die. But he wants to die. I just want to be closer to him."

"You were so close to him. Do you want to use his death to get out of here?" I sneered.

The hanged man was so frightened that he said, "You can't say that. Although I have scared many people, I have never hurt anyone. What he did today was purely because he wanted to die. I just helped him." ." "What can you help him with? Tie the rope for him, kick off the chair for him?" I asked gloomily.

The Hanged Man took a step back, "I didn't think so, that's not what I am like... I can't possibly do such a thing."

I refused to give up, but was stopped by Ye Zeyi, "You have removed most of his resentment now, and he probably doesn't remember many things he has done."

"Huh?" I was confused and suddenly realized.His hair was caused by his resentment, and it was absorbed by me, so now he looks like a harmless little white rabbit.

"Tell me, who are you and who is he?"

The hanged man thought for a while and said, "I am a student in grade 04, my name is Fang Wenxue. I don't know him."

"Then why did you die? Why did he want to die? Talk it over carefully and I might be able to help you." I sat on the chair and waited for him to speak.

After waiting for a long time, he spoke, "I committed suicide by hanging myself. So, my tongue came out and I couldn't go back. When I was alive, I wrote a paper with my teacher, but the teacher's family had something to do at that time, so basically the paper was I completed it by myself, and later the paper won an award, but it was signed only by the teacher himself, and he thought it was a matter of course. I was dissatisfied with the matter and asked him to argue, but the next day it was reported that my paper had been plagiarized. In fact, I did not He didn’t care about this honor, even if he told me that I had worked hard recently and I performed very well, it would be fine. But what he wanted was to destroy me. And he did. I couldn’t stand the pressure and committed suicide.”

I noticed that as he recounted this incident, the hair on his head grew longer and longer.I looked at Ye Zeyi. He rubbed the top of my head and whispered in my ear, "This is resentment, his resentment."

Of course I understand Fang Wenxue. If it were me, I would also feel resentful. But I am curious, why is he so sure that his teacher at the time plagiarized his work?So I asked.

I thought that Fang Wen would not be able to bear my suspicion and would get angry and even turn into a vicious ghost.But he answered me very rationally, "Of course I know, because my computer still retains the content of the paper and the reference for writing the paper. He was busy at home at the time and had no time to complete the thesis topic."

"Fang Wenxue, I have written down your story, but what about him? Why does he want to die?" I quickly asked him to stop recalling his own affairs.

"He, he wants to die entirely because he is not worthy of the qualifications. He bought his academic qualifications, not obtained them by himself, so he cannot learn. He has already failed four or five subjects, and it is difficult to graduate. The family has recently been Something happened again, he felt like he couldn't see the future, so he just wanted to die, he was just a pure coward." Fang Wenxue said disdainfully.Seeing him with hair of different lengths, wearing a long coat, and protruding tongue is a bit funny.

I suppressed my laughter and asked, "Do you want to be reincarnated?"

Fang Wenxue was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned red and he lowered his head, "I am an earthbound spirit and I can't leave."

"I can help you," I said, "but only if you want to leave, then I can help you get a release order."

Fang Wenxue lowered his head and was silent for a while, then shook his head, "I won't leave. It's been so many years. I don't want to leave for a long time, and I want to see that person's retribution with my own eyes."

"Okay, when you figure it out one day, you can come to me. I'll help you." I promised. "The premise is that you stop pestering that boy. He does have the idea of ​​​​death, but as long as you are not around to influence him, he still does not have the courage to take this step. Today the rope is broken, which means that his life should not be cut off, you Don’t go against heaven’s will.”

Fang Wenxue nodded and agreed.

Ye Ze and I left the hospital and walked on the tree-lined path of the school.He took the initiative to hold my hand. I had imagined this scene many times, and it finally came true.

It was originally a very romantic and pleasant thing, but my back felt cold and the wind was blowing.

I couldn't help but turn around and look at the hanging man with a long tongue following not far behind me. I couldn't help but frown, "What do you mean?" (End of Chapter)

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